08 January 2008, 06:10
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Oban (mostly)
Make: Ribcraft, Humber,BWM
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outboards
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 632
Let your voice be heard
I've had contact from the company that is organising this project, and they'd like to invite you to share your views so that they can be included in the community meeting.
There are four questions, and replies should be sent to elaine.lauder@googlemail.com
1. What group do you represent?
2. What are your aspirations for the Oban Bay and Sound of Kerrera area?
3. What do you consider to be the main obstacles in achieving these?
4. Do you have any ideas for overcoming these obstacles?
I can understand the cynicism in some of the Forum comments here if peoples' experience has been lots of talk but no action - but I think the question for us is not whether or not we think it's likely to happen, but rather do we think that Oban would be better for us if these facilities were available? The answer for me is a very big YES and I've sent my repliy off to Elaine.
I was involved in the early days of setting up a Harbour Trust on the Forth which took over the running of the harbour from the local council, and the results have been very positive. If local business and the community in Oban get behind this and make it happen then it has to be good for all of us and we should give them our support
08 January 2008, 08:27
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4,671
Originally Posted by BruceB
There is a good concrete slip with limited parking at Port beag within the harbour, council owned and free. Usable at all states of the tide except Low springs. This is the one I use.
Is that the big one about 200 yds north of the North pier? I have looked at the Ganavan one, but the sand put me off, as unfortuantely I only have one powered axle! Do Puffin Divers do fuel? Again I had discounted that one as I couldn't find any useful info on it so assumed it was a private club or something. As my RiB drinks fuel, that could be one to add to the list.....
All good stuff, thanks.
Originally Posted by BruceB
Shifting the two lismore ferries around actually makes a lot of sense, the residents have been arguing for it for years fro good reason.
I can see the reasoning for swapping them over, It's more the infrastructure (or lack of!) on the mainland that I was commenting on....
08 January 2008, 08:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Chesterfield
Boat name: Sea Quell
Make: Picton Cobra
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mercury 150 4 Stroke
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Posts: 1,095
Yes Puffin sell waterside petrol and diesel and the slip gives access at all states of the tide.(again suspect not at LWS) During the "main" season they do hot drinks and snack food.
Launching and mooring on their buoys is free if you use their facilities ; air, dive shop, fuel etc.
A very friendly and helpful bunch in my experience
08 January 2008, 09:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
Length: 9m +
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,951
Originally Posted by Jeff
A very friendly and helpful bunch in my experience
I will second Jeffs comments, we have been diving with them twice in the last couple of years and deffinately worth the drive up from Portsmouth. Very friendly and have a "can do" type of attitude to helping folk out.
During the various nights out around Oban and walks along the sea front it struck me that there was no obvious pontoon to tie up to for short term stops, although I suppose you could go along side the small charter boats. Something in the town to stop during the day for fish and chips or shopping etc would be good from a visitors point of view. Fab location, Oban and the Isles are on the list of things to do with the rib
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
08 January 2008, 15:50
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Inverness
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Posts: 1,908
Originally Posted by 9D280
Is that the big one about 200 yds north of the North pier?
Other direction on the other side of the harbour beside the Lifeboat. I will also restrain myself on comment on Puffin, suffice to say lots of folk would disagree with the "friendly and helpful" epithets on some of these postings!
08 January 2008, 19:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
Length: 9m +
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,951
Originally Posted by BruceB
Other direction on the other side of the harbour beside the Lifeboat. I will also restrain myself on comment on Puffin, suffice to say lots of folk would disagree with the "friendly and helpful" epithets on some of these postings!
Can only comment on how we found them, perhaps its the difference between tourists spending money and the locals, but nothing seemed to much trouble. I will give you one example. My 13 month old £300 nitrox diving computer wouldn't work on arrival in Oban. Asked Puffin staff for help and they rang Sunto UK and put a bit of pressure on them. Sunto agreed to Puffin issuing me with a replacement from there shop, Puffin returned mine to Sunto on my behalf and then Sunto re-imbursed Puffin with a replacement for the shop. Enabled me to carry on diving that day
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
08 January 2008, 19:30
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: OBAN/ Kerrera
Boat name: CHILL OUT
Make: Barracuda
Length: 7m +
Engine: Outboard
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 7
Originally Posted by BruceB
Ah, that explains the North pier scheme then. The scheme I had heard of for the OBM company was at Borro boats and involved fueling and watering facilities but no launching for boats. This is also the one most yachting folk in the area know as the planned scheme.
I am sure this is the scheme mentioned on the website although I could be wrong......
The North Pier slipway is much more useful and of greater utility to more folk IMO. How are you going to put in a breakwater? The water gets fairly deep quickly there onto a soft bottom so I assume it is some sort of floating one?
