Polaris France? Info only
As some of you know, I had a boat built by Polaris Inflatables in Canada.
I recently contacted the builder to see if he had records of parts used (specifically, control cable lengths - he didn't have the info.)
In talking with him, I mentioned steering a few people his way, when he brought up the following (reposted with permission):
"Unfortunately there is a Polaris France which we help to set up but they went rogue and are not doing us any favors with the crappy quality that they put out under our label.
… As they are in default, we sent them a ‘cease and desist’ but they don’t seem to care. We have not figured out our next move yet, thinking of hiring Ninjas :-) .
A word on your forum about this would be much appreciated."
So, just to add to the information on builders, here it is.