11 August 2008, 22:35
Country: UK - England
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 32
New to ribs... hungry for knowledge!
Hey Guys,
I've been in boats for about 20 years and have owned several wakeboard/ski specific and also sports boats... recently however I've really been turned on to the idea of RIBS! Having recently spent a weekend on one all my previous assumptions were blown to bits! They seem to present a simple, easy to care for solution to someone wanting to get into a little coastal cruising, lunching and relaxing with a crew of 4-6
So, the long and short is... as of Sunday night the current 18ft sports boats up for sale and I'm scouring the lands for info on RIBS, with a view to purchase a 6-7 metre Rib late this year/early '09... problem is... where to start! I'd like to stick to about £25k really but it seems that int he RIB world that might be a little low? The prices seem very high compared to other boat styles or am I mistaken?
Anyone want to throw some recommendations for brands, preference to inboard/outboard, layouts, hints and tips etc? Any help for a total newbie to this market would be tremendously appreciated as whilst I know my sports boats and Ski boats I am the first to admit I'm clueless when it comes to RIBS and desperate to learn more about them before I make any purchase decisions!
Cheers guys!
11 August 2008, 22:42
Country: UK - Wales
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Yes RIBs are over priced for what they are - mainly because it's a cottage industry and no economies of scale as such.
Buy 2nd hand and let someone else pay for the depreciation. It USED to be the case the best time to buy a boat was Winter but with this weather it doesn't make much of a difference.
With the credit crunch and fuel price you should get a REAL bargain if you shop around. £25,000 will get you one hell of a boat!!!
Places to look are on this site and http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/php/welcome.php3
Also http://www.ribsforsale.com/index2.htm
Don't worry too much about age of boat - condition is far more important.
What sort of RIB do you want - hardcore or family or bit of both?
11 August 2008, 23:14
Country: UK - England
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 32
Hey CodPrawn - Thanks! 
I'm already aware of BoatsandOutboards but Ribs for sale is a new one... Will check it out.
I've just spent the last 2-3 hours blasting through this site and all I can say is WOW! what a resource! So much info and so many friendly people...
Quick question before I hit the hay - I'd be more tha comfortable rigging a boat myself (And quite enjoy working on boats) - do people reckon its worth it? and are there much in the way of savings available to make it worthwhile?
I quite like the idea of buying the hull new with seats and helm. then adding my own engine, auxiliaries (Marine Electronics is second nature to me).... I also see this as being far more straightforward than rigging a skiboat... am I mad?!
11 August 2008, 23:19
Country: UK - England
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 32
Also, sorry... to answer your question.. ideally a bit of both. I need something that'll take on a bit of rough but with stacks of storage, plenty of power and room to lounge out ideally.....
11 August 2008, 23:41
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Welcome, you've come to the right place to learn more about ribs for sure!
As Codders says, it's a cottage industry, most ribs are built to the customers specific requirements so finding something that fits you exactly might be difficult. I know my 1st second hand rib was great but so many little things that really annoyed me!
Beware of prices quoted for new hulls though, it goes up at a shocking rate when you start adding little things like grab handles and wear patches on the tubes.
My advice for a 1st timer would be buy a 2nd hand boat and spend a couple of seasons finding out what exactly you want and dont want on a rib. Suddenly you will find that rather than being overwhelmed with choice you will be hunting high and low for the right boat.
11 August 2008, 23:47
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 7,866
Storage is always a little bit of a problem on RIBs, a large console helps. I suspect a cabin RIB is out of your price range and kind of defeats the reson most people buy a RIB.
I would have thought a 7 meter RIB with a mid point console and seating at the rear for 6, this would open the bows up to accomodate people for a pic nic or for sun lounging with some bow seats increasing your storage.
Home finished RIBs are very popular here as I think you'll agree after you read some build threads. You can get some reasonably priced Hull and Tube combos from most manufacturers, add to that the trailer and engine and you should save youself thousands and get a boat that is speced exactly how you want it and to a high quality.
There is a Shakespeare hull for sale in the "for sale" section and is quite keenly priced. The 720's are good hulls, have a look HERE
These a very beamy RIBs as you can see and will fly with a 200 on the back. Add a set of tubes for about £5000 and a new motor for about £10000 a trailer and kit out and you should still have plenty of change left from £25000
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
12 August 2008, 01:27
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Why do I feel a new "Osprey Vipermax Build" thread coming on???
12 August 2008, 09:41
Country: UK - England
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 32
I've got a Bee in my bonnet now over this... For the kind of boating I'm now doing, and the way in which I'm doing it.. I just can't see a downside to Ribbing... and the more research I do the more sensible the idea appears to become.
The idea being..... Custom build my own!
I reckon I'll buy the Hull (Tubed) from a British manufacturer, Trailer from SBS (friends of mine) then dependant on price buy the outboard(s) from the UK or USA (I have zero connections in the outboard world so no idea where to look for deals)... then build the internals how I want them to the standards that I want (storage - dry and wet, sun worshipping platform up front, buy console and seat bases etc etc... then line-x (or similar) the whole deck and finish with the upholstery I want (I have an industry friend who does beautiful work) and rig it how I want, add the electronics I want (Colour GPS chart plotter, compass, VHF, custom stereo installation etc etc) and bobs your uncle I'll be left with a boat I (hopefully) love and can use practically for possibly sub £20k if I'm lucky so money left over to do my day skipper!
