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Old 26 April 2004, 09:21   #1
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Hot Mustard
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Nick & Scratch

Hello everyone!
I have recently noticed a small nick on my hull, approx. 1cm long and deep enough that I see a different coloured material under the white outer shell of the hull. (What is the white outer shell of the hull made of, fiberglass?)

I've also come across a small scratch in one of the tubes, not deep, about 2cm long. It looks superficial and seems to be the top layer of the material.

How urgent are these 2 issues to be addressed?

Many thanks.
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Old 26 April 2004, 10:40   #2
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The nick in your hull is something that I would adress right away.
The outher layer is called gelcoat (don't mind the spelling), and the inner layer is fiberglass.

The best way to fix this is to buy some gelcoat in the same color (remember the shade), use a piece of fine sand paper to grind the nick a little, then apply the gelcoat (don't make this to thin, I believe it's a 2 component, you might let it dry off a bit before applying), then put a small piece of tape over the gelcoat end the nick, this will keep the gelcoat in place, and in shape.

Let it dry for a while, and then with some VERy fine sand paper you grind the area around the nick to make it smooth, and the polish the area (Or you could polish the boat, it makes it nice and shiny)

This is the way I would do it

Regarding the scratch in the tube, well I'm not a wiz at this but if it's not leaking I would just leave it, unless it's under water, then I would put a patch on it.

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Old 26 April 2004, 10:48   #3
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you have probably gone as deep as the laminate underneath the gel coat
thats why its a different colour . you can buy some gel coat filler off the shelf but if it has cracks radiating out form the nick it could be more serious
and would need to be looked at by a pro . re the sponson if its bad and you are worried about a leak put a patch on it preferably on the other side of the rib as well so it looks balanced im talking about wear patches here
regards tim
ps its hell out on the water at the moment thinking about a career change office work looks good (ha ha) see you soon when you come over to Cowes
regards tim
Tim Griffin
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Old 26 April 2004, 10:50   #4
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Don't panic but.........

be aware that you should pay both some attention.

Firstly, the outter layer of your hull is "Gel Coat", this is a protective water resistant outer shell (I'm sure a better description exists). If the gel coat is damaged as you describe (1cm) it's no big deal and can easily be repaired by you. Gel Coat is avalible in a 2 part mix (like appoxy resin) which you simply fill into the scrach, allow to harden and buff down with various grades of wet and dry paper. I have effected such minor repairs a couple of times on my own hull and if I do say so myself, you wouldn't know it had been done. So don't be affraid give it a go.

If however you decide to leave it (which you shouldn't) or can't get around to a repair straight away, don't worry too much as such a small scratch won't allow too much water to spread into the fibreglass which, acts like a sponge and that further, as you are only in the water for a few hours and then leaving the boat on the trailer thereafter, and ingress of waer should dry out !

As for the scratch to the tubes, if it were me I do as you, seek advice on here (sorry I don't know the answer) and or contact your nearest REPUTABLE dealer for advice. Perhaps a picture of both might help us on here.
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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Old 26 April 2004, 12:42   #5
Country: UK - England
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Thank you very much for the advice guys! I will get to it straight away.

The nick seems to be isolated with no signs of cracks emerging from it so 'fingers crossed' it is a simple job.

"ps its hell out on the water"
Yes it was hell for me this weekend as well. Blue skies, slight chop(enough to keep it fun), warm temperature, it was hell...I considered going back to the office as well...NOT QUITE If this is any indication of the impending summer, Bring it on!!

Are you going to be at the Sportsboat & RIB show this weekend?

What's the weather like in your neck of the woods at the moment?

I hope everyone had as good a weekend as I did!
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Old 26 April 2004, 12:59   #6
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sorry my friend but working catch up with you soon
regards tim
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 27 April 2004, 08:10   #7
Country: Denmark
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Originally Posted by Bajan
What's the weather like in your neck of the woods at the moment?

I hope everyone had as good a weekend as I did!
The weekend was great, around 15 degrees, and no wind at all, the sea was flat as an ironing board (can you say this).

First time my new boat was in the water

Will post some pictures later on

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Old 27 April 2004, 09:49   #8
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Rene
The weekend was great, around 15 degrees, and no wind at all, the sea was flat as an ironing board (can you say this).

First time my new boat was in the water

Will post some pictures later on

Flat as an ironing board will work fine.

Looking forward to seeingthe pics.

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