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Old 05 June 2020, 09:02   #1
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Osprey Sparrowhawk possible purchase

Been around boats on and off over the years but not owned my own Rib before and looking at making the plunge. Know I am looking at the bargain basement end of ownership and that this is fraught with peril but you have got to start somewhere and SWMBO keeps a tight reign on the purse strings. Have seen this Osprey Superhawk for sale:
Its quite a long way from me but only about 10 miles from my Mum and Dads so could make the excuse of going up there. The guy doesn't seem to know too much about it but thinks it is late 90's or early 2000's does this seem right?
Anybody know much about the engine he says 2 stroke, are these auto lube? Is it a bit big for the Rib?

I believe generally Ospreys are well though of so any thoughts or pointers gratefully received before I make a 400 mile round trip. Thanks.
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Old 05 June 2020, 09:24   #2
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That old Suzuki would be Autolube when built, but who knows now.

It looks about the right size for the boat to me, but I don't really get the concept of an engine being too big
I do understand that an engine can be too small, and that's really bad.

I'm a bit of a fan of the bigger 90's Suzukis, but many are not. it will be thirsty, and have electrical issues from corroded connectors, but it's all fixable.
You do need to find out if it's been flushed properly otherwise it will have waterways full of salts.

The boat is a well respected boat, but others on here will know more.

I'd be tempted by it for the price, but plan to change the engine within the next few years.

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Old 05 June 2020, 10:19   #3
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Nasher is a God around here and normally i agree with much of what he says.

However on the price of this boat, I have to disagree.

I think the boat is worth almost nothing on it's own, so you're looking at the trailer and engine.

I'd value that as a package at £1500 of my money.
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Old 05 June 2020, 11:01   #4
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You flatter me.

I'm always happy to be corrected, and you are likely correct as I've not purchased a boat in so long I'm probably a bit out of touch.

I remember the Sparrowhawk being a bit sought after a few years ago so am probably suffering a bit with Rose tinted glasses syndrome.

Also of course everything is a project to me, and if I wasn't about to start the re-power of my boat this sort of project would be a great distraction for me for a couple of months.

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Old 05 June 2020, 11:08   #5
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I've also realised just how funny it is that I should comment on this thread then post in another area asking for help because I've no idea what my current engine is worth.

Sorry JohnF
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Old 05 June 2020, 11:28   #6
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No problems Nasher thanks for taking the time to reply. I realise that it is all very subjective and that at this end of the market there is a certain amount of luck involved as well. I am fairly handy and prepared to tackle most jobs, my plan would be with whatever Rib I buy to get any urgent jobs done and a full service on the engine to get on the water this summer and then maybe give it a bit of a more detailed makeover during the winter. Fully know this might not happen though and that they can become a money pit.
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Old 05 June 2020, 12:50   #7
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Im gonna disagree about the suzuki they were probably the worst of the big 4 makers back in the day & won't have improved with age. Cooling problems, oil injection failures and alluminium that fizzed away rapidly were common. Personaly id avoid any 2 stroke suzuki. The boat looks reasonably ok but my thoughts at that age/ price would be look for yamaha power & an 85/90yam is one of the best outboards ever built imho & would be worth hanging out for a boat powered by one.
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Old 05 June 2020, 13:03   #8
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Originally Posted by beamishken View Post
Im gonna disagree about the suzuki they were probably the worst of the big 4 makers back in the day & won't have improved with age. Cooling problems, oil injection failures and alluminium that fizzed away rapidly were common. Personaly id avoid any 2 stroke suzuki. The boat looks reasonably ok but my thoughts at that age/ price would be look for yamaha power & an 85/90yam is one of the best outboards ever built imho & would be worth hanging out for a boat powered by one.

^^^ Probably very good advice.

Further to ealier post, forward him the link to this page and offer him £500.00 for the lot, because that is all it's worth imo.

After further careful examination of the tubes and console, it needs quite a lot of work/£££ to make it nice, grab handle missing etc etc., and why is the throttle down there

If you do a deal then look around for that Yamaha BK speaks of.

I'm not sure you ever save money with this approach, but you do spread the cost of the boat over a period of time.
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Old 06 June 2020, 22:50   #9
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Originally Posted by Ribtecer View Post
why is the throttle down there
they are mounted really low on the RNLI atlantics etc - but it is odd, and would make helming standing up a PITA - but then the steering is mounted low too. Could be moved - but that a few hundred quid for cables and hoses etc plus a couple of days fighting to route cables and repairing the holes in the fibre glasss - and thats just to get something a bit more ergonomic, because this comment was spot on:

I'm not sure you ever save money with this approach, but you do spread the cost of the boat over a period of time.
if the OP's missus doesn't like writing big cheques - she might not be happy when the trailer needs work, or the engine needs fixed or upgrades, and then when the tubes need replacing it will cost more than he's asking for the whole lot right now...
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Old 07 June 2020, 06:37   #10
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I'd guess that the final price of this boat will be in the region of £12k and that is if you can do the work yourself.

This is probably the number to look at rather than the initial price. There will be similar boats currently in good order at less than that.

To mis-quote Aristotle and to paraphrase Ribtecer, for this type of project the whole will be significantly less than the sum of the parts.

I do fully sign up to your logic though and good luck if you decide to proceed.
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Old 07 June 2020, 06:50   #11
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It's a bit smaller but it is similar in style. I've no knowledge of it though.

Going up in size:


Again I've no knowledge on it, I was just browsing.
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Old 07 June 2020, 16:24   #12
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Thanks for all the replies, must admit I like the look of the Ribtec 585 and only down the road so can go and have a look. I am a realist (or as much as you can be in the boating world) and realise if I did buy something like the original Osprey I would end up spending a fair amount of time and money on it. To some extent I don't mind that as a. It is a bit like a payment plan and b. By the time you finish you know the boat inside out and hopefully have something that is fit for what you want.
That said the sun is out (sometimes) the water is warming up nicely would be good to get out on the water now!
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