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Old 21 May 2004, 18:18   #41
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Asp
Make: A BLACK Stealthly Metzeler
Length: 4m + really stealthy
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Posts: 231
Originally Posted by Louise
*2 stroke or 4 stroke - don't even understand the question...Generally speaking - 2 stroke = noisier & more expensive to run but more acceleration/speed; 4 stroke = quieter & cheaper to run but not as fast. Of course you could opt for diesel - more expensive to purchase but cheaper to run and higher resale value.

HTH (running for cover, anticipating the bullets...)
I agree with every thing that Louise said (or is it Richard in disguise) however: 1 point that was missed was that a 2 stroke engine is much cheaper to buy than the same size 4 stroke. They are also 'generally lighter'!!

Not really a bullet (more a gentle cuff)
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Old 21 May 2004, 18:24   #42
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Whoops! Ta, Pete.

And BTW my posts today (and 99% of all my posts) have been all my own work!! He's been studying and doing his exams.

(How could you even suggest that Richard B could omit an important detail like that!! ).
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Old 21 May 2004, 22:09   #43
Country: UK - England
Town: Seaview, IOW
Boat name: bleu et blanc
Make: Avon 560
Length: 5m +
Engine: Optimax 90
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 31
* Size max 6.5m for reasons of towing and launching,
* min 5.75m for reasons of ride and general robustness. Also endurance (as in miles before filling up.


Try the Avon 620.......with an optimax 135. ask Steve Care! Iv'e got the smaller 560 with 90 opti. what I like is the instrumentation and electronics on the opti. fuel consumtion compares with a 4 stroke- or so I'm informed, but you also have the back up of the smartcraft electronic management system........we all buy cars with all the electronic gizmo kit (or wish to) so why not boat engines?......why worry about keeping four carbs clean etc, without a mate who works at the boatyard. I did all this a year ago and had a four stroke as a safety net right until the last minute, when I had the time to stop worrying about hull and start concentrating on engine.

My PB2 instructor; Tim Griffin also had an opti, and he knows all there was to know about being on the water!

should start some discussion again!

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Old 21 May 2004, 22:23   #44
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Boat name: Lynx 1, 2, 3
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Mercury 275
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 182
Hi Bruce,
Just to add another name to the list thats not been mentioned before, and because i have got one!! Ribtec 655, very good but hard to get. I would recommend this boat to you as i had much the same needs as you and this has more than done the job so far.

What i would warn about is any of the Camel Ribtecs, due to the beating they have all had and the work they will require in the future.

If you like, go and have a look at mine at and if you would like to go out for a spin from Lymington sometime give me a bell.

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