Originally Posted by havener
Remarkable guy.
One can't help but think today's progressive and competence based recruitment techniques, of which the RNLI is a major user, would he wouldn't get through the first sift......
I'm sure you're right. He wouldn't have been allowed to shoot down three Stukas either.
'You seem to have shot down three Stukas without first obtaining a Certificate of Competence in Stuka Shooting Down. Is this true?'
'Yes, I'm a boat designer.'
'Mmm! Neither do you seem to have filed a Risk Assessment before pulling the trigger. Do you realise that such actions by unqualified operatives are dangerous, and without such an assessment lives could have been put in jeopardy?'
'Yes. Er, I was thinking about this boat I'm designing.'
'Your actions could well have put the whole organisation in a very difficult position with our sponsors/shareholders. Such actions by unqualified, and therefore incompetent, staff are not to be tolerated.'
'Yes, but I've got this great idea for a revolutionary new type of boat...'
'Have you got a Revolutionary Boat Design Certificate of Competence?'
'Er, no. There aren't any.'
'I'm sorry son, without such qualifications you are incompetent and a Health and Safety risk. I'll have to let you go.'
Mmmm. Don't suppose we'll see many more amazing people like him again.