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Old 05 October 2009, 07:36   #1
Knot Yet's Avatar
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Oh bugger - what have I gone and done - latest in buying a Humber RIB thread!!!!

Argghh - after all your help on here have just pressed Buy it Now on this:


Not yet paid for it - still to view it and collect it - but someone please tell me it was a good idea - now really panicing - but guess we can always walk away if the description was not accurate - bang goes my eBay reputation

Need stiff drink .... for hubby who is doing his nut!!!

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Old 05 October 2009, 07:46   #2
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Nice one! Congrats!!!!
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Old 05 October 2009, 08:20   #3
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Oh bugger is right, thats exactly the sort of boat i was looking for for my scouts and you beat me to it lol

It certainly looks in good knick etc, just get them to confirm the engine servicing with receipts etc. Would also be an idea to get your own mechanic to look over the engines as well (speak from bitter experience here when I purchased a vehicle for 10k that was "serviced" took it to Ireland and got mechanic to look it over, result death trap and NOT serviced!, I won court case for costs (15k) but the seller closed company mid way and vanished)
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Old 05 October 2009, 09:12   #4
Country: UK - England
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Nice buy with all that spec.

Just one thought. Are you sure it’s an Ocean Pro? Only from the photos it doesn't seem to have a fully 'turned up nose'. It may well be just the angle they were taken on of course! It almost looks more like a Destroyer or similar. I would take a tape measure with you!!!

The 6.3 Ocean Pro should be 2.34 Mtr Beam. The Destroyer is 2.28 Mtrs.

Still, with all that kit, so long as it all works it’s still a good buy no matter what the model!

I've attached a photo of my 6.3 Ocean Pro for comparison. As I say, photos can be deceptive!

Mike C
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Old 05 October 2009, 10:37   #5
Country: UK - Wales
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Ocean pro? Unlikely

I agree, nose is not up enough and not wide enough by looks.

Importantly the op has a double rubber tube over the bow which forms a channell for a rope. The destroyer and others have a single rub tube as can be seen in the photo.

It looks fairly old so may be an older model or something, ask Humber.

Still looks a good bit of kit though, if working properly. Ask him for £750 off and settle at £500 for wrong description, op has a more complex hull, hence more expensive. Though some prefer the destroyer. He won't want to advertise again.

Good luck
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Old 05 October 2009, 10:51   #6
Country: UK - Scotland
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I'm fairly certain it's not a Destroyer. There seems to be a chine on the hull right to the bow. Also the deck and internal hull doesn't look like mine. Transom is different too, with no knees.

AFAIR some of the Ocean Pro's were no wider than the Destroyer - might be mistaken though.
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Old 05 October 2009, 10:54   #7
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looks like a destroyer or similar. Ocean Pro has multiple spray rails extending to the bow.
Dave M
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Old 05 October 2009, 11:06   #8
Country: UK - Scotland
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Just had another look.

Dave - I think there are chines right for'd.

If I was just shown the interior shots, I'd have said it was an Avon hull - but it may be the colour that influences me.

Where's the makers mark?
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Old 05 October 2009, 11:44   #9
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Having spent a month scraping antifoul off it's little brother's Grandad (the 5m / 2m beam version) I'd say form the pic on the railer that bow looks O-Pro-esque to me. (Although I am comparing it to the 2m Beam version)

As those are the 2 cyl 55's be prepared for a "Marmite moment" - they'll make the sort of noise you either love or hate.....)

Nice one. I'm jealous.
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Old 05 October 2009, 11:50   #10
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Originally Posted by Knot Yet View Post
Not yet paid for it - still to view it and collect it - but someone please tell me it was a good idea...
Nice one.

A customer of ours bought a smaller Humber recently, that came with a very poor trailer, floppy A frame, no electronics, smaller engines etc etc.

They paid, I believe, around 8 (ex VAT) for it. So you have done well if it stands up to scrutiny.
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Old 05 October 2009, 15:03   #11
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Thanks all - glad it does'nt appear to be a complete lemon ... just yet!!

Will let you know how we get on when we pick her up - still very worried I've done the right thing especially as it's not clear on what model Humber she might be *gulp*

Quick update - have just spoken to the current owner, he seems very nice so hope I'm not upsetting a RIBnet member with this thread!! - she was decommissioned and he then rebuilt her as apparently the MOD "package" up their boats - engines and rib are original, he then added the electronics (all of which work) and added the extra pod seats with stainless steel inbuilt fuel tanks underneath.

The owner is a Powerboat and Sailing Instructor and upgrading to a bigger RIB (still a decommission) with inboard diesal - so she has been used as a safety vessel

He has a certificate issued by Humber stating she is an Ocean Pro as apparently the MOD strip registration numbers and remove identity plates - apparently this gives her some authenticity

The only current issue not flagged in the description is that the brakes on the trailer are not connected to the tow hitch - so we will need to fix this

He serviced the engines himself, replacing a prop that he knocked.

The hull is antifouled - how do you check a sound hull when it's antifouled?? - mind you I suppose as she is afloat and he will be taking us down in her to the slip - we will soon see if she's not sea worthy!! - can you scrape antifoul off or is it best left on??

