26 October 2010, 17:10
Country: UK - England
Town: Basingstoke
Boat name: True Spirit
Make: Ribeye 785 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 250
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Posts: 22
New to Ribbing - Ribeye V Cobra
Hi Ribbers, i have been for the past 7 years a 40ft flybridge owner and now due to lack of use i have decided to sell my beloved Princess 360 and buy a Rib ,i ve done some research and as i want proper seats and not jockeys i have narrowed it down to two makes . Cobra and ribeye. i want 7.5 metres approx with a single 250 -300 outboard around 2 years old , have i missed anything make wise or any advice with my choice would be greatly appreciated.
26 October 2010, 17:29
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Welcome to RIBnet!
Before people start queuing up to say that they think you've made a bad choice (because you've picked two makes that tend to polarise opinion), tell us a bit more about your plans and ambitions for the new boat. Without knowing that it's difficult to give you any really meaningful advice.
26 October 2010, 17:34
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by skipper64
i want proper seats and not jockeys
Hi mate,
Welcome to ribbing!
it's your decision, but jockeys tend to be a lot better in rougher seas, and, certainly in my opinion, are a lot comfier.
As I say, entirely your choice.
btw, you can get most makes with "proper seats", it's normally an option, so don't let that blinker your choice, as it were.
7m, with 250+ hp, sounds sweet! 
(I'm very jealous!)
26 October 2010, 17:40
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Welcome to RIBnet!
Before people start queuing up to say that they think you've made a bad choice (because you've picked two makes that tend to polarise opinion), tell us a bit more about your plans and ambitions for the new boat, and an idea of budget. Without knowing that it's difficult to give you and really meaningful advice.
John, you've spoiled the fun I was looking forward to this thread!
i want proper seats and not jockeys
many people will consider that "odd" for such a large RIB - jockeys are popular for a reason. Have you tried both in "use" and do you want that for all the seats? I'm not saying its wrong - there are some situations where benches may be more appropriate and Cobra's standing/leaning bolster arrangement may be just as good as a jockey (i've never tried one). But I can see why from an aesthetic view "proper" seats may look better (depending on your taste) and possibly even make you think it will be more comfortable. Most manufacturers should be able to offer different seating arrangements though - so I certainly wouldn't be restricting my choices on that alone. Edit: just realised you are looking second hand - so that means you will be more restricted in which boats are likely to be found with "proper" seats.
26 October 2010, 18:57
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Cobra's standing/leaning bolster arrangement may be just as good as a jockey (i've never tried one).
I love them - I've had two discs prolapse over the years (only one from boating), and the standup approach is much more comfortable for me. If it gets lumpy, even with jockey seats I'd be standing - not easy with benches - so having support in the standing position helps a lot
Just a personal opinion
26 October 2010, 19:00
Country: UK - England
Town: Basingstoke
Boat name: True Spirit
Make: Ribeye 785 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 250
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 22
thanks for your responses. ok im based in the solent and will be using the Rib around that area, no interest in going out in rough weather as sometimes will have young kids on board or me and a few adults , used to a big boat with luxury so want a sunpad on the front so need a 7.5metre to give me that. i tried a Ballistic the other week and being 6ft 4in tall found the jockey seats impossible to sit on and while standing the hoop on the back rest was sticking in my back so very uncomfortable . tried the dual seat on a Cobra and that was great, best of both worlds a high comfortable seat for sitting and a very supportive while in rough sea mode and standing. Ballistic dont offer an option and i havent found anybody else that has apart from Ribeye, correct me if im wrong . Comments please?
26 October 2010, 19:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Basingstoke
Boat name: True Spirit
Make: Ribeye 785 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 250
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 22
Budget around 40k.
26 October 2010, 19:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Durham
Make: Stingher
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200hp Suzuki
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Posts: 7
Hi and welcome...as a newcomer to ribs myself I had a similar dilema. My choice was narrowed by my children not fitting on jockeys.
I liked the Redbays etc, but ultimately you have to decide who you are using it with and for what purpose.
After much debate, I went with a Stingher with a Suzuki 200hp.
I love it, but that is not to say I also wouldn't enjoy the alternatives.
Have a try, and 'see what suits you Sir'.
26 October 2010, 19:13
Country: Belgium
Town: hasselt
Length: 9m +
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Posts: 5
first RIB
7,5 mtr is a very nice size. specially in combination with a 250/300 hp engine! if i where you i should first make a few sea trials with different type of RIBs to get a better idea about their sailing characteristics and functionality. each hull has its own advantages/ disadvantages.
26 October 2010, 19:15
Country: Belgium
Town: hasselt
Length: 9m +
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 5
whouw, your comments are faster than my reply's
26 October 2010, 19:58
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: FunYak
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Originally Posted by skipper64
.... i havent found anybody else that has apart from Ribeye, correct me if im wrong . Comments please?
Whilst perhaps (?) not at the aspirational end of the market I think Valiant 750 Cruiser would offer the sort of format you are looking for.
Anyone other custom builder should be able to offer it? Some of them might be able to offer a new build for that budget? But maybe not with high spec finish and big engine etc?
