Hi, new member here. I did search but not finding exactly what I was looking for...
I recently picked up a 10' AB Navigo for $50 that was covered in mildew and "had a leak in one of the tubes". I was a river raft guide for years so I've done my share of hypalon repairs but somehow I've never had to do a repair near a seam. I believe I have located both pinholes, they are on the bottom outside port tube just forward of midships.
The first pinhole is right in the middle of the tube and a tiny pinhole, should be easy. The second pinhole I am pointing to is located about 1cm from the seam.
I was thinking about the best way to repair this. My first thought was to cut out a smaller "D" shaped patch and butt it up against the seam, covering the pinhole. Then do a larger round patch, covering the first patch completely and extending over the seam etc. I'm concerned that the air might find its way along the seam.
I have also thought about slicing open the easy repair to gain access to the hole near the seam. Fix it internally and then have a larger repair to fix.
I also considered a way to "feather" out the seam either with a careful scalpel bevel or by using "goop" and smearing the seam to create a gradual surface for the larger patch to adhere to.
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
First hole is under duct tape (was using tape to inflate to find leaks

), second is near thumb
Hole in question
Proposed patch, not to scale
And a couple pics of the boat and some toughening of the hull I've done recently.
Cleaned it with mildew remover and a power washer, the starboard tube shows 2 minutes of scrubbing
Ground down to good glass and epoxied some wear strips. Planning on repainting the transom, interior looks minty