Extremely rough break down of my plan:
Hull and Tubes: £7k
Trailer: £2k
seat bases and grab rails: £1.5k
Engine: £8-9k (115-150hp 4stroke)
Rigging: £1.5k (electronics, controls, cables etc)
Upholstery: £800 or so
interior constructions/mods: £300
Line-X: no idea?! £500??
Total ish: £22,000 ball park.
Anyone able to spend 5 mins to play devils advocate or critique... honestly greatful for anything in the way or guidance or knowledge.... so if I'm living in la-la land please do speak up
12 August 2008, 10:08
Country: UK - England
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codprawn " Why do I feel a new "Osprey Vipermax Build" thread coming on??? "
It must be the strong smell of mackerel in the air
12 August 2008, 12:02
Country: UK - England
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The Next Build Thread?
Originally Posted by BritBoater
I've got a Bee in my bonnet now over this... For the kind of boating I'm now doing, and the way in which I'm doing it.. I just can't see a downside to Ribbing... and the more research I do the more sensible the idea appears to become.
The idea being..... Custom build my own!
I reckon I'll buy the Hull (Tubed) from a British manufacturer, Trailer from SBS (friends of mine) then dependant on price buy the outboard(s) from the UK or USA (I have zero connections in the outboard world so no idea where to look for deals)... then build the internals how I want them to the standards that I want (storage - dry and wet, sun worshipping platform up front, buy console and seat bases etc etc... then line-x (or similar) the whole deck and finish with the upholstery I want (I have an industry friend who does beautiful work) and rig it how I want, add the electronics I want (Colour GPS chart plotter, compass, VHF, custom stereo installation etc etc) and bobs your uncle I'll be left with a boat I (hopefully) love and can use practically for possibly sub £20k if I'm lucky so money left over to do my day skipper!
Extremely rough break down of my plan:
Hull and Tubes: £7k
Trailer: £2k
seat bases and grab rails: £1.5k
Engine: £8-9k (115-150hp 4stroke)
Rigging: £1.5k (electronics, controls, cables etc)
Upholstery: £800 or so
interior constructions/mods: £300
Line-X: no idea?! £500??
Total ish: £22,000 ball park.
Anyone able to spend 5 mins to play devils advocate or critique... honestly greatful for anything in the way or guidance or knowledge.... so if I'm living in la-la land please do speak up 
I think that you are answering most of your own questions. The prices that you are using may be a bit lean in places, but that is going to vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Some little time ago  I was in the same position, although for me it is the second RIB that I have owned.
The important thing for me was selection of the right hull. To that end I spent a lot of time trying out the hulls of different manufacturers in the hull length that I was interested in. These included Ribcraft, Ribeye, Ring, Solent, Osprey, Humber, and a number of others from my diving activities, although I have to admit that I have yet to try out a Scorpion - I think that they no longer manufacture a 6.5 metre hull, and it would have been out of my price range anyway!.
The important thing for me was handling in the Solent chop, a soft riding hull, and general sea worthiness if and when it blows up a bit.
I will be the first to accept that my selection criteria may not be the same as other peoples, so I think that it is important that you make the effort and get out and try the different hull types. Bear in mind that any hull is a compromise, and it is what you are willing to compromise on, and what you are not willling to compromise on that will make your choice for you.
I went for a self build and it is progressing, more slowly than I and others would like, but I will finish up with the boat that I want 
Once you have selected one or two hulls that you are interested in, talk to the manufacturers or agents, it is surprising how much information that you pick up that way.
Internal fittings (console, seats) are also worth spending a little time over. If I had my time again I might select a different console, but having said that I am making it into the console that I want - just a bit of work involved.
Good luck, I hope that like me you find it an interesting activity. PM me if you would like more
Dust creation specialist
12 August 2008, 12:20
Country: UK - England
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 32
Thanks Ian
Looks like RibEye may be a good option.. I've had a chat with them and they look promising...
12 August 2008, 12:21
Country: UK - England
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Have you considered a Ribeye? An upstanding member of this forum considers them superior to an Osprey.
12 August 2008, 12:27
Country: Germany
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Posts: 50
Originally Posted by codprawn
You could/might also want to check: http://www.ribs4sale.com/
They have 150+ RIBS listed for sale now. Some used, some new.
12 August 2008, 13:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Worcester
Make: Northcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: 115hp Yam 4 stroke
MMSI: 235063097
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 156
Hi BritBoater
Your plan costings do not include a console and you will probably end up fitting an a-frame (because they look good and you need something to hang lights and aerials from!). I think you will be surprised how the price starts mounting up  There are a number of manufacturers that will supply hulls and tubes to do a self-build. People have their favourites and I am sure there will be lots of suggestions for you from RIBnet members. For seats and consoles (or just for ideas) you might consider Outhill ( http://www.outhill.com) ...You could argue that their products are not up to heavy offshore use but they are fine for regular cruising, nicely styled and finished and you can always add more strength if needed.
