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Old 05 August 2006, 17:26   #1
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Patch Removal to fix a leak.

This may seem a strange request but does anyone have any idea's on removing patches/glued on trim from your tube?

Why would I want to do this you ask.

Well I've noticed that I have a slow leak and the air seems be coming from the underneath the trim at the front of my RIB. It looks like there is a seam and this is covered by some decorative trim.
I would like to remove the trim to see where the holes is and was wondering if there was some kind of adhesive remover on the market which I could use to aid the removal.

I'm a bit wary of just pulling the trim off as I may damage the tube making a small hole into a big one.

My plan is to remove the trim, fix the puncture then glue the trim back on over the top of it.

The other alternative is to glue round the edges of the trim to try and make a seal. It looks like this is what the previous owner did.

Any idea's are most welcome.

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Old 05 August 2006, 17:35   #2
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This one sounds a bit tricky you could end up making it worse if you get the wrong advice.I would suggest you pm say Paul Tilly you may be surprised how helpfull his advice might be
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Old 05 August 2006, 17:45   #3
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Can you put a really large patch over it. Saves taking the old one off.

If it looks odd put one on both sides of the boat.

Just a thought.
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Old 05 August 2006, 18:21   #4
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Warm area with a hair dryer before attempting to peel anything off and take it slooooowly
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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Old 05 August 2006, 19:49   #5
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I agree with the advice to speak to a tube expert about it ... but I had to remove and reglue a patch on mine a couple of months ago, because it was peeling off due to improper preparation. Unfortunately the improper prep was on the patch side so all the glue stayed on the tube....

I just peeled the patch back slowly and carefully (the problem was that it was starting to lift at one end and the water driving into the gap was opening it up). To be honest I think you'd have to pull pretty hard to tear hypalon, I did some "abuse testing" on the old patch with pliers and a vice after I got it off, and it is very tough stuff which is hard to tear unless something sharp has run across it first! If you manage to tear the seam (i.e. open it up more), my thought would be that it was probably a weakness waiting to let you down anyway so just as well to find it in the workshop not in the water?

After getting the patch off I used a flap wheel on an electric drill and just slowly but surely worked along the glue from one end, the glue sort of half-melts under the onslaught from the flap wheel and "peels back" ever so slowly without any adverse effect on the hypalon, it just comes up a nice orange colour and it was perfectly prepared for gluing. No problems with it coming off now, and I had a good pick at it after a week or so once it was properly set.

It is hard work though - I flattened two batteries on the electric drill doing a patch that was only about 6 inches by 4!

If it is a seam then none of this may apply - I hope I never have seam problems on mine as I am not sure where to start either!
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Old 06 August 2006, 08:23   #6
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post a picture of the offending area so that proper advice can be given
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Old 06 August 2006, 13:37   #7
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Thanks to all who have replied.
Here (attached) is a picture of the trim which is over where my leak is. When I put any water were my finger is pointing, bubbles of air appear. This happens boths sides of the vertical seam.
I was actually thinking of lifting the sides of the trim, appying some glue, then sticking it back down again.
In affect, using the trim as a large repair patch.
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Old 07 August 2006, 06:08   #8
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Originally Posted by Mark
using the trim as a large repair patch.
Sounds like a fine idea to me, clean the edges of the trim first though.
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