23 October 2014, 20:50
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
In my limited experience of set up etc, I've found the biggest problem is not over powering, but driver error.
Well ... I had a rib that did this from new, I varied the engine height and the improvement was negligible, the steering input on a 5.8 M boat is impossible to correct that fast from the helm, when the chine walking takes place .. .. in short the answer is too much power which ever way you look at it IMHO .. and the thought of getting thrown from a RIB at full bung is not a happy one when it slaps to one side and hooks as has been said ... been there got the T shirt
BTW Wilk .. I got it  .. that wigglers a naughty boy 
23 October 2014, 22:00
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23 October 2014, 22:54
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
 That probably goes over the top of the majority of heads.
well its either very impressive or has a high 'starting point' then
"overpowering" can certainly be a cause of it
good so we agree its a potential downside of overpowering.
Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
I'm a bit rusty on the current rulings, but I think that wouldn't apply to this particular boat.
I assume you mean iso 6185.62?
.62 ?? Given its size probably 6185-4 (section 7.2) https://law.resource.org/pub/bg/ibr/...185-4.2011.pdf
24 October 2014, 11:58
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Originally Posted by bartiny
The vids a bit poor but woth the effort
Looks like its chine walking later on when it comes toward the camera...
New boat is here, very happy!
24 October 2014, 15:38
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Well ... I had a rib that did this from new, I varied the engine height and the improvement was negligible, the steering input on a 5.8 M boat is impossible to correct that fast from the helm, when the chine walking takes place .. ..been there got the T shirt 
I'm not entirely sure why the distance from helm to motor would matter, hydraulic or manual should still be direct, with no delay. If there is, then you have air in the system, a slack cable, or a problem with the motor!
Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
BTW Wilk .. I got it  .. that wigglers a naughty boy  
This should explain....
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24 October 2014, 15:46
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Originally Posted by Poly
good so we agree its a potential downside of overpowering.
Yes, it has the potential, but then so does 101 other things. My original question as to why it would make it chine walk was asked because I read your reply as you stating "fact". (it would definitely occur) where as it's quite possible it would as someone else asked "just go faster"
Originally Posted by Poly
As I said I'm rusty on all this now, haven't studied it much since i went to all the federation seminars pre 98. Having had another think on it though, I reckon if we assume by over powered we're referring to it from a CE point, then it probably wouldn't be, as I suspect it's a "commercial" boat, so is exempt from the rulings. IMHO of course
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24 October 2014, 19:49
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One can go a "everywhere" with a loooot of power
25 October 2014, 09:10
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Classic  ..Bit Lumpy...Pushing on..Chine Walk...No Backing off....Hook...Dump!
60nts to Dead Stop in the Blink of an eye!  ..Painfull!
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!
The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
25 October 2014, 09:20
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Sent from my iPad using my finger
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
25 October 2014, 09:54
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Originally Posted by Maximus
Classic  ..Bit Lumpy...Pushing on..Chine Walk...No Backing off....Hook...Dump!
60nts to Dead Stop in the Blink of an eye!  ..Painfull!
Actually, that's what we call a "trip and stuff"! there was no backing off, and there certainly wasn't a "hook" involved. Not really any chine walking either, as the driver had that under control. No driver error either, just a racing incident.
Here's a vid that shows how overpowering can be controlled, with a lot of knowledge, and a huge amount of ability...
Fast V-Bottom Boats - YouTube
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
25 October 2014, 12:10
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
Here's a vid that shows how overpowering can be controlled, with a lot of knowledge, and a huge amount of ability...
Fast V-Bottom Boats - YouTube
wow  .. 3 of my hulls have had planing pads .... but I couldnt drive any of them like that
25 October 2014, 12:15
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[QUOTE=Dirk Diggler;652680]Actually, that's what we call a "trip and stuff"! there was no backing off, and there certainly wasn't a "hook" involved. Not really any chine walking either, as the driver had that under control. No driver error either, just a racing incident.
"Racing incident"...for sure  ..But IMO caused by Poor helming!
LIIKE I SAID "no backing off"..and if you DONT think he was Chine Walking befor he lost control...I suggest you take a closer look  After all his fellow Racers were still Ok...and thankfully able to render assistance.
Trip/stuff Or Hook...debatable of maybe just semantics...
