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Old 26 May 2011, 07:19   #41
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Originally Posted by Leapy

Is there a super-injunction out?
Classic :-)

With the profit being made on all these thefts it can be afforded that's for sure

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
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Old 26 May 2011, 07:30   #42
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So much for freedom of speach,, with all this PC correctness and all it`s very hard to distinguish one group of people from another , or is that the idea? I`ll say it then ,, its the pikeys !
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Old 26 May 2011, 07:33   #43
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Never heard of such a term - sorry .-)

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
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Old 26 May 2011, 07:40   #44
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Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards View Post
Never heard of such a term - sorry .-)

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007

Tbh i make sure all my stuff is insured to the max, Then kiss it goodbye when i walk away from it because it might not be there on return . Wifey on the other hand isnt insured , sometimes wish someone would walk away with her
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Old 26 May 2011, 07:40   #45
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well i got two calls yesterday from different officers, which was a result in it self, but i got the matter of fact way they talk to you routine, i knew they weren't going to get onboard when he started going on about prevention.
i let him waffle for a while while a cleaned my boat and serviced my car and had to stop him, so i guess people we are, what we have always expected, on our own, unless of course plod actually fall over one of these inbreeds with an outboard in his pocket.
thankyou for the 1300 watchers, that says a lot, pity the people we pay to do a job can't get any of it done for various reasons
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Old 26 May 2011, 08:45   #46
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You think you're frustrated!

You ought to try it from this side. On 19th May 2011 there were 13 sworn officers working out of my station. From 20th May there are are just 2. The result of re-organisation brought about by the current financial situation. Fortunately those remaining own a RIB & SIB!

Please be mindful about sweeping statements and try not to tar all with one brush. Marine Crime is a priority for some of us.

Marine Crime

Those of you pointing the finger at the travellers are barking up the wrong tree. You know what assume means. The issue of high value, large HP, engine thefts originates from organised gangs from Eastern Europe and that is very quickly where the stolen items are exported.

The best defence is vigilance. These individuals make recces and do their research. This is the time to clock them and record descriptions and vehicle registration marks. Such vigilance has led to arrests in this area.

BBC News - Three arrested over Helford outboard motor thefts

Try not to lose faith. We've all got a part to play in both prevention and detection and RIB netters are amongst the best at playing their part so thanks for that.

Best Regards.
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Old 26 May 2011, 10:27   #47
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I think there is more to this.

There was a case last year where three individuals were charged with possibly twelve thefts in and around Hampshire. The police worked diligently for over a year and the case went to court.

There was a negotiation and the court agreed to accept guilty pleas on a few sample cases.

As a result the individuals received very superficial sentences, largely community service.

This saved the cost of a trial but in no way compensates the police for their hard work or the individuals who lost use of boats of indeed the whole boat!

In my view, this is a very demoralising situation for the police and very unsatisfactory from my perspective as a member of the public who lost use of his boat for some months whilst still paying marina dues!
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Old 26 May 2011, 11:11   #48
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Originally Posted by JABS View Post

As a result the individuals received very superficial sentences, largely community service.

In my view, this is a very demoralising situation for the police and very unsatisfactory from my perspective as a member of the public who lost use of his boat for some months whilst still paying marina dues!
Trouble is as you say, even when they do get caught, the punsihment just doesnt fit the crime.

You only have to look through your local paper to see the soft handouts that are being given.

One last week was a chap with hundreds of convictions and just sent to court for another few burglaries, well what did he get at court, Community order, that will teach him,.......

IMO the whole system is letting us down.
1 - Not enough Police.
2 - The police we do have are filling in forms and dealing with neighbour disputes and dont have the time to actually catch the criminals.
3 - The court system handing out soft sentances.
4 - Full prisons, Why because its not prison. its a holiday camp with sky TV, sony playstations, pool, snooker, gyms, free training (in how to commit crme), more drugs than on the street, 3 meals a day, i could go on......

