01 September 2009, 19:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Port Solent
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Posts: 59
Optimax 200 v Honda 150
Sure it has been asked before but have been asked the advantages/disadvantages of both engines and how they compare. Would be interested to hear your comments. Thanks all.
01 September 2009, 21:33
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Simple - one has 50hp more than the other!!!
A fairer question would have been to ask how both 200hp engines compare.
01 September 2009, 22:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Port Solent
Boat name: Wild Thing
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6m +
Engine: Honda 150 Vtec
MMSI: 235016672
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by codprawn
Simple - one has 50hp more than the other!!!
A fairer question would have been to ask how both 200hp engines compare.
Point taken  how do they compare, cost of running, service, reliability etc
01 September 2009, 23:03
Country: UK - England
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I've used 6.5m ribs with both an opti 150 and one with a honda 150 fitted and with out doubt the opti used noticably more fuel in similar conditions.
02 September 2009, 13:08
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Originally Posted by Jizm
I've used 6.5m ribs with both an opti 150 and one with a honda 150 fitted and with out doubt the opti used noticably more fuel in similar conditions.
never experienced a honda engine! I think the 150s have had some saddle issues and breaks in the racing circuits! MY opti is very very economical in my mind and amazes people at the amount of fuel i dont use!
02 September 2009, 13:17
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 240
optimax 200
Although I have very little to compare against, I think my 200 Optimax is great.
On comparison with other ribs on prevoius trips out, it has always used the least fuel, mine being the biggest boat and therefore having the most divers and kit this amazed me.
It also pushed 8 divers, kit and 1 coxn up to 40kts no bother with some still to go.
I have had it up to 50kts before I lost my nerve.
02 September 2009, 14:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Port Solent
Boat name: Wild Thing
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6m +
Engine: Honda 150 Vtec
MMSI: 235016672
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 59
Thanks everyone, any comments on reliadility/service between the two, one being a 4 stroke the other being a 2 stroke?
02 September 2009, 14:29
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Originally Posted by diverdad
I have had it up to 50kts before I lost my nerve.
Can I see how fast it'll go and you can see how fast my SR4 goes!
02 September 2009, 14:53
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Originally Posted by Seamonstie
Thanks everyone, any comments on reliadility/service between the two, one being a 4 stroke the other being a 2 stroke?
My opti has never failed to get me home, a few issues with battery wires corroding ( but not the engines fault) , uses little oil , and is not much more to service than my 50 Yam .
Plus its a great noise when you open it up !
02 September 2009, 14:56
Country: UK - England
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Make: Crompton Seasprint
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Posts: 240
optimax 200
Originally Posted by chewy
Can I see how fast it'll go and you can see how fast my SR4 goes!
Sure, will give you a shout the next time we are out.
I should be getting it back from Humber soon.
02 September 2009, 20:44
Country: France
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If I had the choice of those two engines I'd go for the opti. The 150s do indeed suffer from broken saddles - I have come across two such breakages in the last year. Its not just racing boats that suffer either! I'm not a massive fan of Honda outboards. The 150 seems to lack grunt to me.
02 September 2009, 22:06
Country: UK - Scotland
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I have always found the optimax far more Economical than other makes of engines of equivalent size, that is is its strong point.
Had minor issues with sensors going but that's what you expect when a engine is sitting in the water most of the time. Performance is good but they are all similar.
The biggest draw back is it noise (some like that though).
I would buy another one. Hondas are good too but a bit heavy and expensive. Is the 150 hp an Accord engine?
02 September 2009, 23:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Port Solent
Boat name: Wild Thing
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6m +
Engine: Honda 150 Vtec
MMSI: 235016672
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 59
Thanks for all the replies, opinion so far would seem to favour the Optimax.
03 September 2009, 08:33
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by iainmartins
The biggest draw back is it noise (some like that though).
One did, but he's disappeared now.  Perhaps he went deaf.
03 September 2009, 10:09
Country: UK - Scotland
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You might think about an E tec, I got offered really amazing deals on new engines, they seem to be very frugal on fuel as well.
11 September 2009, 20:31
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 65
Honda 150
After somebody put water in our rescue boat fuel tanks.I was surprised that it got through the primary Honda transom water separator/ cartridge filter.also
the 2 engine filters causing expensive damage to 2 new engines. I also
understand from other posts the Vtec may effect our VHF signals.
( Any body heard about this latter problem ) In the old days you could dunk
a complete engine , wash it out and drive away.and I do not mean just Seagulls
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