Remembered to take a couple of (cameraphone) pics of progress with the Pac today......and dug out a few taken 'as we went'.....
The Sponsons are back from Henshaws who have done a grand job with them (pic below of them being worked on in the factory) and all of the metalwork (of which there is a lot) is all back from the powder coaters and is also looking great.....
Inspired by Martinis build thread we decided to 'go for it' with the work and stripped her back completely......main work completed so far is as follows:
- Service and respray the engine so it looks pretty pleased with result - looks good (Yr 2006 Yanmar 6LY2a STP)
- Steam clean bilges and paint out with Grey Danboline
- Replace entire deck (went with some top quality 9mm marine ply - expensive stuff, but def worth it, no voids at all - unlike lots of the cheaper the 'marine ply' we saw).
- Epoxy resin on underside of deck, Fibreglass (2x 450gsm and tissue) on top of deck....Black flowcoat inside sponson fixing strips (also new) and epoxy oustide /beneath the sponsons.....
- Screwed in a couple of thousand stainless screws
- Cleaned out diesel tanks, replaced ali lids then pressure tested (all okay

- Re tapped (had been filled) rubbing strake threads and fixed new strake all round
- We have made two large removeable sections of deck with 4.5mm ali chequer above the fuel tanks and one aft atop the Jet drive and prop shaft etc......these are fitted down using counter sunk hex head bolts screwed into stainless threaded sleeves resin bonded into the deck.....seems to work well but will be loaded with silicon grease to avoid the stainless binding....
Whole load of other stuff besides, but those are the main bits....
We will be re attaching the sponsons on Monday and then deck fittings......
I think I am now decided to repaint the engine box, control console, seat pods etc in black as per the existing gelcoat, unless anyone has any suggestions on a way to cut /polish Gel coat back to 'as new'

.......If not, by using sprayed two pack I hope it should be tough enough to take the knocks (have the console on 'Razorbill painted same way and it is still holding up very well) and being same colour as the underlying Gel i hope it shouldn't matter too much if it should get scratched.......any thoughts /suggestions appreciated.
We then need to fit all the aluminium, Rewire /install new electronics and auxiliary stuff, have impellor retipped and inspect /replace the silicon carbide ring in the Castoldi Jet......reupholster seats in grey.....and a whole load of other bits and pieces I'm sure

although sounds simple when put like that
To date we've been doing the work when time allows /when not on charter (and have been really enjoying it), but she needs to be completed by mid Feb so will be buring the candle at both ends for a while......
Will post up some more pics as we go....
Happy New Year / Blwyddyn Newydd Dda