10 January 2006, 20:43
Country: UK - England
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Parking Rib on IW
Hi all
I am hoping to join the ribbing fraternity this coming season and have been reading the posts on this site with great interest. Am currently pricing several boats. I live in London but will be staying on the Isle of Wight when using the rib on the Solent. I do not want to be dragging the boat up and down the M3 / A3 every weekend. Can anyone reccommend a facility on the IW where one can store one's rib (on dry land and/or on water) during the weeks of the season?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
10 January 2006, 21:18
Country: UK - England
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Why not base the RIB on the mainland and save on ferry costs  .
Where's your base of operations on the Island?
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
10 January 2006, 21:37
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If your set on the IOW Bembridge Outboards do a RIB/ Sportsboat dry stacking storage option.
Alternatively there are a number of places in the Solent, Im sure other Islanders will know of further storage areas.
10 January 2006, 21:43
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
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there is a very reasonable place in Yarmouth for dry storage , I'll be back with a link
The launch fee is pricey but the storage rate is good, we charge around 25 per metre for indoor storage on the mainland,
Bmbridge is also a good place but I don't know there rates
In Cowes it might be worth asking Tim Griffin but there is a yard near Souters that is reasonable
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
10 January 2006, 23:29
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 388
Hi Ya
I keep my boat on the hard at Shepards Wharf. It is not cheap as have to be craned in, but their is a package. Slipways in Cowes are scarce.
Bembridge is another soluton although you will be restricted by the tide their as Bembridge does dry out.
11 January 2006, 11:23
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Although Stu (Rogue Wave) won't blow his own trumpet he offers a service on the mainland, about 10-15 minutes from the M3. He's a good guy. Speak to him.
(Send commision in post please)
11 January 2006, 13:31
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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Thanks Dan, no I didn't get your email and your PM box is full
Simon is Shepherds Wharf in betwen the Yacht Haven and Souters if so that's the one I was thinking of. Does the police launch live there?
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
11 January 2006, 13:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Newport IoW
Boat name: Amean/Pronto/Rumbo
Make: Solent Rib Princess
Length: 7m +
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Posts: 1,861
Hi Starh
Rogue wave does have excellent storage facilities so could be a good option for you. How ever where are you based on the Island as that can influence where to recommend.
Cowes Shepherds wharf though expensive and dry berthed and is in between Souters now called Medina Yard and the Haven
The haven do short lets for the summer AFLOAT
RHP do dry berthing and pontoon
East Cowes do short term summer lets but charge a minimum length ?? not sure on size
Island Harbour afloat but tidal but cheap and can work out if you plan ahead
Folly reach boat afloat very cheap but exposed and need tender to get it
Victory yard pontoon but need tender or river taxi to get to it.
Hope this helps
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
11 January 2006, 17:28
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Thats right near me. Its where I tubed up my rib. The guy who runs it is pretty sound, nick his name is. I think he wants to include a full workshop there as well. Its about a 10minute tow from yarmouth harbour which has an excellent slip, althouhg it can get busy in the summer.
11 January 2006, 19:47
Country: UK - England
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Parking Rib on IW
Hi Tim and thanks to you all who responded to my post.
On the weekends I will be residing in Ventnor hence I am planning to launch my assault on the Solent from somewhere on the Medina river between Newport + Cowes.
Considering that I am a ribbing virgin have been thinking that I should hoik the boat out of the water every Sunday afternoon and store it on terra firma during the week. Is this nonsense and should I not fret about mooring it on the water from Apr to Sep?
Cannot do Rough Wave as I must be island based. So seems the options are:
Shepherds Wharf (dry)
The Haven (wet)
RHP (wet or dry)
East Cowes (?)
Island Harbour (wet/tidal)
Folly Reach (wet/tender)
Victory Yard (wet/tender or taxi)
Have I missed anything?
Muchos gracias
Originally Posted by tim griffin
Hi Starh
Rogue wave does have excellent storage facilities so could be a good option for you. How ever where are you based on the Island as that can influence where to recommend.
Cowes Shepherds wharf though expensive and dry berthed and is in between Souters now called Medina Yard and the Haven
The haven do short lets for the summer AFLOAT
RHP do dry berthing and pontoon
East Cowes do short term summer lets but charge a minimum length ?? not sure on size
Island Harbour afloat but tidal but cheap and can work out if you plan ahead
Folly reach boat afloat very cheap but exposed and need tender to get it
Victory yard pontoon but need tender or river taxi to get to it.
