Here are some more details from Fiona and Gill at Drivers Wharf:
Everyone needs to be at D.W at 09.30am for a light breakfast and briefing hopefully at 10.00. Launching starts at 08.30am
Folley booked for lunch 1.30pm ... selection of hot food will be available (no bar-b-que this time due to the time of year)
Evening Party - 7.30pm till late - extra tickets can be bought for the price of £10 prior to arrival.
Hot food will be served and wine on the tables.
Lots of fun and we welcome all boats what ever size as long as they can do approx. 35 mph. (we will do a shorten course for the Zap Cats and slower vessels!)
£50 per boat including a hand of cards
£20 per person
£10 per child over 10yrs
Prize money:
£300 for 1st
£100 for 2nd
and two joker cards - prize £50 each!
Launch, recovery and trailer storage for the weekend - £40
Anyone who's at the Portsmouth Powerboat finals 26th - 28th September, are most welcome to store their boats at Driver's Wharf for the week till the Poker Run on the 4th Oct - FREE OF CHARGE!!! This is to enable you all to party and not keep towing ya boat around!!
Already we have 15 boats confirmed and we'll have to close the entry list at 35!!
Does anyone want to be a committee boat and be part of the organising team? Free entertainment and food.
Hope you can make the Poker Run...... would be fun for you to join us!
Any queries please ring
Fiona P on 07770 306969
Gill W on 07771 577589