I'm now getting down off my soap box.....
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Old 26 May 2011, 12:15   #49
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I sadly see it from a different angle,, police stopping bikers with small number plates, using police choppers and three police cars to chase a kid who kicked a ball (accidentaly) through a greenhouse window yesterday , police sitting in unmarked cars and vans entrapping drivers for revenue so on and so forth. Ive had my vans broken into and had one stolen in the past ,and have only reported this because i needed a crime number for insurance purposes and didnt expect to get my goods back ( which i didnt) Ive been burgled also and didnt get any valuables back ( i miss my les paul gibson tiger stripe guitar still) It is my opinion that the police are dealing with lesser problems than "petty" crime ,,

Yet my insurances keep increasing .

Lose your boat ,, tough tit ,,
Use your phone whilst driving ,,, NICKED
Chances are when a copper is ticketing you at the roadside,, theres a nicked van/bike / boat trailer going right past.

Sorry if i seem bitter ,, its because i am .
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Old 26 May 2011, 13:04   #50
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Originally Posted by TIMO View Post

Sorry if i seem bitter ,, its because i am .
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions

I just think we are a little too harsh on the police. We expect everything from them, but in reality as Kraken999 said, there arent any. Only 2 police officers left for their area.

I appreicate you think they should concentrate on the nicked van etc travelling past, but do they just let the idiot using his phone driving dangerously carry on, with the potential someone will die. Because, hang, who will the public blame for not stopping it.......

I think we have all probably shouted at someone saying "get off your phone".

The number plate thing too, well from what i've been told, people often get their numbers plates so small to avoid detection by the camera readers. Thus in turn some of them are indeed the criminals. Ie the ones doing the survellence to see what they can nick and no one can read the plate to report it.

I agree with certain aspects, as i too have been a victim of crime, mainly car crime but in all honestly if there is no forensic evidence and no witnesses etc how they hell do you find who did it?

I may be slightly biased as i have family in the police and from what i get told they are very much trying to find the criminals and love nothing better than getting someone sent to jail, but get told to do other things too making their job very very difficult.

They have also said the majority of criminals use their vehicles to commit crime and the courts take a very strong stance on traffic legislation so its a better way of getting people off the road, and thus prevent some crime too. if only they took a strong stance on everything it would be a better place.

For example one shoplifter can take an officer of the street for 5 to 6 hours with paperwork, interviews etc etc.
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Old 26 May 2011, 13:15   #51
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The ones ive met seem to be more concerned with their own self importance and authority than dealing with grand theft auto , I see them as merely bullies, BTW i hope the b""""""d who killed Ian Tomlinson gets a life sentence
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Old 26 May 2011, 13:20   #52
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Originally Posted by TIMO View Post
The ones ive met seem to be more concerned with their own self importance and authority than dealing with grand theft auto , I see them as merely bullies, BTW i hope the b""""""d who killed Ian Tomlinson gets a life sentence

Yep, you get them in any job, and trust me, i've met some that i think... well i cant say here, but most of the ones i've been in contact with actually want to make a difference.
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Old 26 May 2011, 13:26   #53
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Originally Posted by actions View Post
Yep, you get them in any job, and trust me, i've met some that i think... well i cant say here.
Freedom of speach is still in operation here,,, for now You shouldnt get them in the Met though,, they should be vetted better, giving a complete tw4t that amount of authority is a big mistake Remember that Moat fella ? and Jean de meneses
one of our local plod got chucked out for smoking dope he`d taken of a fella earlier on ,lol
then there was them two scouse coppers who got done for selling stolen goods on ebay a fortnight back.

Its one of the most corrupt establishments in the UK IMHO
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Old 26 May 2011, 16:01   #54
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Originally Posted by TIMO View Post
Freedom of speach is still in operation here
I wouldn't garuntee it - this is a dictatorship round here - and politics (which this is certainly straying towards) is one of the very few banned topics!
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Old 26 May 2011, 16:25   #55
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Originally Posted by Kraken999 View Post
You ought to try it from this side. On 19th May 2011 there were 13 sworn officers working out of my station. From 20th May there are are just 2. The result of re-organisation brought about by the current financial situation. Fortunately those remaining own a RIB & SIB!

Please be mindful about sweeping statements and try not to tar all with one brush. Marine Crime is a priority for some of us.

Marine Crime

Those of you pointing the finger at the travellers are barking up the wrong tree. You know what assume means. The issue of high value, large HP, engine thefts originates from organised gangs from Eastern Europe and that is very quickly where the stolen items are exported.

