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Old 24 September 2012, 21:35   #1
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New Valiant Ribs

I was having a look today at a Valiant 550 Comfort and was slightly curious about the heritage of this model. I was told that Brunswick now own Valiant and indeed the boat was all pre rigged for Mercury. The carving and marking plate showed the manufacturer as Arimar, do Brunswick own them too now?

The tubes look like the V series I've seen in some posts but I noticed that whilst the hull starts off as a V it goes into a flat wedge from amidships to the stern. A flattened V rather than pointed and I found this strange. I presume it assists in getting lift so on the plane faster, but what are these hulls like in weather ?

The 550 can take a 115, though seems to be rigged in most promo videos with an 80hp. In the case of Mercy's EFI 4s doesn't make much sense as it weighs the same as the 115.

Are they any good?
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Old 25 September 2012, 06:43   #2
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Originally Posted by npm108 View Post
I was having a look today at a Valiant 550 Comfort and was slightly curious about the heritage of this model. I was told that Brunswick now own Valiant and indeed the boat was all pre rigged for Mercury. The carving and marking plate showed the manufacturer as Arimar, do Brunswick own them too now?

The tubes look like the V series I've seen in some posts but I noticed that whilst the hull starts off as a V it goes into a flat wedge from amidships to the stern. A flattened V rather than pointed and I found this strange. I presume it assists in getting lift so on the plane faster, but what are these hulls like in weather ?

The 550 can take a 115, though seems to be rigged in most promo videos with an 80hp. In the case of Mercy's EFI 4s doesn't make much sense as it weighs the same as the 115.

Are they any good?
Had a quick google and couldnt see the flat bit on that model although its nothing new in concept.

The size of the planing pad varies in shape and in profile, on different boats I had a 6.3 that had a 3 foot long pad about a foot wide and totally flat, and an 8.5 where the pad was curved. They are supposed to increase lift, and perhaps efficiency whilst on the plane, either mine werent all that effective, or I wasnt any good at detecting the improvement or the boat was rigged wrong, but compared to a hull before that had none, I didnt find a huge difference, with one exception, it made chine walking impossible when the pad was large and flat.

All of my boats were fixed installations with the same crew. Perhaps if your boat ran with a variety of divers and their kit you might have seen a benefit then .. but in reality, each boat had a diffenet weight and engine combo, so the differences were hard to measure for me

I liked the Valliant brand though, excellent tube work, a little flimsy on the fixture & fittings side, but well thought out
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Old 25 September 2012, 07:48   #3
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Thanks for the reply. I'll try and have a closer look to see where that planing pad starts from. Hadn't realised that's what they were called, so learnt something new

As the boat was sitting on a trailer it appeared to start from amidships but it could be more like the last 1/3 of the hull. I like that the boat is ready rigged and it has some pretty beefy stringers running the length of the boat. I only wish it had a bit more open deck space for my needs, but then I guess one would choose the DR range.
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Old 25 September 2012, 09:57   #4
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Originally Posted by npm108 View Post
but then I guess one would choose the DR range.
It was a V series I had,

Valiant Ribs V 570 Sport for sale at ABC Powermarine, Anglesey, North Wales

Which is aimed more at the leisure user, and suited my needs well. I know others have their own views, because its hull is a little less deep V than others, but Ive owned both types of hull and found the Valliant an excellent sea boat, (perhaps because I had weight up in the bow locker) but its under deck fuel tank is forward up there too which helps
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Old 25 September 2012, 13:09   #5
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Had another look and the planing pad starts from infront of the console getting progressively wider towards the transom. They don't have any DRs in stock as they would be nice to see too.
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Old 25 September 2012, 15:47   #6
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I believe that there is a same hull on the DR range as the V range. I think that the PT range has a deeper vee hull

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Old 27 September 2012, 20:22   #7
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Thanks for your pointers. It seems that Valiant are coming out with some new boats like the 630 Comfort / Sport Fishing, so I think I will wait a bit and see what they are like.
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Old 27 September 2012, 21:28   #8
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Maybe that's why Valiant weren't at Southampton this year - unless they were and I just missed them. Certainly not on their usual pitch.
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