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Old 20 November 2002, 19:07   #1
Country: UK - England
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Notice to Mariners in Portsmouth

To All Portsmouth Boathandlers,

This Notice to Mariners issued by the QHM Porstmouth was issued recently.


Please see Items 1 to 7 and 13 in particular.

Also note that a request to the QHM on channel 11 is required for every crossing of the harbour shipping lane. This sounds mad and totaly impractical but this is what the notice says. In addition using the easten side of the harbour enterance to enter Camber is now banned completely unless you have a commercially registered craft with permission from the QHM.

Not sure how pratical all this is but there you go!


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Old 20 November 2002, 20:41   #2
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Oops! Did a trip from Camber on Saturday.... and returned on the East side of the entrance. No-one arrested me but thanks for the info!

Mike C
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Old 20 November 2002, 21:37   #3
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I am not surprised they have issued this notice as the last few times I have been in Portsmouth Harbour, the small boats have been all over the shop and quite often obstructing the bigger ones.

I'd disagree with the comment that Gunwhardf Quay doesn't have a visitors berth , I've stayed there
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Old 20 November 2002, 22:21   #4
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I hope that the QHM is busy training up radio operators ready for the summer bank holidays!

I've also emailed enquiring about provision for craft not equipped with VHF . . .

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Old 20 November 2002, 22:39   #5
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I can just imagine some of the PWC fraternity taking notice of this little gem not to mention Old Jed in his Drascombe lugger who has been known to put the fear of G** up the Pride of Bilbao on more than one occasion
Peter (nick, nick) T

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Old 21 November 2002, 08:33   #6
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The recent LNTM concerning harbour entry and exit replaces a LNTM which was introduced after a number of serious incidents at the harbour entrance caused by small craft corssing to Gunwharf and Town Camber. It removes some ambiguities and includes lessons learnt in the last 12 months. The Dockyard Port Forum (which represents commerical and leisure interest in the Port) was fully involved in producing it notice.

The main changes are that all craft under 20m (with a few listed exceptions) must now use the small boat channel for entry and exit and must cross the harbour in either direction north of Ballast Buoy after requesting permission from Harbour Control.

In this way it is hoped to further reduce the number of incidents.

Rules without enforcement however are a waste of time and I am working hard to set up a Harbour Patrol which (if it comes to fruition) will patrol the harbour entrance during busy periods and educate mariners and indeed enforce where necessary.

I hope this helps explain the situation. I look forward to seeing many of your members at RIBEX here in Portmsouth next May whihc should really check out my system for Traffic Control!!
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Old 21 November 2002, 09:25   #7
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QHM, Thanks for your input, it is greatly received and I am sure that now we know about it we will operate within the new guidelines and regulations.

One request from us "Law abiding" sorts. If, or when news of irresponsible boat owners (sail as well power) hits the news is it at all possible that it is mentioned that the members of RIBnet had addressed the new changes and worked with you instead of against?


Alan Priddy
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Old 21 November 2002, 09:44   #8
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Good comment's Alan, I think that Ribsters should get credit when it is deserved.

QHM welcome aboard, stay tuned your comments will be welcome

Perhaps you can give us some pertinent feedback on the way we behave!
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Old 21 November 2002, 10:51   #9
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Thanks QHM for your response. I have distributed this notice to as many people as I know with boats, however I fear that the people you need to worry about are the people that will never see this notice. They are the occasional fine weather boathandler who has a boat yet has little experience and would never read or even know about these notices. How do you plan to communicate these out to the wider community. Also for many they don't have VHF, especially the case for Personnal Water Craft.

Ken Brown should erect a notice board right next to the slip and the Camber, there is one there but its not really in your face, where it needs to be.

Another solution to the UK wide issue of poor boathandling and lack of understanding of other mariners, would be to introduce a mandatory certificate of competence as in most of Europe. Within the education would be awareness of harbour controls and processes.

Also, for what it's worth, I would be happy to spend a few days a year helping you to patrol the harbour and issuing handouts to small traffic,under a volenteer flag. I am sure many others would volenteer also if the result was a safer and more controlled harbour.

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Old 21 November 2002, 13:59   #10
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Originally posted by John Kennett
I've also emailed enquiring about provision for craft not equipped with VHF . . .
. . . and I had a very swift reply!

The answer was that QHM would prefer all boaters to invest in a VHF, but that a phone call would suffice if necessary (although the NTM doesn't include a phone number!)

