Hello all,
I am looking for advice regarding the purchase of a 17ft Rib for my new charge, due in Dec 2013. Currently aboard we have a Nautica 13.5 widebody, which is barely ok for its curent tasking.
With the new vessel we have room for a 17-18ft Rib on the boat deck, but I am having a hard time finding a suitable RIB. My criteria are I thought simple, but in reality I am so far removed from my roots in Bursledon that I am ice skating uphill. I am looking for a 17-18ft, with a centre console and two bench seats behind, ideally in grey and white as it will be a yacht tender.
I realy do not want a jet rib, but a 90-115 HP Yamaha would be ideal
I was born and raised on Avon Seariders, they dont make em anymore, Nautica have recently gone "POP" the Zodiac tenders are pretty weak, so what is left?
The RIB will need to be shipped and fitted in the USA, so ideally one manufactured or sold from the USA would be a better cost option.
Please provide me with the benifit of the combined wisdom of the Forum!
Oh and because I am unable to resist, Hello Duncan S

The fairey Spear (pictured outside the barn on this forum a while back) was Juno my old school boat and no Nick does not want to sell her back to me