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Old 25 July 2003, 09:02   #21
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Good grief, I find myself agreeing with Crazyhorse. In the early 90's Kevin Goulding of chinook built a series of sports ribs based on the ring powerboat hulls and called them RC18 and RC21. Very modern and sylish with seats at the back and long noses. He had his own RC21 which he regularly cruised. However I remember watching him have a hard time going around the IOM in steep seas. With half the hp and a metre less in length my Osprey Sparrowhawk (5.2m) walked away from the RC21 (6.3) because we could keep the power on and the boat level rather than the RC21 boat constantly going nose up. A jockey console in the centre of the boat rather than bucket seats in the rear added to good balance and gave us the confidence and security needed in big seas.

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Old 25 July 2003, 09:04   #22
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I understand lads especially for Crazy horse - at your age you need the comforts of life, thats why you are getting the boat you are CH... cabin, toilets, shower, kitchen, lounge etc - I agree that high performance crafts arnt for the North Sea nor Irish - not to say that Mr Holmes wouldn't give it a go - I'm sure he would and do well! Cant beat a man with experience!

I prefer the excitement of a day out with the family, speed when you want it, cruise when chilling out, a bit of skiing and a hamper full of luxury items! A big old battleship is not for this but a Sports craft is!

As I repeat again - horses for courses!
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Old 25 July 2003, 16:57   #23
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And Im am in totla agreement with Pete 7 on this one,even at the poker run,Jims 10mtr battleship was starting to catch the big outboards sports boats when the chop started,I looked over to the right and saw this racer with its nose in the air and a worried look on everybodys faces till it slowed down.

They are good for what they are but they arnt an offshore Irish sea boat IMHO.

Fi you hit the nail on the head when you said out for the day for a picnic and a bit of skiing, just brill.

What I have tried to do is combine all the offshore qualities of a cruising rib,with some cruising comforts and overnight capabilties as I believe an offshore Cabin rib is the ultimate offshore long distance cruiser IMHO.

Yep Horses for courses.
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Old 25 July 2003, 17:17   #24
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Yeah, speed is good, it's a bit of a laugh, but I'm quite happy messing about at 30kts in a RIB that can handle itself when it gets rough.

I want a RIB that I can use for cruising in both calm and rough weather, having a bit of a laugh in every so often, and dive from, and for this, a basic RIB is what I need. And anything other than jocket seats just look wrong!
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Old 25 July 2003, 18:00   #25
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Its not about comforts and big old battleships but getting back in one piece, Ribs arnt for posing in, they are for getting it on in serious sea conditions.There are plenty of fast boats but not many fast boats that can keep it up when the conditions change.Deep V ,high bow jockey seats, speed is not much use to you when its gusting 7 or 8 we dont need toilets, central heating,showers, and the last thing you should be concerned about is age.Its obvious , look at the list of companies who have ordered Redbays on their site, Gibraltar Customs, Northern Ireland PSNI for example, Rathlin Island Ferry they even built a ferry that can operate in Force 10, and be legal,Look at the type of boats used by the RNLI surley they need speed and stability, not a narrow nose in sight.As I said before about Lencraft ,amazing boats Intruder, deep V high bow, get u there and get you home.They were some good pics posted by Fiona on the Gallery of the racing ribs SWAMPED and UPSIDE down http://rib.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2446 , (what sort of rib towed them in) I mean thats great if thats what you want in a rib AND IF YOU LIKE MAKING INSURANCE CLAIMS but not me

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Old 25 July 2003, 18:33   #26
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Re: Opinions

Originally posted by gavin
By the way Dirk thanks for your quoted input and please note for the purpose of future gramatical corrections (I passed a building SITE today ) and ( I have the boat in SIGHT) cheers Gavin
Sorry Gavin, you and your sidekick has lost me there, I obviously don't understand Oirish humour.

I like the bit about you passing a building site though, over here you lot all work on them!!
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Old 25 July 2003, 18:49   #27
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Er Gavin wheres the bit about the force 10 passanger carrying rib the ,Rathlin Island Ferry can you point me in the right direction ?

Redbay are great boats in my oppinion but I wasnt aware of anyboat that had a ticket for a force 10 exept a RNLI life boat that cant take paying passengers out.Please show me the info as this is a first as far as I now.

Everybodys is knackerd in a force 10 if they are lucky enough to survive.

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Old 25 July 2003, 19:52   #28
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Rathlin Island is 5 miles off the North Irish Coast and the bay inside the island has some amazing tides caused by depths that vary from 20 to 90 metres. The sound can be calm on rough days at sea and outrageous on calm days when the tides start to run against each other. Brilliant diving but only for those who have got there act together. The outside (North) edge of Rathlin has the deepest underwater cliffs in the UK. Definately not an area for the faint hearted.

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Old 25 July 2003, 20:36   #29
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Force 10 ?

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Old 25 July 2003, 20:36   #30
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Force 10 ?

I agree Pete but Gavin has said that they produce a legal f10 passenger/ferry carrying rib ?.

I am aware of the Redbay rib and In my oppinion it is a fine piece of kit for offshore stuff and if your unfortunate enough to be cought out in a 7/8 then if you have to be on a rib then that is one of the best,IMHO

To be on a small boat/rib in a force 10 or to believe they actualy are MCA coded and legal for carrying passengers in a F10 is beyong anything I have ever heard of before ?.

Beutiful place Rathlin though.

To be fair I may be wrong as strange things happen,but I await Gavins information and I will then make a decision as to weather its Totaly Bizzar or simply a fact.

