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Old 18 May 2014, 20:42   #1
Country: USA
Town: CA
Make: Zodiac RIB-P
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 250
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,235
Onboard air revisited

So my little inexpensive O'Brien air pump isn't going to cut it, it looks like it will only do about 1 PSI or if it can go higher its going to take a ridiculously long time. So being the overdoing type of person I was wondering about something a bit more robust than the classic Bravo 12. The Bravo seems to work well but also as some detractors for mechanical issues. So i was curious about crossing over an idea from my land vehicle hobby. Anybody ever used a 12v compressor made for 4x4 air lockers? Something like They do .88 to 2.+CFM but are designed for air compressor pressures, 100+.

Maybe a bit more expensive but hey, it's a boat. Think it would last? Any benefit over a Bravo? It's all metal, aluminum and stainless and it prettier than plastic.

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