26 October 2010, 20:27
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 1,619
I have a 7.5m cobra with 200hp, I love the seats and find them very capable in rough weather, I have been out in plenty of nasty stuff and have had no problems except for muscle ache in my face for grinning so much. The cobra has lots of great storage space, the bow area up front has seats and infill cushions which are great for snoozing on, in fact this is my favourite pass time a good book and a snooze, usually to be found in this position in studland bay.
Have a chat or visit Steve at cobra ribs in romsey, I expect he would have a boat you could try, maybe some on offer. If you want I would take you out on mine but I'm not selling cos I love it.
26 October 2010, 23:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Hamble Point
Boat name: Red Eye
Make: Ribeye 785 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 300HP BETX
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Posts: 44
I have just recently been through a similar process and eventually went for a Ribeye 785 fitted with the new Yamaha 300 HP engine. For me, I could not have chosen any better and I am more than happy with my choice of RIB and its capabilities. John K is right in that your choice may cause some debate within the forum. That said, it is very much down to your personal choice/preference. It is after all, your money! What I would strongly recommend is that you spend plenty of time trying out the two manufacturers. For Ribeye, contact John Wood and he will be able to arrange a local trial for you. You have Cobra details from a previous thread. Whatever your choice, you will not regret it. Regards.
David Mc (RRIBS)
07977 444239
RIB Charter and Hire
27 October 2010, 06:18
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Posts: 7,110
Originally Posted by Polwart
John, you've spoiled the fun I was looking forward to this thread!
I'm running out of popcorn!
27 October 2010, 06:29
Country: UK - Scotland
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There a couple on boats and outboards for sale around your budget
27 October 2010, 06:59
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
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Originally Posted by RRIBS
What I would strongly recommend is that you spend plenty of time trying out the two manufacturers
Originally Posted by RRIBS
Whatever your choice, you will not regret it. Regards.
Sounds like a contradiction to me.
27 October 2010, 07:56
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by skipper64
Cobra and ribeye. i want 7.5 metres approx with a single 250 -300 outboard around 2 years old ,.
Both very attractive ribs why don't you do yourself a favour and call somebody in the rib repairing maintenace busines and ask them for an honest off the record opinion of the construction of both boats. Personally I'd buy neither but I'd buy a Ribeye a long time before the Cobra.
The man(Neil Holmes) that makes Phantom Evo ribs is the same height as you, if not taller and I believe they come with comfy. Likewise I'm sure Adam Younger or Cookee could sort you out.
Look at the boat on this webpage and they don't look like Jockeys to me, It might be a bit fast for a first rib though
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
27 October 2010, 21:32
Country: UK - England
Town: manchester
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Make: ribeye 650s
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 119
Originally Posted by skipper64
Hi Ribbers, i have been for the past 7 years a 40ft flybridge owner and now due to lack of use i have decided to sell my beloved Princess 360 and buy a Rib ,i ve done some research and as i want proper seats and not jockeys i have narrowed it down to two makes . Cobra and ribeye. i want 7.5 metres approx with a single 250 -300 outboard around 2 years old , have i missed anything make wise or any advice with my choice would be greatly appreciated.
ribeye for me everytime
my 650s is more than capable of handling rough conditions also has exellent space/storage and comfort for cruising along.
some ribbers are put off with the back bench seat but for me it offers good storage space and is safe for the kids to sit on with no fear of them getting near the outboard
your budget will buy a newish quality 785
remember its not the size but how you use it
good luck
28 October 2010, 17:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Hamble Point
Boat name: Red Eye
Make: Ribeye 785 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 300HP BETX
MMSI: 235082425/235905837
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 44
Originally Posted by RRIBS
What I would strongly recommend is that you spend plenty of time trying out the two manufacturers
Originally Posted by RRIBS
Whatever your choice, you will not regret it. Regards.
Sounds like a contradiction to me.
No contradiction at all. All I was saying was that anyone buying a RIB should try out whatever manufacturers take their fancy. Once they have then decided which make and model to buy, the fun and excitement of owning and driving any RIB is something that they will not regret.
David Mc (RRIBS)
07977 444239
RIB Charter and Hire
28 October 2010, 22:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Buckingham
Boat name: Swift
Make: Cobra
Length: 7m +
Engine: Outboard Verado 250
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 11
Cobra and Ribeye
I have a 2008 7.55m Cobra with a 275 Verado which has jockey seats instaed of the usual Cobra layout. It's a great package and difficult to beat for a combination of practicality and performance. I have been out on the standard layout 7.55m and the benefit of that layout is the extra circulation space aft. However, I prefer the security of jockey seats especially on my knackered back.
My previous RIB was a 6.2m Ribeye with a 115 Yamaha. This was also a great boat, but I think the Cobra has it over the Ribeye for style - if that's important to you. The team at Cobra in Romsey are also great to deal with.
If you are buying secondhand you will probably find some good examples of Cobra's with the helm seat layout and good Ribeye 7.85's with jockey seats, ultimately that will probably decide it for you.
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