Hi again you lot
I go back to school tomorrow, so it's got to be done now as GD wants me working when I get back

Over the past few months I have spoken to many, many of you about my latest project. Thank you all so much for all your advice and feedback, it has been hard going at times! David Manning officially passed the baton over to me in November, but I could only really start work in the holidays.
The site is by no means finished, and it will constantly rely upon your contributions to ensure its seaworthiness, I know many of you do not trust the technical data on the official site so I have set up new tables which reflect this and should be more accurate. I really cannot guarantee this so please could some of you with accessible boats brave the cold and measure them. I've incorporated all of Brad's alterations to the beam, but I'm positive there are others to be made!
Also, the "Resources" section is looking very bare at the moment, I do have more to put in, but compiling a build thread from the forum into a PDF takes a long time! Cutting out all the rubbish takes ages!!

To begin with, all owners please add yourselves to the database. There are 7 to begin with, including a few from Holland, and there are many more to come I hope, please fill in as much as possible, I have already done it for those who filled in my survey a few weeks ago.
The other big thing of course is photos. Any snaps from holidays or just general pics will be greatly received, please. The site looks fresh at the moment but without new pictures it will soon wither.
The other bare section, is "History". Unfortunately Pete has lost his potted history which is a massive shame, however I hope that it may be recoverable from the server of the old site very soon. Maybe if I get enough support then I will be able encourage him to rewrite it

I officially got the go ahead from Kris at BMC yesterday, he is very keen to see the site online so without any more rambling....
Any questions or photos, old brochures, build threads anecdotes, good contacts or infact anything to do with the brand to submit, please email me at
webmaster@osprey-owners.co.uk Please add your boat to the database and send me loads of pictures! Any feedback good or bad welcome, please leave it in the forum section. Thank you and goodnight!
PS. I will be emailing all owners registered with the site over the next 2 days, so take up should be good!