24 May 2011, 20:04
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The only way in my opinion to get the police to do something would be by negative publicity means, I'm sure one of the local tv news shows would run an item about the thefts and the lack of police doing anything. A better story than cat stuck up a tree. Does anyone want to take this up ? Would be apt timing, especially as police were all over the white tiger seen locally that turned out to be a childs toy.
24 May 2011, 21:15
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS
Hi Biff, was this the marine police you spoke to? I had a similar conversation today with them at Hamble fuel pontoon and to be fair they showed me no confidence or interest stating " we dont work nights and its an eastern european team cause we are soft targets"
Perhaps I had the wrong one?
no land base police both in hampshire and dorset, they both said they would log any journey i wished to make and give me a reference number, i had the same experience from marine police.
dorset said she would put it to a higher guy and get back to me, we'll see
24 May 2011, 21:39
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I managed to speak to a couple today who told me they like nothing better than to catch the theiving sods in the act or stop it before it happens but they just dont have the manpower or means to do it.
They were quite open and honest and said in our coastal towns we would be lucky to have two officers working overnight, let alone actaully be free to respond.
I think most coppers love to catch the bad guys and work bloody hard to do so, but as mentioned before piss heads take up all the resources and then they have thousands of bits of paper to fill in keeping them off the streets.
24 May 2011, 21:43
Country: UK - England
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A couple of things spring to mind, maybe an 'on water' protest somewhere may catch the eye of the local media.
The other thought is that most thefts appear to be of boats on trailers so maybe the trailer manufacturers need lobbying to ensure better security to the wheels or axels, may make it better in the future but those if us using older trailers will still be at risk!
24 May 2011, 22:07
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Perhaps a sting operation ?
24 May 2011, 22:14
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Originally Posted by Jack Sparrow
I am struggling to understand just how big the problem of boat (RIB) theft is in the UK? Between this thread and others about tracking etc it appears to be a big issue for you guys? 
Jack, it is a particular issue in one area of the UK right now. It has a high density of boats (and ribs) which makes it "easy pickings" and also makes a rib on the move less noticeable. On top of that it is relatively convenient for getting boats out the country by ferry or container. My guess is it is all one gang and eventually they will get caught or disrupted and everyone will go back to being pretty relaxed about it.
Its easy to see why RIBs on trailers are so easy to nick though. Would you leave a suitcase with £20k in it sitting in a deserted boat yard with virtually no security?
24 May 2011, 22:25
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Would you leave a suitcase with £20k in it sitting in a deserted boat yard with virtually no security?
Oh bugger I new I'd left something down there !!
24 May 2011, 22:59
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Originally Posted by PeterM
Oh bugger I new I'd left something down there !!
lol .. i guess that kinda sums it up though eh ?
25 May 2011, 04:25
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by GeoffChopper
The other thought is that most thefts appear to be of boats on trailers so maybe the trailer manufacturers need lobbying to ensure better security to the wheels or axels
This is where the caravan industry was 10 years ago...now, caravans have integrated hitchlocks, wheel clamps integrated into the chassis (though they're a bugger to fit to twin axles) and alarms. But,equally or more importantly, many caravan storage facilities have moved on and offer real protection rather than chicken wire and a 5 bar gate.
25 May 2011, 18:34
Country: UK - England
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When you pay for a tractor launch at a boatyard, you get launched and the tractor takes your trailer back to the yard while you sail off to wherever. My question is!! if it got nicked while in the boatyard, would you be able to claim off the boatyards insurance ? Claiming off your own insurance would be iffy due to not having fitted a wheel clamp/hitch lock.
25 May 2011, 19:18
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Jack, it is a particular issue in one area of the UK right now. It has a high density of boats (and ribs) which makes it "easy pickings" and also makes a rib on the move less noticeable. On top of that it is relatively convenient for getting boats out the country by ferry or container. My guess is it is all one gang and eventually they will get caught or disrupted and everyone will go back to being pretty relaxed about it.
Its easy to see why RIBs on trailers are so easy to nick though. Would you leave a suitcase with £20k in it sitting in a deserted boat yard with virtually no security?
One thing got me thinking last night, a couple of thefts have been from peoples homes in areas around the new forest and miles away from a marina, so unless the gang is driving round various country side area,s On the off chance which I don't think is the case, I think they could possibly be following people home. Perhaps they turn up at slipways at the end of the day and look for a nice boat going back on a trailer and follow them home to later nick it. For example one was stolen from lepe and you have to go out of your way to get there it isn't on the way to anywhere.
