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Old 31 May 2004, 16:32   #1
Country: UK - England
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Make: Yam 550
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Pedestal seats.

A technical question that maybe someone can help with.
My Yam 550 rib has bench style seats (transverse), a 1.5-2 person at the helm and a 2-3 person aft of this.
Now, I don't have a problem with the aft bench as this is quite sheltered and proves quite comfortable with masses of storage below, however I would like to change the helm seat as it is too low, neither single or double and I think it gets in the way.
I am not bothered about a jockey as we use the boat for allsorts from cruising, I.O.W crossings to skiing and picnics and other social uses.
I was wondering if it would be possible to fit a single pedestal seat or leaning post maybe but am not sure whether the deck would be strong enough for the ped fixings?
If anyone could offer any advice and maybe where I could look for neccessary parts then I would apreciate it.
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Old 01 June 2004, 19:11   #2
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You could attach the pedestal to a large and strong base and then fix the base to the floor. This would distribute the load on the fixings.
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Old 01 June 2004, 19:22   #3
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Thanks JW, could be a possible answer.
What got me thinking this way was filling up with another 120 litres in the local Esso beside a whiteshark 205 which had 2 ped seats side by side as standard.......can't believe the deck is that different??!!
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Old 03 June 2004, 18:03   #4
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Hi Solitaire

I have pedistal seats on my rib and would not recommend them, only time we can use them is iether at anchor having a picnic or one seat does turn around
to face backwards for the observer when water skiing.
given the choice again id go for the bolster to lean against or jockey seats

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Old 03 June 2004, 19:54   #5
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whats wrong with them aligator, do they move when driving. ive been looking at the ones with built in suspension and was gonna get some
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Old 04 June 2004, 08:51   #6
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Low Cost Bench Seat Conversion

I have a bench seat which is also a bit low and gets a bit uncomfortable on big bumps but it's moulded as part of the deck so not so easy to change. I have had a separate bolster cushion made 350mm diameter which stows behind the bench seat on webbing straps and I can flip over onto the seat when needed. I can either sit on it for extra height or against it when the going gets rougher. Cost was 'only' £60 from a marine trim supplier (trim colours match the seats so it doesn't look too much like an add-on) but could be DIY for a lot less.

Andy Beach
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Old 04 June 2004, 10:30   #7
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Cost was 'only' £60 from a marine trim supplier (trim colours match the seats so it doesn't look too much like an add-on) but could be DIY for a lot less.

Andy Beach [/QUOTE]

Great ,just what I need...are you able to provide details of the company who made this up for you?

Many thanks

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Old 04 June 2004, 13:56   #8
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Bolster Cushion


First, just in case anyone wonders, I have no interests in this company. I found their advert in a magazine!! You may be able to find someone a bit closer.

Mastertrim Limited
Conduit Road
Norton Canes
WS11 9TJ

01543 276111

Talk to Louie and mention the cushion he did for the Avon RIB. From experience I would ask him for a slightly firmer grade of foam than the one supplied to me.

Just in case you'll be there, I'll be at RIBEX tomorrow (Saturday) with the RIB.

Good luck!

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Old 06 June 2004, 19:51   #9
Country: UK - England
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Hi Gtflash
sorry for delay in responding , seats are basic plastic mould with plastic cushion no suspension. also to short to allow sitting and steering in comfort and they offer no support in an sort of rough weather, which means your left standing all the time .

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