The North pier is indeed the more useful point to have the pontoon, and any kind of break water would be a floating one, as to the sea bed there will be a full topographic survey done probably within the next few weeks to asertain the condition and make up of the sea bed, it is important to say that there are some very seriouse people behind this project, there is a project manager about to start, as soon as the finer details are sorted out, ie contracts etc and there is a delivery date of spring 09 the challenge with the weather is appreciated by anyone who uses the bay on a regular basis, north westerly's obviuosly being the worst, but i think it is important to remember that these pontoons will be used as a short term stop off for the yachts so the women can go and shop and the crew can stock up on supplies and then take off again. power boats and most of the charter boats that would use it are only there for a day and night at the most, but usually just to pick up and drop off so vessel safety shouldnt be an issue, most folk, i imagine would move their boat before the storm struck.
08 January 2008, 19:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
Length: 9m +
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,951
Roddy thats just the sort of thing both Portsmouth a Gosport would benefit from,
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
08 January 2008, 20:15
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Oban (mostly)
Make: Ribcraft, Humber,BWM
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outboards
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 632
You're absolutely right Pete! It's exactly what would help down there.
And, of course, any feedback from "out-of-area" boaters is equally valid in supporting this development. We shouldn't just expect just the Oban locals and the Scots to comment ... how about the people who might be interested in visiting the area (and it is a fabulous place to explore).
How about the travellers? What would you all be looking for, or hoping not to find, from a boating centre on the west coast of Scotland??
08 January 2008, 22:53
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by roddy macEachen
The North pier is indeed the more useful point to have the pontoon, and any kind of break water would be a floating one, as to the sea bed there will be a full topographic survey done probably within the next few weeks to asertain the condition and make up of the sea bed
Ive seen the sea bed there and it is very soft silt sloping down to about 15m or so away from the beach at about the point the pontoon would be anchored.:-) Are SAMS doing the survey or is someone else coming in?
I'll be interested to see the plans as the tidal range on springs at that point combined with a westerly and low pressure is quite capable of washing over the North pier, usually every two winters or so. I'll be interested to see how the anchors and breakwaters will be arranged to cope with that?
I suspect in that position it will need to be removed each winter?
09 January 2008, 16:43
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: OBAN/ Kerrera
Boat name: CHILL OUT
Make: Barracuda
Length: 7m +
Engine: Outboard
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 7
Yes i believe it is very soft and steep, I would imagine we would like to approach local groups first to provide the required expertese in things of this nature. Apparently SAMS now have a a new side scan sonar which i would hope they would love to use as much as poss. I know we will be trying to get them for some work for the Isle of Kerrera community.
I would imagine that initialy we would be looking to poss remove the pontoons each winter, however having worked for a number of years on the fish farms i have seen what those systems can stand up to and i would imagine with the right ground gear and proper instalation there wouldnt be to many problems.
09 January 2008, 19:57
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Inverness
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Posts: 1,908
Deeper water though where the tidal range is easier to allow for in the anchor lines and where wandering about a few metres here and there isn't important. You also don't have the ground effects as the waves hit the beach buiklding up and speeding up the waves coming in.
I am away from home at the moment but leaving town this morning the seaweed was all over the road on the esplanade so obviously the tide was high and waves were breaking onto the main road last night, will post a piccy on sunday.
10 January 2008, 09:41
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Edinburgh
Boat name: Sula / Mingulay
Make: Ribcraft 7.8/4m avon
Length: 7m +
Engine: 300 hp outboard
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 79
I think Oban is crying out for something like this. We keep our rib just down the coast at Ardoran and spend a lot of time ribbing in the area. We often head along to Oban but it seems pretty much impossible to tie up and go for a meal or a wander in the same way that you can at Tobermory or Craobh Haven. Apart from the yacht traffic i am sure there would be lots of motor boats who would be delighted if there were pontoons where they could leave their boats for a couple of hours or more.
Petrol and diesel would be a big plus too - we have a big thirsty outboard and puffin is the only place in the area where you can fill up. Very happy to write a letter of support if it helps
10 January 2008, 09:49
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Oban (mostly)
Make: Ribcraft, Humber,BWM
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outboards
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 632
I see that this month's "Sailing Today" has an article about loadsamoney about to be spent at Tobermory and somewhere else (if I'd bought the mag rather than just flicked through it at the shop I might have remembered where!). The whole area seems to be taking off
19 November 2008, 06:09
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Oban (mostly)
Make: Ribcraft, Humber,BWM
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outboards
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 632
Latest News
All aspects in obtaining permission for our proposed Short Stay Pontoon Development within Oban Harbour have now been concluded.
- Detailed planning consent from Argyll and Bute council
- Dredging consent from FRS Marine Lab. In Aberdeen
- Marine navigation and safety from Marine Coastguard Agency (Scottish Ex.)
Work continues to source funding for the project, and they seem pretty confident with that.
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