25 May 2011, 19:36
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by boristhebold
One thing got me thinking last night, a couple of thefts have been from peoples homes in areas around the new forest and miles away from a marina, so unless the gang is driving round various country side area,s On the off chance which I don't think is the case, I think they could possibly be following people home. Perhaps they turn up at slipways at the end of the day and look for a nice boat going back on a trailer and follow them home to later nick it. For example one was stolen from lepe and you have to go out of your way to get there it isn't on the way to anywhere.
That is certainly the case with very expensive mountain bike thefts. Spotted on roof racks / or at trail centres and then followed home. Secure garages, out of site, locked inside the garage and yet they still get nicked - its not just chance. As with boats there are definitely areas of the country which are "hot spots".
25 May 2011, 21:11
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I've been keeping an eye on the issues of recording trips and the threads regarding it but am left wondering why we think the police are actually going to take note of this particular area of thefts over and above any other crimes such as caravans, motor bikes or cars.
Please don't get me wrong, it's a massive issue and 8 in one area is a horrendous amount which clearly shows a major problem. At the same time though I wonder how many cars have been stolen, or bikes, or houses broken in to. You see my point.
Every recreational "group" would argue that their field deserves particular attention. Yes in an ideal world every towing boat would be stopped, logged checked but the police already struggle with day to day responsibilities and to think it reasonable to expect such actions is naive IMO.
How many cars are driving around on the roads with no insurance or no licences ? Or how many are cloned. It's a far bigger problem then boat theft but you don't see anybody want every car on the motorway stopped and checked. Ok ANPR does check a lot but is by no means conclusive
Maybe a proper, mandatory registration is required on all trailers (be it caravan, horse box or boat) where the details are matched with it's towing vehicle and can be "pinged" on the police ANPR trackers. Something has to be done and for my money that would be better then being stopped every 10 mins.
But then I'd guess we would all moan that it's another tax from our governments....
Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
25 May 2011, 21:20
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As a member of two other forums, ford transit forum and sportbike forum , i see that theft is on the up just as much across the board .. Its a sign of the times im afraid , perhaps youre right, chassis numbers an everything ought be made mandatory,, mind you our vans and bikes are getting nicked equally as much , or more so than boats, trailers and outboards , so that too may be futile .. The only answer i see is be vigilant to the point of paranoia
If my transit were to be pinched when holidaying, the chances are , my caravan will be on the back of it , plus my boat and motorbike plus tools will be inside it .
25 May 2011, 21:25
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Originally Posted by TIMO
As a member of two other forums, ford transit forum and sportbike forum , i see that theft is on the up just as much across the board .. Its a sign of the times im afraid , perhaps youre right, chassis numbers an everything ought be made mandatory,, mind you our vans and bikes are getting nicked equally as much , or more so than boats, trailers and outboards , so that too may be futile .. The only answer i see is be vigilant to the point of paranoia 
Well said!!
That's my point. Where do you stop and what "item" is more important than another. Non boating members of the public would question why the police speed all day stopping boats when they could be doing "better" things with their time. And so on
Huge debating topic
Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
25 May 2011, 21:28
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 172
Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards
Well said!!
That's my point. Where do you stop and what "item" is more important than another. Non boating members of the public would question why the police speed all day stopping boats when they could be doing "better" things with their time. And so on
Huge debating topic
Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
In my case,, i just have to make sure my van is well secured and alarmed . My caravan has hitchlock and shock sensors too , even a step pad on the doorstep . vans immobilised and double deadlocked and alarmed with large round asplock on rear and sideloader, a deisel shut off tap too,, all i have on my boat is a slidelock on the OB when its setup.
25 May 2011, 22:04
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Try farming for thefts, it's an absolute epedemic. Friend of mine had two quads nicked, two weeks later they came back for the replacements, and helped themselves to the red diesel tank contents and took 15 fixed gates off the farm as well.
Members of the long distance caravan club apparently...so plod won't touch them.
25 May 2011, 22:21
Country: UK - England
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Is it just me or do all these thefts keep coming back to one common denominator
And no, I don't mean "plod won't do anything"
26 May 2011, 00:20
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Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards
Is it just me or do all these thefts keep coming back to one common denominator
And no, I don't mean "plod won't do anything"
Let me guess the denominator begins with a P and ends with something that nearly sounds like a Scandinavian furniture store?
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
Sent from my Computer, using a keyboard and mouse
26 May 2011, 05:57
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by BogMonster
Let me guess the denominator begins with a P and ends with something that nearly sounds like a Scandinavian furniture store?
Is there a super-injunction out?
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