Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g
it's a fact sheet if you bothered to read it and the bottom line from BP anything others experience above/better than that is a bonus and up to the OP to decide as well as others that might have an interest.
How relavant is the fact sheet to the uk it looks like an Aussie sheet. It gives a shelf life of 12 months for fuel supplied in sealed containers Ive never seen fuel available in sealed containers in the UK. Id also question why the shelflife changes significantly when bought in sealed containers or sealed in your own containers.
It would also be interesting to know how old the document is as things have changed significantly in recent years.
I'd tend to agree with Bigplumbs that old fuel is blamed for a lot of faults that have other underlying causes that aren't immediately evident.
I've started cars that have had fuel in them several years old which have been fine
It would be interesting to hear from people who have had significant running problems that can be attributed 100% to old fuel
Id imagine there will be very few engines that wouldnt run on old fuel but ran perfect on new fuel without any other remedial work