I’ve an option on a BF130 Honda with only about 200 hours on it and same owner from new. Research on the Web and any outboard mechanic will tell you these engines were notorious for a range of problems but when sorted are an excellent long term reliable engine. The prevalence and seriousness of the most serious early problem of cracking head/block problems resulted in Honda extending the warranty on potentially affected engines to 10 years. “Mine” it turns out has not had the benefit of this inspection for cracking cylinder heads/blocks and also at least two more of the major bulletins – Main Relay to be replaced (to avoid total failure of the fuel injection system) and High pressure fuel pump failing due to corrosion same remedy/risk. Given the engine was registered and owned by the same person at the same address since new that seems a bit slack as Honda in the US at least were noted for proactively writing out to original and subsequently registered owners.
Anyway the good news is contacting the nearest Honda Dealer records show the pump and relay replacement as outstanding “campaign” items and to be completed apparently regardless of engine age. The not so good news is that despite this engine being in the serial number range affected by the engine cracking issue the dealer was initially told Honda won’t consider paying for the Service Bulletin inspection as the engine serial# makes it a 1999. In other words they claimed it is 5 years beyond the extended 10 year warranty. They also said if it was going to crack it would have done by now. Fair enough I hear you say 5 years out of extended warranty is a stretch and I thought so too and got ready to walk away.

Then -
cue drum roll- the seller produced his warranty registration which shows the engine was sold new and warranty registered April 21st 2004.

In other words Honda have just been asked to carry out the engine cracking inspection per their own service bulletin- and any other applicable service bulletin work- less than a week after the 10 year warranty expired and not five years out of warranty as Honda initially asserted.
The relevant warranty documentation has now been passed on to the dealer and also to Honda UK.
Here’s the question, who thinks Honda will agree to carry out the inspection for the engine cracking issue or will they guillotine their liability under the extended warranty by a couple of days?
I should know within "three business days"