This may effectively make VHF mandatory for any craft using Camber Dock or Gunwharf, which would be an interesting side effect.

It may be that I am overestimating thenumber of boats without VHF, or that QHM is underestimating the number. Either way, I am very pleased (and I must admit, surprised!) at the quick response and open, friendly attitude of the QHM.

With a bit of give and take both ways then there's no reason why this scheme shouldn't work to make the harbour a safer place.

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Old 21 November 2002, 21:42   #11
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After all the comments on the above, and casting back to my slightly flippant earlier one, may I just clarify that I too am in agreement with the new rules and happy to obey! I have, before now, encountered a small sailing dinghy, tacking from side to side across the whole of the harbour entrance, at right angles to, and at the narrowest point. As I was entering the harbour, this brown shadow came across in front of me as I was negotiating many other boats travelling both directions in the small boat channel. (OK, he was on my starboard side AND under sail, but even so!) Good job RIBs have good brakes!

As for the comments about turning the harbour into a VHF only zone. Well is that so bad in such a crowded place with so much commercial shipping? How many serious ribsters, (or boaters in general), do you know that don't have VHF? The possible alternative, banning ALL private small craft would be far worse!

Incidentally, just to prove us RIBsters do try to keep to the rules, below is a GPS track of one of my recent trips in and out. Only the return via the Eastern edge is now not official, (but it was when I did it!)

(C) Garmin Mapsource - hope they won't mind!

Mike C
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Old 21 November 2002, 22:32   #12
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Hmm, I was wondering were the Ballast was, I will know better next time. QHM could do with a map on there site.
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Old 21 November 2002, 22:36   #13
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Also check out

If you decide to ignore the new rules you could end up being on Candid Camera.
Peter (nick, nick) T

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
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Old 22 November 2002, 08:17   #14
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Portsmouth LNTM

Thank you all for your comments. The most important point is how do I intend to make everyone aware....

The key strategies are a new sign at the Harbour entrance - which tells all vessels under 20m to use the small boat channel and a QHM Harbour Patrol in the Harbour entrance during the summer to educate, assist and when necessary enforce the Local Notice. I haven't quite got this sorted yet but am very hopeful it will go ahead. A better note is also being put on all the relevant Admiralty Charts. And of course word of mouth from mariners such as yourselves will also greatly help.

Once again thanks for the support.

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Old 22 November 2002, 09:09   #15
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If all small boats go both in and out past Ballst the harbour entrance will surley be a nightmare in the summer as its only narrow any way. Putting all small vessels on one side of the channel I think will create big problems. Or have i got the wrong end of the stick.

I'm assuming small craft go in and out on the port side of the harbour entrance .

Julian Lyas
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Old 22 November 2002, 17:33   #16
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The small ships channel is on the port as you enter. This is the way its always been and most people follow the rule. However people that dont know any better go all over the place and hence cause problems to big shipping. This is especially the case when small boats leave the Camber as its a blind bend. Hence they have to travel out of the camber giving way to the isle of white car ferries, down the harbour where they can be seen then across at 90' to the shipping lane to Balast then out to sea in the small ships channel. It does work and yes it can get busy but no worse than any A road gets. People need to be patient and chug out in an orderly line.

I am pleased about the new notice, as loads of people break the rules and race about all over the place, and it gives us all a bad name, when many of us know what we are doing and are safe.

Hope this helps, if not I would be happy to show you on a chart next time you go out of portsmouth.



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Old 22 November 2002, 18:34   #17
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Originally posted by Andy
Hope this helps, if not I would be happy to show you on a chart next time you go out of portsmouth.
No need! I've got my crayons out and marked up Mike C's map:
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Old 25 November 2002, 11:30   #18
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New Rules

Cheers chaps

It all makes sense now. Will be keeping in line with the new regs. Last time i went there it was a mess. Loads of boats all over the place cutting in front of ferries etc. This should help.

Julian Lyas
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Old 25 November 2002, 14:31   #19
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I poped out for a blast on the Solent yesterday as it looked like a fine day. Called channel 11 and QHM responded no problem, and crossed to the balast bouy. However loads of people where cutting across all over the place.

The solent was nice and calm across near the Isle of White due to Southerlies. Great day until a very black cloud containing rain and horizontal hail stones hit, bring near zero viz to the solent. I love it when the weather comes in like that, and it past as quickly as it arrived.

All in all a great day out, and I got to speak to the QHM twice!

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