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
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The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
25 October 2014, 12:44
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So unless I'm being thick which is very possible... Adding more power increases the risk of chine walk. You can reduce the risk of chine walk by tweaking the set up and the helm's skills. But presumably at some point even those tweaks will over power the balance. Perhaps less of an issue on a mill pond.
We all seem to want a single number that is Max power. Really you enter a grey zone that may be over powered for the setup, load, helm, conditions, but might not be for another. On the other hand there must be a point where you leave grey and hit brown. . . where even the best helm with perfect set up and ideal conditions can't keep it from being imbalanced...
25 October 2014, 14:36
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
Actually, that's what we call a "trip and stuff"! there was no backing off, and there certainly wasn't a "hook" involved. Not really any chine walking either, as the driver had that under control. No driver error either, just a racing incident.
"Racing incident"...for sure  ..But IMO caused by Poor helming!
LIIKE I SAID "no backing off"..and if you DONT think he was Chine Walking befor he lost control...I suggest you take a closer look  After all his fellow Racers were still Ok...and thankfully able to render assistance.
Trip/stuff Or Hook...debatable of maybe just semantics... 
You need a ride in a quick boat..
How can it be "bad helming" he was in a race, out front, not backing off, which is how his fellow racers were able to render assistance, as they were behind him! Without the steering inputs he was making, he may well have been chine walking, but his skill behind the wheel prevented it.
And believe me, you'd know the difference between a hook and a stuff if you had one, simply put, a stuff is where you crash dive like a sub, a hook is where your bow is deflected causing the boat to try and turn sharply, and the arse of the boat tries to overtake it, quite often resulting in a roll.
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25 October 2014, 14:41
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
So unless I'm being thick which is very possible... Adding more power increases the risk of chine walk. You can reduce the risk of chine walk by tweaking the set up and the helm's skills. But presumably at some point even those tweaks will over power the balance. Perhaps less of an issue on a mill pond.
We all seem to want a single number that is Max power. Really you enter a grey zone that may be over powered for the setup, load, helm, conditions, but might not be for another. On the other hand there must be a point where you leave grey and hit brown. . . where even the best helm with perfect set up and ideal conditions can't keep it from being imbalanced...
More or less, yeh. but as the vid shows, a 16ft boat with around 260hp, which you'd have to consider as being grossly overpowered (by CE regs) can be driven without chine walking, if it's set up properly, and you know what your doing.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
28 October 2014, 11:21
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a lot of power is never enough, too much power is just right
28 October 2014, 11:56
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Originally Posted by Roflhat
a lot of power is never enough, too much power is just right
Ain't that the truth!
3 x 300 mercs on a 21 ski race boat
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
31 October 2014, 03:46
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Originally Posted by Poly
I'd have thought that would be obvious to you. Are you suggesting that power is not a significant contributing factor in chine walking?
Which bit of my logic is flawed?
Increased power = faster. Faster = more lift. More lift = less surface area in the water. Less surface area = more likely to imbalance. Imbalance + high speed = chine walk.
The advice always given here to people who experience a chine walk is to back off the throttle. There is other advice about trim, engine height etc to try to prevent it - but the universal message is that to stop it rather than make it less likely: slow down.
Inaccurate methinks.
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
re the Chine walking you can drive through it, It just takes a little while to feel the wheel as it were ( and that's about four trips so don't be impatient)
I have posted this advice many times on this forum so I don't see how the forum always advises slowing down.
re Diggler its best to ignore him! The way he goes on you'd think he was some kinda power boat racer, race boat builder or holder of several water speed records where as in fact he just a big nob
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
31 October 2014, 10:48
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Inaccurate methinks.
I have posted this advice many times on this forum so I don't see how the forum always advises slowing down.
re Diggler its best to ignore him! The way he goes on you'd think he was some kinda power boat racer, race boat builder or holder of several water speed records where as in fact he just a big nob
I do seem to remember that you've been spat out of boats on several occasions - is this the four times you refer to?
31 October 2014, 11:25
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I have posted this advice many times on this forum so I don't see how the forum always advises slowing down.
re Diggler its best to ignore him! The way he goes on you'd think he was some kinda power boat racer, race boat builder or holder of several water speed records where as in fact he just a big nob
Stop it, you'll make me blush!
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
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