31 May 2021, 17:39
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
Boat name: Wheres Dorris
Length: 6m +
Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 128
Ocean 6.25 rebuild
Finally after owning it for a year and a half, I am getting around to doing the refurb on my Ocean 6.25.
Today in brought it back from storage, did some investigation into the spongey deck and started to strip it back.
My original plan was to do a patch repair for this summer, then do a full refurb and respray over winter.
When I took the rear jockey seat off, I found the deck has gotten worse in the last year in storage. This means it is not a patch or part deck repair anymore, it is a full deck replacement needed.
I started stripping the electronics out of the console to take it off. The spaghetti I was looking at is causing some major twitches, and I’m not even a particularly tidy person. The engine I have comes with dials and wiring, so it needs to bite the dust anyway. Given the state, I will now do the full refurb including seat unit and console exchange, rear bench seat and a hull spray rather than later in the year as originally planned.
Looks like I’ll be taking a week off work as I have a deadline looming of July 10th to use it as safety cover for som junior sailing competitions.
When will I learn.....
Attachment 1
Edit: I’m not sure where the random boat/bloke in the harbour picture came from!
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31 May 2021, 20:40
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Reminds me a lot of what mine looked like when I started taking it apart (but luckily my deck was still sound.
You’ve got your work cut out to get it done for July 10th
01 June 2021, 13:18
Country: Other
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I'm actually seriously considering doing away with the fixed rear bench seat in my Ocean 6.25 to make way for a folding solution that will give me more deck space. A project I'll tackle this winter coming.
I might yet change my mind, but get in touch if you think you'd be interested in buying it.
02 June 2021, 07:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
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Posts: 128
Thank you Nasher.
I’m after a folding one too, maybe we could team up and have two done the same.
I know a guy who runs a metal work business who I was going to speak to, but I’m not sure is this is his thing as most of the stuff I’ve seen is sheet work rather than tube.
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02 June 2021, 09:53
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Originally Posted by Takson
Thank you Nasher.
I’m after a folding one too, maybe we could team up and have two done the same.
I know a guy who runs a metal work business who I was going to speak to, but I’m not sure is this is his thing as most of the stuff I’ve seen is sheet work rather than tube.
Athough there seems varied comments re highfield boats ,having owned one i think the one of the things they do well is their rear bench ,couple for sale at rib shop which i think are poss a bit narrow for your needs but a good pattern ?
A frame with bench - Rib Shop Ltd
sorry hadnt realised that the ones for sale i dont think are the fold up style i had on my 2014 5metre
03 June 2021, 19:19
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Allot of work to do in a week! I’m still doing mine over a year on from starting, I too have had to replace the deck, almost at the stage of fitting the new deck, the prep work to get it ready has taken ages! Best of luck, look forward to more photos and details of how you have done it!
03 June 2021, 20:13
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Originally Posted by Takson
Edit: I’m not sure where the random boat/bloke in the harbour picture came from!
This dude?
04 June 2021, 17:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
Boat name: Wheres Dorris
Length: 6m +
Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
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Posts: 128
Originally Posted by willk
This dude?

That’s the one!
The photo I uploaded was very different, so a possible glitch in the matrix
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04 June 2021, 17:35
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04 June 2021, 17:36
Country: UK - England
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Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
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Posts: 128
Originally Posted by Orwell boy
Athough there seems varied comments re highfield boats ,having owned one i think the one of the things they do well is their rear bench ,couple for sale at rib shop which i think are poss a bit narrow for your needs but a good pattern ?
A frame with bench - Rib Shop Ltd
sorry hadnt realised that the ones for sale i dont think are the fold up style i had on my 2014 5metre
That’s an interesting design, coming from the A frame rather than screwed to the floor.
I too like Highfield, although the only one I have had the use of was a tender which clearly didn’t like me. Towing it behind a boat with a stick and handkerchief in Turkey, it decided to do a runner never to be seen again.
If only I wasn’t the one who tied it on I could say,’as skipper it was my responsibility to check it was properly attached, so a good leaning excercise for both me and the crew.’
In this case the crew consisting of SWMBO and three children under 12 called me a muppet and made me walk the plank......
Note: it’s not exactly what I was called by the war department, but that is unrepeatable.
One day it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine
15 September 2021, 12:43
Country: UK - England
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Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
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Posts: 128
Originally Posted by xpertski
Allot of work to do in a week! I’m still doing mine over a year on from starting, I too have had to replace the deck, almost at the stage of fitting the new deck, the prep work to get it ready has taken ages! Best of luck, look forward to more photos and details of how you have done it!
Well it wasn't, and isn't quite finished in a week :-)
I really must get on.
I have decided to scale back the original plan to actually get on the water, especially where the hull is concerned. It has been previously hand painted and then also anti-fouled. My original planw as to sand and respray the hull, however I am tempted to get it back on the water more quickly and reapply the anti-foul rather than a full hull refurb.
It is likely to live on a trailer most of the time rather than the water, so am I being lazy and crazy?
One day it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine
04 January 2022, 13:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
Boat name: Wheres Dorris
Length: 6m +
Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 128
Making Progress Again
Well I have a new target deadline, middle of March.