Most UK boats are quite traditional in their layout with jockey seats behind a centre console and not a huge amount of space up front. If lots of storage and a foreword sunbathing area are really important to you you probably need a fairly large boat or a more continental style interior. The trouble with many of the continental RIBS is price or less seaworthy hulls, or both! One exception I know of, because I considered buying one last year, is Selva ( http://www.selvamarine.com/product_l...ma&f=evolution). Their RIBs are actually re-badged Predators built by Ital Boats (Italian) and they have good hulls and very nice build quality. Loads of internal storage and huge sunpad. The boats are sold complete with engines, the engines being re-badged Yamaha's. Very competitively priced packages, but I know they are not to everyones taste. The main thing that put me off was the bolster style helm seating; I prefer jockey seats in rough conditions. Well just something else to throw into the pot.
Hope it all goes well whatever options you decide on.
12 August 2008, 13:20
Country: UK - England
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 32
TrickDog - Wow! Those look pretty perfect. Struggling on a UK distributor though... anyone know of one or do I need to call the shippers?!
12 August 2008, 13:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Worcester
Make: Northcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: 115hp Yam 4 stroke
MMSI: 235063097
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 156
Selva's UK number is 01202 706454. I looked at one of the boats at a dealer in Lymington, but I have lost their number. Selva will no doubt have some dood deals on at the Southampron boat show next month, which is where I first came accross them.
As I said, these are re-badged Predators. Predators are sold by MRL ( http://www.mrl-uk.com/) and you can find some reviews on their site. Also there is a Predator video review on here: http://www.ribevents.com/ribtv/.
By the way, I have no connection with Selva! I just think they are offering good boats at a very competive price.
12 August 2008, 13:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
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Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
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Posts: 691
Dear BritBoater,
A warm and severe welcome to Ribnet!!!
I can heartiy recommend the Ribeye! Fine boats indeed.
Your alternative idea of building a custom RIB is indeed laudable, but beware. When you come to sell, the resale value will be consdiderably lower than if you had purchased a factory built craft, however well you may have built it.
Go the Ribeye route, you won't be dissapointed
12 August 2008, 14:32
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One route is to try as many different makes models as possible get a feel for what you’re looking for and at the same time the things you’re not.
What area are you based in as I'm sure lots of people on here would take you for a spin to give you a feel for their make/type of rib and help to build your knowledge base.
As to self build or not? it's ok for some and not others, I’m sure some people get almost as much pleasure from building/fitting out as they do using the finished rib plus you can always have it surveyed and valued at the end.
12 August 2008, 15:01
Country: UK - England
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 32
Still keen on self-build but from a few chats with suppliers I could also easily be tempted to buy a completed RIB - depends if I can find one that matches my needs.
I'm going to head off to Southampton boat show and crawl around as many as I possibly can and chat to as many people as will are willing to give me the time of day.
I already know the guys at RIB-X, RibEye and RibQuest through work but plan to spread my wings and will certainly make for Humber and Osprey as there's tons of good feedback on here for them...
Also v keen on these Selva/Predators.... Might be worth a drive down south (I'm Cheshire based with the majority of boating done on the Menai Straits between Anglesey and the mainland).
Thanks again guys - any more hints, tips, suggestions etc for a total RIB newbie please fire them my way...
12 August 2008, 16:42
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
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Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by timw
Dear BritBoater,
A warm and severe welcome to Ribnet!!!
I can heartiy recommend the Ribeye! Fine boats indeed.
Your alternative idea of building a custom RIB is indeed laudable, but beware. When you come to sell, the resale value will be consdiderably lower than if you had purchased a factory built craft, however well you may have built it.
Go the Ribeye route, you won't be dissapointed
Whoa! This isn't funny or fair. Britboater has come to this site for a bit of guidance with his first rib purchase, but Timw insists on persuing his own personal agenda of running down 'custom' (Osprey) ribs whilst thinly disguising it as 'advice'.
By all means 'big-up' Ribeye, as it's the only manufacturer that you have any experience of, but leave out the digs.
Ribnet needs some Ribeye support for purposes of balance and your it, the other 5862 of us will no doubt support whatever brands we own.
To say that 'custom' built ribs have lower residuals than factory built boats is utter rubbish, but Twim knows that. My Osprey and ALL others that I know of, are put together with the very, very best of componants unlike most factory built boats. Us owners spend many hours sourcing the parts that are of the highest quality and suitability regardless of cost. The 'build' as you call it, is no more than assembling parts which is not rocket science. South African Ribeye production workers would probably testify to this. A factory built boat has to be built to a budget and then a margin added. Neither of which appllies to a 'custom' build.
The Osprey Vipermax has become probably the most popular rib within the 6-7m size range.
A well built Vipermax will and are, returning profits to the builders/owners even after 12-24months of use.
Timw will argue this, all Vipermax owners past and present will confirm it.
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