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Old 14 April 2009, 13:51   #1
Country: USA
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Newbie questions Rib does and dont's

I just bought my first RIB. I am not new to boating my any means but was wondering if there is a place to get basic care cleaning etc advise.
Thanks in advance
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Old 15 April 2009, 18:01   #2
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat cleaning wash it after every time with use washing up liquid http://www.uk.pg.com/products/products/fairyLiquid.html It will stay looking great. If you need to do a bit of toob renovation paint thinners or traffic film remover (truckwash in your speak )http://www.eurochem.co.uk/products.php?categories_id=11 use it and wash off almost instantly washing up liquid works for GRP too

Stainless claen with some stainless stuff or olive oil. http://www.oliveoilclubs.com/ http://www.screwfix.com/prods/84414/...teel%20Cleaner

Keeo your fuel meticulously filtered. If your boat doesn't have a water separator on the transom then fit one, even if you are using removable tanks. http://www.maesco.com/products/racor/racor.html

remember yuor passengers aint got as much to hang on to as you do and always let em know when sudden moves are a'coming Also remeber that kids are custom built to smash there little faces into the adult sized grab handles It's a bad feeling when it happens, for you as well as the nipper so I'd advise wrapping some pipe insulation/ BMX tube foam if yore carrying kids

Spend time with your trailer learn to love your bearings before they make you hate them, also look at your winch strap regularly change it if it looks iffy.

Think about new batteries (if not already) and ensure your main 12 volt feeds are lovely and clean and vaselined make sure you have no corrosion in the cables.

flush your engine either with muffs or in a cold water storage tank

never bought a bad product from this company BTW 3m boatcare

Just having a bit of un with the links but washing up liquid and olive oil do a good job. if yopu have to spend some more money then try this lot http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3...Info/BoatCare/

I'm sure you'll get loads more advise soon. Happy boating by the way
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Old 15 April 2009, 20:44   #3
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
Boat cleaning wash it after every time with use washing up liquid http://www.uk.pg.com/products/products/fairyLiquid.html It will stay looking great. If you need to do a bit of toob renovation paint thinners or traffic film remover (truckwash in your speak )http://www.eurochem.co.uk/products.php?categories_id=11 use it and wash off almost instantly washing up liquid works for GRP too

Stainless claen with some stainless stuff or olive oil. http://www.oliveoilclubs.com/ http://www.screwfix.com/prods/84414/...teel%20Cleaner

Keeo your fuel meticulously filtered. If your boat doesn't have a water separator on the transom then fit one, even if you are using removable tanks. http://www.maesco.com/products/racor/racor.html

remember yuor passengers aint got as much to hang on to as you do and always let em know when sudden moves are a'coming Also remeber that kids are custom built to smash there little faces into the adult sized grab handles It's a bad feeling when it happens, for you as well as the nipper so I'd advise wrapping some pipe insulation/ BMX tube foam if yore carrying kids

Spend time with your trailer learn to love your bearings before they make you hate them, also look at your winch strap regularly change it if it looks iffy.

Think about new batteries (if not already) and ensure your main 12 volt feeds are lovely and clean and vaselined make sure you have no corrosion in the cables.

flush your engine either with muffs or in a cold water storage tank

never bought a bad product from this company BTW 3m boatcare

Just having a bit of un with the links but washing up liquid and olive oil do a good job. if yopu have to spend some more money then try this lot http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3...Info/BoatCare/

I'm sure you'll get loads more advise soon. Happy boating by the way
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Old 15 April 2009, 20:58   #4
Country: UK - England
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Does anyone else use washing up liquid to clean their rib? I never really thought about using it up till now... I guess it gives the same result as some of the more expensive 'boat care' products out there?
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Old 15 April 2009, 21:24   #5
Country: UK - England
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I've used washing up liquid to clean the hull, deck and flybridge of a boat. Great for cleaning everything (except shiny metal work). Can be a pain in hot weather though as it dries on and it's a pig to remove. Dock masters don't like to see the bubbles floating in the marina though
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Old 17 April 2009, 12:41   #6
Country: USA
Town: St. Thomas
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Suggest you use Aurora SpeedClean followed by Aurura Polygaurd on the tubes. What make and model is the boat? Hypalon tube (I hope)? On the Ribcraft USA website, they have lots of blog articles regarding maintaining and cleaning of the boat and tubes. www.ribcraftusa.com
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Old 17 April 2009, 20:35   #7
Country: USA
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Originally Posted by wes View Post
Suggest you use Aurora SpeedClean followed by Aurura Polygaurd on the tubes. What make and model is the boat? Hypalon tube (I hope)? On the Ribcraft USA website, they have lots of blog articles regarding maintaining and cleaning of the boat and tubes. www.ribcraftusa.com
I bought a SACS 680 Ghost

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