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Old 04 May 2015, 20:46   #21
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by paddlers View Post
In reality it's probably like the insanity that says you can't buy more than a certain number of aspirin at the supermarket! What's to stop you visiting several garages or the same one several times and filling up two cans on each visit ?

As I say I've never had an issue with 5 X 20 litre cans. I just make sure they're the 'approved' type.
The pack size reductions on aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol did have an effect on suicide rates though. Yes if you want to end it all you can go to different shops and stock up. But most paracetamol overdoses are not premeditated - they use stock in the house. Reducing the amount of stock in the house has reduced the successful suicide rate.

I suspect if you make it too easy for Joe the gardener to have twenty five litre green cans in his garden shed you might find more exploding sheds... But like someone who needs multiple aspirin you can go to multiple suppliers for fuel if you really want some.

My experience has always been that if you have the boat there they tend to turn a blind eye/not realise you are not actually filling an inbuilt tank. That said all the cars I've ever driven fill up on driver side and I normally drive in facing the cash desk so I suspect they can't see what the nozzle is in.

I also expect the filling stations train their staff more and will care about brand image etc. If Tesco get caught breaking rules the press will make you believe its every Tesco ever. If Uncle Johns filling station gets caught the press won't even report it...
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Old 04 May 2015, 20:47   #22
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 2,767
Oh and although you can only store 30l in a car and so mist people assume transport, you definitely can transport more in a van or trailer. So load those tanks into the boat...
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