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Old 25 July 2003, 21:39   #31
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Irish Sea Rib

CH & Pete7

Are you boys suggesting that a Sparrowhawk 5.2 with jockeys & a 70hp 4 stroker is an Irish Sea tamer (well up to F6 anyway?)

I really must come over in mine - I am considering Holyhead next w/e to meet up with the NW Ribsters - but without company it could be a lonely 60 miles.......
Tax is paid by mortals
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Old 25 July 2003, 22:09   #32
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It would be good to see you Wittingham if your comeing we will definatly sort out a meet up out.

Look forward to seeing you,we better move this converstion or we might get cought out in a f10.

Speak on the cruising section.

I have pmd my tele number.
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Old 25 July 2003, 22:21   #33
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Landline I take it, or have you got a new handset?

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Old 25 July 2003, 22:23   #34
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New Handset Narked after being lulled into the water by Mr Hart.
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Old 25 July 2003, 22:26   #35
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Phantom Evolution

As an owner of a Steve Baker built Phantom Evolution(not a casual time wasting boat hopper) I think I can lay this argument to rest.
This boat is a complete all rounder. It's sexy with its stylish console and bucket seats a real head turner. How many rib owners can say that.
Its a fast 70mph+ boat in Flat/choppy seas a 65mph+in choppy/rough seas and it can hold its own in rough/wouldnt launch a 7.5 boat sea. As for force 10 who in there right mind would go out in that not even P&O would bother.
This boat is also a fantastic Family boat one my two young children love its a boat that you know you can go out for the day in and no matter what the weather throws at you you will still be able to return safely.
I've owned many different boats over the years and have found this boat to meet all the high standards I have expected from Phantom sport boats. This boat is a boat I would choose to get me home in any sea state, But no matter what Boat you are in whether its a Phantom evo with it's narrowing tubes or a rib with a rubber wall if you have an inexperienced driver or a sea that wants to take you down, when your luck runs out it runs out.
So saving face for a rib I have found respect for if you need to be convinced i'm sure a trip off the needles can be arranged.
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Old 25 July 2003, 22:28   #36
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That SIM card still work then?
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Old 25 July 2003, 23:19   #37
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Team 16.

Thats your oppinion.As a owner of a Phantom Evolution then dont you think that you are mearly stating what made you buy one ,in the first place?

As far as your abilities to drive the boat safley in the rough at 65mph and to its superior handling abilities unfortunatly I only have your word for that at this moment in time.

A serious rib with a sexy look about it that makes peoples head turn is precisley the ilogical logic that puts me off these supposed brill offshore go anywhere performance ribs.

As long as you are happy then that is all that matters.

Not my bag I am afraid.Give me a Redbay 9.1 anyday.

So lets not prelong the agony as I my intereste is in pure designd offshore Ribs not reconstituted raceing hard boat hulls that have been turned into a perfomance rib to please the market.
They are not for me.

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Old 25 July 2003, 23:24   #38
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I prefer the looks of "standard" RIBs myself. Tapered tubes look wrong to my eyes, and bucket seats look crap to me, though if I was the boy racer type with a souped up Vauxhall Nova, I'm sure I'd love the things!

Fine, maybe these performance RIBs do perform well in the rough, but telling me about it on a forum isn't going to convince me. I'm also not saying they don't, so when I see it myself, I'll know.

And if these boats can indeed do upwards of 60mph in the rough, things are going to be a lot worse if something goes wrong surely?

I'd be a lot happier being thrown out of a RIB doing 25kts in a Force 7 than doing 65.
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Old 25 July 2003, 23:31   #39
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I have only once been out in a F10 - on duty - ( Not again thank you !)

I have regularly been out in a F7 to F8 in our Lencraft Lynx Patrol boats with the Army Boat Squad off of the Aran Islands.

Lots of power, High deep vee,Hull Length, big tubes, drives like a BMW and built like a tank. . Before I can be accused of Jingoism for the Irish built Lencraft, I would have similar confidence in and enthusiasm for a Delta of similar size.

The Phantom is a nice fast boat and probably ok in the right hands on the Irish Sea, but not suitable for the West Coast over here !

To many of us over here, the Irish Sea is a big lake- Short Choppy sea but dodgy mid tide off Wexford and Co Down; and Wind against tide even more interesting.

However, the Irish sea can in no way be compared to the West Coast of Ireland where you can regularly come off a 30 foot crest around say Eagle Island. I have a particular memory of closing both throttles for what seemed like an eternity on a ten metre twin three hundred diesel with surface drives as we cleared such a rogue wave at 50 knots on a record attempt a few years ago. The only thing that saved us was our forward speed and 5.5 tonnes of RIB ! Happy Memories !!!

Best wishes,

Stuart McNamara
Club Powerboat.ie
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Old 26 July 2003, 00:23   #40
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Good point Narked is it safe to do 65mph in a big swell.?

There is no point in this discussion continuing as the wave height and conditions we all been out in will only get more severe ?.

Powerboat I am not having a go at you hear but its just so easy for people to say they are good at this or that and non of us now till we been sailing with them as to wether its Twadle or not.

On this one I believe you compleatly but there are not that many people that have actualy been out in a small boat in a force 7/8 for sure. Its not pleasent.

As long as your happy with the boat that you own that is all that matters and you dont use it in conditions its not designd for,as when something does go wrong it can be very worrying if your in the wrong place with the wrong boat.

Sweet dreams of big seas.NT NT All.
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