21 September 2005, 11:56
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Non return Valve
Is there some sort of non-return valve on the market to place just inside the drain plug hole on the transom of my rib. It just dawned on me - what happens if the plug gets damaged, detached or lost whilst out on the oggin?
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21 September 2005, 12:54
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Hopefully this will not happen when out.
However, you can get assorted tapered rubber and soft wood plugs from the chandlers. Keep some onboard.
Old wine bottle corks and some tape will also work too.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
21 September 2005, 12:59
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Had a Flatacraft with a ball valve fitted once. Never again.
Smallest amount of much gets stuck in them and they won't seal.
As mark says, good excuse to open a bottle or two.
21 September 2005, 15:06
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for the advice - I do seem to remember that one of my past boats had something like a small hose with a membrane fitted at the end so that water pressure pushed it out when it was draining but the opposite happened if the plug came out?
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21 September 2005, 15:40
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Like this.
21 September 2005, 16:07
Country: UK - England
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Nope - best way I can describe it was like a piece of rubber tubing with a grill at the draining end covered by a piece of material fixed to the centre of the hole(grill) - like a mushroom? Pressure of water from within forced it out whilst water coming in pressed it back against the grill? The reason I know about it was I forgot to put the plug in one day after draining the boat. It saved a disaster when the tide came back in?
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21 September 2005, 17:04
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Noddy my Flatacraft has the original draining system which simply consists of a flap of hypalon covering the drain on the outside. I keep meaning to photo it for Nos4r2: he has used a similar system with his SR4 and found it worked.
Must admit I was really sceptical that it would work on the Flatacraft but it does!
I'll get around to getting a photo as soon as.....
21 September 2005, 17:14
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maybe this then?? my new 4.5m rib is fitted with two, one at deck level and one deep in the hull.
regards Yoyo.
21 September 2005, 18:48
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These are fitted to our 3 club rescue Commandos. They never go out without a bung fitted as well.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
21 September 2005, 19:07
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draining bungs
Martyn I should think you have a stack of wine corks! My exploding boat had same ones as yo yo recomends.In short time I had these they worked well & are available at red line for abot 3 quid.However on the down side they do tend to melt when your trailer detaches from your car & ploughs into an oncoming car resulting in a fireball.......hopefully you will not encounter this problem.....whats an oggin?
21 September 2005, 20:00
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Originally Posted by Noddy
Is there some sort of non-return valve on the market to place just inside the drain plug hole on the transom of my rib. It just dawned on me - what happens if the plug gets damaged, detached or lost whilst out on the oggin?
Has anyone ever lost, damaged or become detached from their bung whils't on the "oggin"?!! Why the hell would you touch it until back on the trailer? If it were to be damaged, the transom would be smashed in, which would be more of a worry. Do you find this ribbing thing a bit worrying Nodders?
21 September 2005, 20:46
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jon penrith
whats an oggin? 
Water/sea unless you are Welsh, then its an 'Oggie.
Originally Posted by Jon penrith
Martyn I should think you have a stack of wine corks!
Problem solved.
Originally Posted by Jon penrith
However on the down side they do tend to melt when your trailer detaches from your car & ploughs into an oncoming car resulting in a fireball.......
What did the "Boys in Blue" have to say about that?
Oh.......................you are the "Boys in Blue".
Evenin' all.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
21 September 2005, 20:54
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[QUOTE=Mark Halliday] Water/sea unless you are Welsh, then its an 'Oggie.
Now I'm gonna get all lathered up!! " Oggie" is CORNISH for pasty! Not druid!! Max Boyce hijacked it for some stupid song years ago.
21 September 2005, 21:12
Country: UK - England
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Thanks Yo Yo that's exactly what I am talking about - any idea where I can get one from?
As for you Molly what ever your name is - if you cant say anything constructive why bother? Could have bet you would come up with a snide comment but there you go. I'm not going to get into any sort of conversation with you as I dont want to upset the webmaster like we did last time. Why not just agree that that you dont like me and I dont like you and leave it at that?
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21 September 2005, 23:56
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Try Poly marine. There a North Wales outfit but they do mail order for lots of this type of bits & bobs, cheap as chips also!! ... Check out this link.
Regards Yoyo.
22 September 2005, 07:59
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I had those fitted to my rib - but - any piece of dirt (or dead leaves etc) would stick behind the rubber and prevent it closing properly - I also found that the rubber stem which holds the diaphragm into the holder eventually broke..... I went back to the good old bung and fitted a bilge pump to deal with the splashes... (and the numerous times I've launched with the bung out....if I was doing it again I'd buy something bigger than 300 gph)
I have a long piece of string attached to the bung and tied to the outboard bracket at the other end - prevents loosing the bung... I also always carry a spare bung under the seat...
22 September 2005, 08:32
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I totally agree with Lc here.....
I too have the same type of valve fitted, same problems with leaves and stuff, and the same solution (bung on bit of cord).
Only difference is that the cord (dayglo yellow - well it was once upon a time) is attached to what I presume is one of the transom lifting eyes on the inside of boat. With the coloured cord, even a casual glance sternwards lets you see when you have forgot to put the feckin' bung in again.
If I ship a lot of water, pull the cord, out comes the bung, and after a little bit of driving around the water has drained, so stop, reach over and put it back in. I suppose it would be easier with an elephants trunk, but the idea of drilling out a bigger hole thru the transom scares me too much - it was bad enuff cutting a hole in the console for a hatch.
Thing is - this type of valve is prone to let water in (albeit slowly ) when the boat is at rest - so I would still recommend using a bung.
"Remember the Plug!"
22 September 2005, 14:24
Country: UK - England
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Hi all,
These self bailers come with a bung and piece of string for fastening to the transom as standard.
I had the same bailer on my 3m Suzumar inflatable and had no problems until this year when i pulled out the rubber diaphragm a little to harshly and bust the nipple that holds it in place. Diaphragm replacement cost 70pence!
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