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Old 27 August 2011, 14:22   #1
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Old BSAC qualifications VS RYA

Hi Just dug out my old BSAC diver qualification book as I wanted to check out my Boat handeling courses.

Looking at them I have...
BSAC Boat Handeler wich I was lead to belive at the time was equivalant to RYA level 1 and 2 Power boat.
It covered everthing I can see is set out in the RYA levels 1 and 2.

Is this correct and how would I get my equivalent RYA certs.? can they just be issued on proof of the BSAC ones?

Also I did the RYA Club Rescue Cox I have the RYA cert for that one but is that similar to ADV powerboat?
It states on the cert its LEVEL 3.

Or do I have to do the whole lot again.. Grrrrr.

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Old 27 August 2011, 14:31   #2
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Originally Posted by jezza2011 View Post
Hi Just dug out my old BSAC diver qualification book as I wanted to check out my Boat handeling courses.

Looking at them I have...
BSAC Boat Handeler wich I was lead to belive at the time was equivalant to RYA level 1 and 2 Power boat.
It covered everthing I can see is set out in the RYA levels 1 and 2.

Is this correct and how would I get my equivalent RYA certs.? can they just be issued on proof of the BSAC ones?

Also I did the RYA Club Rescue Cox I have the RYA cert for that one but is that similar to ADV powerboat?
It states on the cert its LEVEL 3.

Or do I have to do the whole lot again.. Grrrrr.

Firstly, you don't need the certificates for normal boating so there is no need to redo anything. The old RYA Level 3 "rescue cox" has been replaced by the "Safety Boat Course". It is not equivalent to Advanced Powerboat.

The only reason you might actually want an RYA PB2 in your position would be to commercially endorse it (more "valuable" to do the Advanced and endorse that) or if you were hiring - I think most hirers would be comfortable with your current combination though.
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Old 27 August 2011, 14:37   #3
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Thanks Plowart
Guess I sould splash out and do my PB2 or ADV.
I am thinking of geting commercialy endorsed for a possible opertunity thats lookings more and more prommising.
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Old 27 August 2011, 15:35   #4
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I don't know about the Old BSAC courses, but I believe the current BSAC boat handler courses are awarded on attendance rather than assessment, so cannot be converted to RYA which is an assessed course.
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Old 27 August 2011, 15:44   #5
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Originally Posted by jezza2011 View Post
Thanks Plowart
Guess I sould splash out and do my PB2 or ADV.
I am thinking of geting commercialy endorsed for a possible opertunity thats lookings more and more prommising.
If that opportunity is very close to base* you might be OK with PB2, but most commercial ribs require the advanced ticket. There is an intermediate "ticket" on the way to Advanced although if you've been actively using your skills for that long it may be less relevant. Good navigations skills, are important and the Advanced course needs you to do a night nav exercise so you need to know what you are doing before you turn up! To commercially endorse there are other requirments like First Aid, Sea Survival, VHF etc.

Someone like Doug (www.stormforcecoaching.biz) or Tim (Powerboat Training) would be able to provide you with more info on what it would take YOU to get all the way through to Commercially endorsed advanced powerboat certificate. They are not exactly on your doorstep but theres probably not many PB schools in Northampton!

* A PB2 certificate would only let you operate commercially 3 miles from a nominated departure point. If you happen to be in "sheltered" (categorised) waters then this might actually let you go much further than 3 miles from home, but for most it will not.
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Old 27 August 2011, 20:12   #6
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Doug is Home | Stormforce Coaching, not www.stormforcecoaching.biz!

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Old 28 August 2011, 07:53   #7
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Originally Posted by cyberstoker View Post
I don't know about the Old BSAC courses, but I believe the current BSAC boat handler courses are awarded on attendance rather than assessment, so cannot be converted to RYA which is an assessed course.
Yep - it's the diver cox'n that is assessed and equifilent.

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Old 28 August 2011, 22:35   #8
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Originally Posted by jezza2011 View Post
Hi Just dug out my old BSAC diver qualification book as I wanted to check out my Boat handeling courses.

Looking at them I have...
BSAC Boat Handeler wich I was lead to belive at the time was equivalant to RYA level 1 and 2 Power boat.
It covered everthing I can see is set out in the RYA levels 1 and 2.

Is this correct and how would I get my equivalent RYA certs.? can they just be issued on proof of the BSAC ones?

Also I did the RYA Club Rescue Cox I have the RYA cert for that one but is that similar to ADV powerboat?
It states on the cert its LEVEL 3.

Or do I have to do the whole lot again.. Grrrrr.

BSAC Boat Handling and RYA Powerboat Level 2 are essentially the same in content. However unlike the diving bodies the RYA are not prepared to simply sell you a certificate because you have an equivalent one provided by a competitor.

If you want the RYA Powerboat Level 2 you can go for a short direct assessment or as already suggested you can move onto the RYA Advanced.

The old Club Rescue Cox (level 3) was combined withe the old Fleet Rescue Cox'n (Level 4) in about 1996 and became the RYA safety boat course. Effectively the old Level 3 is half of the current Safety boat Award. It bears no resemblance to the Advanced Course.

However a pre requisite of the level 3 is that you hold the Level 2. The school who gave you the Level 3 should therefore have been able to give you the Level 2 as they had satisfied themselves you were of Level 2 standard. It is of course so long ago now that they would more than likely want to see you on the water again.

If you are going commercial then the Level 2 will restrict you to 3NM from a nominated point of departure (assuming coded boat at sea) so it sounds like the Advanced CoC is the route for you.

Give me a call in the office if you would like me to talk you through it. 02380 231122
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