Hope this helps
12 January 2006, 19:00
Country: UK - England
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Parking Rib on IW
Do you have a phone number handy for Shepherds Wharf and RHP?
12 January 2006, 20:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes
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Posts: 388
Hi their
As said earlier I keep my boat at shepards. Their Website is
www.shepards.co.uk/ which has their number on it. You will need to speak to a person called Greg.
As Tim mentioned earlier their are other options available on the Medina. If you are looking for a slipway to use then basically their arnt any that are any good for launching.
12 January 2006, 20:12
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Thanks Dan, no I didn't get your email and your PM box is full
Simon is Shepherds Wharf in betwen the Yacht Haven and Souters if so that's the one I was thinking of. Does the police launch live there?
Rogue Wave, do you have a public slip near you I would welcome a chat before I next put in
Steve Waters
HKeeping the H2O between me and the H2O.......
12 January 2006, 21:02
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I keep my RIB on a pontoon at Victory Yards and it works well for me I keep a tender on dry land and row out to the boat. Its a bit of a problem at low water so I use a water taxi. The pontoon is usable at all states of the tide.
13 January 2006, 07:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Newport IoW
Boat name: Amean/Pronto/Rumbo
Make: Solent Rib Princess
Length: 7m +
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Originally Posted by Starheliomos
Do you have a phone number handy for Shepherds Wharf and RHP?
Victory Yard 200226
Shepherds 297821
RHP 290421
Hope this helps
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
13 January 2006, 08:11
Country: UK - England
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Parking Rib on IW
Hi Simon
What about the slip at the Folly Inn or at East Cowes? The boatlaunch.co.uk site suggests that these are quite usuable???
Originally Posted by Simon Hawkins
Hi their
As said earlier I keep my boat at shepards. Their Website is
www.shepards.co.uk/ which has their number on it. You will need to speak to a person called Greg.
As Tim mentioned earlier their are other options available on the Medina. If you are looking for a slipway to use then basically their arnt any that are any good for launching.
13 January 2006, 09:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Newport IoW
Boat name: Amean/Pronto/Rumbo
Make: Solent Rib Princess
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200hp Etec 260x 2
MMSI: lots of them
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,861
Originally Posted by Starheliomos
Hi Simon
What about the slip at the Folly Inn or at East Cowes? The boatlaunch.co.uk site suggests that these are quite usuable???
I see you have a 5m boat so folly is ok to launch from just beaware of MLWS as there can be a big drop off at the end of the slip , great place for having a beer after a day on the water. River Medina has launch sites by Newport Town Quay but tidal so need to plan your trip .
Next to Shepherds is a slip only problem is parking car and trailer after .
Yarmouth you can launch from with ease and car park is just across the road .
The advantage of trailering is you can see alot of the Island coastline by using different launch sites . Ventnor is a pretty place but the Harbour is tidal so need to time your trip same goes for Bembridge but not impossible if you plan your day in advance.
Have fun
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
13 January 2006, 10:03
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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Posts: 6,562
Originally Posted by Steve Waters
Rogue Wave, do you have a public slip near you I would welcome a chat before I next put in
Steve Waters
HKeeping the H2O between me and the H2O.......
Crosshouse slipway (excellent) is not too far away probably 500m there's also a useable but scuzzi slipway about 200 yards away. The yard we are in also has a Crane Launch facility.
re the chat I am good at talkins i'm on 02380 448042
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
13 January 2006, 11:52
Country: UK - England
Town: Newport IoW
Boat name: Amean/Pronto/Rumbo
Make: Solent Rib Princess
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200hp Etec 260x 2
MMSI: lots of them
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,861
for got two
There is a slip next to Island sailing club and car parking
There is a slip between Red Funnel Ferry terminal and Trinity Lighthouse wharf
is very narrow and steep car park just up the road.
Also tucked into the town of Cowes is another public slip but access is not easy and you will then have a problem of where to park the car and trailer.
There are no pontoons nearby so you will need two of you to launch and recover.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
16 January 2006, 19:43
Country: UK - England
Town: London
Boat name: No Name
Make: TBA
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Posts: 11
Parking Rib on IW
Just a short note fellas to say ta for all the helpful advice. Am looking into parking the rib at Vicyory Yard or Island Harbour. Hope to see some of you on the water soon.
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