Bought my first RIB few weeks ago.
Picked her up in Midhurst, so we had a little trip to do, 22 hours of non sleeping.
Back home, after starting stripping the RIB we found out that the hull stood full with water.
Marine ply of the deck repairment (from 4 years ago) was totally soaked with water and rotten.
Whils sanding the remaining of the deck found another compartment filled with water, this was used as ballast, and didn't damage anything of the hull.
But still wanted to get rid of all that water.
Transom was also totally soaked, so removed the transom.
New transom is replaced of 40mm marineply, after laminating the transom is 60 mm of thickness.
The new transom knees are build with 40 mm marine ply glassed in and 30 mm laminated to the 40 mm knee.
So after laminating the transom knees are 80 mm, and fit right to the lengt stringers.
This evening i've laminated the new deck.
Started building a new side by side console.
Got a lot of work to do, but hope to have lot's of fun with the xr20 next summer.
Oh, the deck was repaired but it is now sound.........see pictures

Tubes need a little attention but are in good shape........... both lose air
Just have something to do this winter.......
Maybe i will have have her retubed also, but that all depends how much budget there wil be left.
I do hope enough to retube cause these tubes have just one chamber each.
will keep you guys posted now and then if you like!!