The Console and rear jockey are off, the old deck is mainly out using a combination of circular saw set about 1mm above floor level, a multi tool and an angle grinder. I need to finish taking out/tidying up the edge to accept the new deck.
Tools and process so far.
The console and seat were screwed and fibreglassed over the top. I used the angle grinder to cut the fibreglass lip, the levered the console up if I could not gain access to the screws. With a bit of care and plenty of puffing and panting (I had to keep it clean my son was helping me!) both came out intact. (Will be pictures up and for sale shortly)
my old 18v Ryobi circular saw is not really up to the job. Even with a new battery, it doesn't have the sheer grunt to get through wet wood and fibreglass. The larger circular saw I have has plenty of power, but is lacking the finesse needed to be accurate. So for the main part of the deck it has been a case of cut through the fibreglass with the grinder with a fine cutting disk in, then retrace that line with the battery circular saw. The timber underneath is completely shot. It comes out in handfuls, but it does come. The photos show how much debris I am creating as I take out handfuls of timber rather than anything resembling a board.
Following Nashers advice, I checked the fuel tank was secured properly. It has been glassed in at some point before but has some movement so will be removed, cleaned and refitted. I want to make sure I do not alter the balance, so will be marking and measuring carefully before I do.
Some photos to follow from phone.
One day it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine
04 January 2022, 13:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
Boat name: Wheres Dorris
Length: 6m +
Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 128
Originally Posted by takson
well i have a new target deadline, middle of march.
The console and rear jockey are off, the old deck is mainly out using a combination of circular saw set about 1mm above floor level, a multi tool and an angle grinder. I need to finish taking out/tidying up the edge to accept the new deck.
Tools and process so far.
The console and seat were screwed and fibreglassed over the top. I used the angle grinder to cut the fibreglass lip, the levered the console up if i could not gain access to the screws. With a bit of care and plenty of puffing and panting (i had to keep it clean my son was helping me!) both came out intact. (will be pictures up and for sale shortly)
my old 18v ryobi circular saw is not really up to the job. Even with a new battery, it doesn't have the sheer grunt to get through wet wood and fibreglass. The larger circular saw i have has plenty of power, but is lacking the finesse needed to be accurate. So for the main part of the deck it has been a case of cut through the fibreglass with the grinder with a fine cutting disk in, then retrace that line with the battery circular saw. The timber underneath is completely shot. It comes out in handfuls, but it does come. The photos show how much debris i am creating as i take out handfuls of timber rather than anything resembling a board.
Following nashers advice, i checked the fuel tank was secured properly. It has been glassed in at some point before but has some movement so will be removed, cleaned and refitted. I want to make sure i do not alter the balance, so will be marking and measuring carefully before i do.
Some photos to follow from phone.
 Attachment 1
One day it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine
04 January 2022, 13:51
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
Boat name: Wheres Dorris
Length: 6m +
Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 128
At some point in the past the anchor locker drain became blocked, which caused the ply in the locker to rot.
This was attached to the main deck, therefore the bow section rotted as well as the rear section where water was getting in through a split in the fibreglass and where the rear jockey was screwed down with little evidence of sealant.
I don't believe this comes from the manufacturer like this, as the main console was sealed, fibreglassed and screwed, but there has been deck work done before under the rear jockey and potentially not completed to the same standard.
One day it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine
04 January 2022, 14:33
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
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MMSI: "Mmmmm SI" she said!
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Posts: 4,944
Good to see you are back on it.
The Anchor locker in mine was not fitted with any sort of drain, the idea being to keep the big hull void under the console as a coffin sized storage area.
The hatch leaked of course and it just filled with water.
Instead I fitted a false floor to the anchor locker and a yacht type drain through the side of the hull.
04 January 2022, 14:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
Boat name: Wheres Dorris
Length: 6m +
Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 128
Originally Posted by Nasher
Good to see you are back on it.
The Anchor locker in mine was not fitted with any sort of drain, the idea being to keep the big hull void under the console as a coffin sized storage area.
The hatch leaked of course and it just filled with water.
Instead I fitted a false floor to the anchor locker and a yacht type drain through the side of the hull.
That would be great, thank you Nasher. I was scratching my head on how to avoid it happening again.
One day it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine
05 January 2022, 11:54
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 225
MMSI: "Mmmmm SI" she said!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 4,944
Sorry Takson, I can't find my original thread.
Basically I wanted to be able to drain the Anchor locker out the side of the hull like a yacht so first had to glass in a false floor to the locker to bring it above water at anchor.
05 January 2022, 11:55
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 225
MMSI: "Mmmmm SI" she said!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 4,944
Ignore the Stainless bracket, I made that to stop the anchor jumping about under way.
05 January 2022, 11:58
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 225
MMSI: "Mmmmm SI" she said!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 4,944
Then I just drilled a hole right at the (new) bottom of the locker and added a drain plug.
In reality I leave the bung out all the time, but do sometimes put it in and fill the llocker with fresh water to rinse out the chain etc.
05 January 2022, 12:19
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 225
MMSI: "Mmmmm SI" she said!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 4,944
It's not easy to see in this image, but the outlet is right on the water line and could have probably done with being a couple of inches higher.
But that would have reduced the locker capacity significantly.
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