The best defence is vigilance. These individuals make recces and do their research. This is the time to clock them and record descriptions and vehicle registration marks. Such vigilance has led to arrests in this area.

BBC News - Three arrested over Helford outboard motor thefts

Try not to lose faith. We've all got a part to play in both prevention and detection and RIB netters are amongst the best at playing their part so thanks for that.

Best Regards.
don't take any comments as a huge dig on the police we all do understand the cut backs, we can blame it on governments and the banking crisis, and we all know there are many great coppers out there. It would be useful for us in the Rib community to have a number we could call if we see something suspicous, I guess thats the marine crime prevention number. I even saw soemthing today but didnt have time to do anything, went past a pickup truck towing a sportsboat, the licence number on the trailer was done with cardboard and pen and didnt match the reg of the pickup truck, however the sportsboat looked so knackered I doubt very much if it was a stolen one.
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Old 26 May 2011, 19:14   #56
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I refer back to my original post "they showed me no confidence or interest stating - we dont work nights and its an eastern european team cause we are soft targets". If we are soft targets then it does not take a rocket scientist to spot this and for that officer(s) to start an operation and target that specific area or problem

Biff also had a similar response despite getting a call back which was good.

Kraken 999 - we tried hard to get OP Kraken to actually work on our specific problem in the Solent area and the reponse was as above. I even emailed the chief of police Alex Marshall at Hants Police HQ as this will be affecting his crime figures that he has to account to the Home Office for, and that was two weeks ago and not even an acknowledgement from his bag carrier, so if the chief cant be bothered unfortunately that is what we the public get from officers when we ask for help and advice. My rant also now over.
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Old 26 May 2011, 19:33   #57
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Totally Agree Ian, they are after all our servants we PAY for them!! and therefore should have a service.
If a retailer sold goods / Services that were not up to the task well SOG kicks in I'll say no more
Brian C
APS Marine Centre
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Old 26 May 2011, 19:45   #58
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
I wouldn't garuntee it - this is a dictatorship round here - and politics (which this is certainly straying towards) is one of the very few banned topics!
I`ve settled down now
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Old 27 May 2011, 07:47   #59
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I see from stolen boat site since 21st may 6 outboards, 1 speedboat, 1 Rib, 1 PWC, one boat taken from Portland, the rest from Southampton/Hamble area, many of the outboards were taken from the back of moored boats. Im glad my boat isn't in the hamble area.
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Old 27 May 2011, 12:14   #60
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Morning. Just got up I’m on Nights at the moment!

A little bit of fred drift here. Timo’s opinion is completely valid and in some respects quite right. You won’t find me trying to defend the indefensible. Policing relies on a human element as long as it does so it will experience all of the failings of human nature as well as the advantages. It would be completely naïve to expect anything different. Just as there are reliable, trustworthy and efficient RIB operators there are also some useless ones. It’s no different in any walk of life including Policing. Given that we are drawn from a cross section of society it’s obvious that we’ll reflect that society.

The purpose of my post was just to offer a little reassurance that there are amongst us those that are taking notice of the concerns of those who work and play in the marine environment.

Just like the rest of us I am disappointed at the level of service some appear to receive in some areas. There is a significant problem in many areas with losses which by now must amount to many millions. I have, as have some in the insurance industry, advocated a national approach to dealing with this issue. As yet I am not aware of any response that would assuage my frustration.

It is therefore crucial that individuals maintain pressure in their respective areas to ensure that resolution of this issue becomes a priority for their local Police. It’s obviously not appropriate for me to be involved in starting a national campaign to raise the profile of this problem and it’s possible that I’ll attract critism for posting here. I’ll take it on the chin. Perhaps there’s an opportunity for RIBNET here to write to ACPO and the RYA highlighting the concerns of many posters. Although I appreciate you’re a forum not a pressure group.

So if you are concerned try any of the avenues available for example write to your Chief Constable or indeed your M.P. If you experience poor service avail yourselves of the complaints systems in place e.g. IPCC. My experience of public services is you need to make it harder to do nothing than to do something.

Finally by way of a little more reassurance. In approaching 3 decades of service I’ve never felt the need to issue a motorist a speeding ticket. Always been to busy out on the ceaseless fight against crime. Perhaps that lack of revenue has contributed to the current situation?
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