Saturday 11th November
Part One : Remember, remember…
Richard, Paul & I set off by road on a smoky November dawn heading for Andre and Wiesia’s home in Christmas-card countryside. Simon and Andre on board, we made for Dover and the ferry. Next we rendez-vous’ed with Mike C and joined in the respectful Remembrance Day silence in the ferryport. Once aboard the ferry there was some anxious studying of the whitecaps
but all were hopeful of a brief weather window on Sunday before it was due to build again to bigger winds on Monday. (All confirmed by text from Zippy and others
Meanwhile Simon was looking forward to a bit of action and some real testing of the new boat and regaled us with stories of the Rugson? RIB Raid and other adventures!!
Once in Calais we had some fun
![thumbs up](
as we tried to locate the lorry and its precious cargo. The driver had made the sensible decision to stay put and wait for us. And there it was!!! A blast of sunshine on a grey day !!!!The very new (tubes not yet inflated) and very imposing looking
Next to the marina!!!! But there was a GPS issue and the Six Wise Men could have done with a star !!! The result was:three of us packed in front of the large curtain-sider (with beautiful Polish Script all over the sides) while four burly characters leapt in and out of the back as we tried to figure out the directions. Every roadsign seemed to say ‘Sangatte’!!!
note to mental self :This may be where customs first became interested!!!!)
At last we located the marina and as the wind funnelled down the harbour and whipped up into a frenzy, the boys inflated the tubes, checked her over and craned her in. My job was sorting out accommodation
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We were staying in the charmingly French (!!!!not!!!) ‘Holiday Inn’ and Mike had thoughtfully booked a table for dinner. It must have been a great relief to Richard and Andre once she was safe and sound at her berth for the night.
Photos from Paul's archives :
1) The impressive Parker Rig!
2) Doing the hokey-pokey (in, out...
![big grin](
3) Like opening a special present, shrink-wrapping flying!!!as Richard gets his hands on his impressive console for the first time
4) Craning in under an angry sky