She's down in Sandwich - hopefully picking up on Sunday due to tides etc - if anyone else can think of anything else we need to check or do - it would be much appreciated - I know it's not masses of money for a RIB but it's all my savings *sniff sniff* - so trying to be as careful as possible, between having major panic attacks.

To be fair I did say that if we found her in three pieces with a trailer not roadworthy we would'nt continue the sale and he seemed very happy that this was'nt the case!! - poor bloke

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Old 05 October 2009, 16:21   #12
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Best thing to do is to find a decent Marine Surveyor to give the boat the once over before you even set off.
He checks should include scraping some antifoul off in various places and taken moisture readings.
Least you know the boat is more or less sound. Your insurance company might want a survey completed anyway?
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Old 05 October 2009, 16:25   #13
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Its definitely not a Destroyer, looks more like a Pro or similiar to me.
You can have the rubbing strip on the Destroyer bow with channel, you just need to pay extra for it!
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Old 05 October 2009, 16:48   #14
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Originally Posted by BruceB View Post
Its definitely not a Destroyer, looks more like a Pro or similiar to me.
You can have the rubbing strip on the Destroyer bow with channel, you just need to pay extra for it!
aha, learn something new every day.

It looks a lot of boat for the money, irrespective of exact model.

Perhaps the high shear bow of present day OPs is more pronounced than OP models built some time ago???? Anyone know?
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Old 05 October 2009, 18:04   #15
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My Destroyer bow, fitted with reinforced bow.
I have found it worth getting this bow reinforcing to both the Humbers I have owned, its a couple of hundred quid but it means I can put mine against the rocks to get ashore and also not mark the tubes pulling in a fairly substantial anchor and chain.
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Old 05 October 2009, 19:05   #16
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I predict a "how best to clean up my tubes" thread on Sunday night!

With a good clean and a bit of tidying up that looks like it will be a really nice boat. And if I was looking for a boat of that size, for the application you have in mind, and had £6k sitting in my pocket it would have got my attention. I like to think that you have agreed the price and could have asked any questions before hand so I would see any attempt to renegotiate the price now as really cheeky unless there is some material fact that wasn't disclosed / as per description. That said I know at least one person who would intentionally pull out the sale now just to piss off the buyer - and then come in under a different username and offer £5.5k or less!

What's the white thing on top of the A-frame?
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Old 05 October 2009, 19:07   #17
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I think I'm destined to never own a RIB - having made arrangements for a survey (not that I've heard back from the seller yet) - we've then spent the last 2 hours re-arranging the drive and it does'nt matter which way we shift everything it's not going to fit

Utterly gutted - and yes I know I should have thought of this beforehand but it just seemed such a cracking opportunity - so back to the drawing board and a shorter Destroyer

Thanks again for all your help and congratulations - feel very disappointed and I'm sure the seller thinks I'm a right wally and total time waster

If anyone would like his details let me know - I'm sure he would be keen to sell off of eBay to someone who knows what they are doing!

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Old 05 October 2009, 19:10   #18
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
I predict a "how best to clean up my tubes" thread on Sunday night!

With a good clean and a bit of tidying up that looks like it will be a really nice boat. And if I was looking for a boat of that size, for the application you have in mind, and had £6k sitting in my pocket it would have got my attention. I like to think that you have agreed the price and could have asked any questions before hand so I would see any attempt to renegotiate the price now as really cheeky unless there is some material fact that wasn't disclosed / as per description. That said I know at least one person who would intentionally pull out the sale now just to piss off the buyer - and then come in under a different username and offer £5.5k or less!

What's the white thing on top of the A-frame?
Sadly we've pulled the sale but not to get it cheaper - no we would'nt re negotiate or at least not as long as his description was fair - he seems a very genuine guy and I feel really bad to have treated him so poorly but at the end of the day we need her to sit on the drive - lesson learnt - hopefully not at too much expense
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Old 05 October 2009, 19:11   #19
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Originally Posted by Knot Yet View Post
I think I'm destined to never own a RIB - having made arrangements for a survey (not that I've heard back from the seller yet) - we've then spent the last 2 hours re-arranging the drive and it does'nt matter which way we shift everything it's not going to fit

Utterly gutted - and yes I know I should have thought of this beforehand but it just seemed such a cracking opportunity - so back to the drawing board and a shorter Destroyer

Thanks again for all your help and congratulations - feel very disappointed and I'm sure the seller thinks I'm a right wally and total time waster

If anyone would like his details let me know - I'm sure he would be keen to sell off of eBay to someone who knows what they are doing!

You could always consider storing it off site?
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Old 05 October 2009, 19:18   #20
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Hi Polwart - good idea and we have looked at it - the nearest and cheapest is £1000 for the year so more than we can afford currently - it all feels a bit impossible at the moment so going to give RIB buying a rest - don't want to upset anybody else!!

Once again thanks all for the support and feedback really appreicated and I'm sure at some point we will be able to put all your help to good use

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