Originally Posted by Trimix
Wont any boat eventually slip sideways ? Once the force overcomes the grip it will slip.
Perhaps making it slip gradually rather than all of a sudden would help.
When I train new boathandlers in our club on why trim is so important in a turn we basically do this manouvre. Without adding any trim I get them to put power on and enter a turn and ask them to tighten it until the prop loses grip and be ready to power off if anything "funny" happens.
The turn tightens speed drops, the prop loses grip then all of a sudden when the boat is not now heeled it grips again shooting them out of the turn at speed often in a different direction to what they thought.
You need dead flat water and to prepare your student, having completed this manouvre, almost all comment that they never knew trim was so important and have a renewed respect for how a boat handles.