15 September 2015, 08:12
Country: UK - England
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Poole Harbour Users - keep a look out for
Anyone based around Poole who uses the East Looe Channel, there is a chap mid fifties who likes to snorkel across this busy channel at this time of year. He can often be seen in the late afternoon entering via the small beach to the east of the Haven Hotel and he likes to cross the channel.
In the past 5 years ive nearly hit him 3 times, he tends to like to dive under the water and hence if your going along in the late afternoon returning to Poole the sun can be low and facing you, the glare from the water also does not help, so at times you can completely not see him or see him at the last minute and have to steer away quickly.
Many people are not so conscious of their speed in this channel so there is a high risk to this individual, the Poole Harbour Master, RNLI etc are all aware of this chap, he is a tw&t and takes no notice of various peoples warnings towards him, usually if you honk your horn and give him some advice he tells you to F off and sticks his V fingers up.
Personally I give him no more than a few more years until he gets wiped out by some boater.
Im sure it would not be nice to be responsible for a death so I thought I would mention this to you all.
He wont change his ways so watch out in that area when the sun is low.
15 September 2015, 09:03
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Limassol in Cyprus is a favourite place for solo divers to play, especially the area off Ladies Mile and Akrotiri Bay. Unfortunately, during my five years boating in the area there were many reported near misses and at least one fatality.
It is almost impossible to pick out a person's head in even a slight swell. Some people believe it is their given right to behave so irresponsibly.
15 September 2015, 09:15
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Thanks for the heads up, agree this is a disaster waiting to happen.
15 September 2015, 10:14
Country: UK - England
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Couple of swimmers in Colwell bay ( quite far from the shore ) a few weeks ago, had those bright orange floats that they tow behind, no probs spotting them, I guess personal safety is not a priority for our friend in Poole
Fully fledged member of the ‘Bordering negligent and very irresponsible club’.
15 September 2015, 10:34
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As long as he's not wearing diving gear or anything hard or sharp that could damage the prop or hull, I don't see a problem.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
15 September 2015, 11:57
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What a fruitcake 
Evolution in action?
Dust creation specialist
15 September 2015, 12:51
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
As long as he's not wearing diving gear or anything hard or sharp that could damage the prop or hull, I don't see a problem.
Thanks Pikey Dave that made my day, I just laughed out loud in a large office environment.
15 September 2015, 13:35
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,205
Originally Posted by boristhebold
Thanks Pikey Dave that made my day, I just laughed out loud in a large office environment.
I was being serious...for a change
.....sh1t happens.......
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
15 September 2015, 14:59
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 130
Does he use any form of Surface Marker Buoy (SMB)? - When I'm spear fishing (just off the local scars at low tide so not somewhere a boat would want to be) I still use an SMB incorporating a small blow up diver down flag, this is probably reasonably visible given my proximity to the shore. This guy seems to be snorkelling in an unsuitable area though!
15 September 2015, 16:28
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Tim in Yorkshire
Does he use any form of Surface Marker Buoy (SMB)? - When I'm spear fishing (just off the local scars at low tide so not somewhere a boat would want to be) I still use an SMB incorporating a small blow up diver down flag, this is probably reasonably visible given my proximity to the shore. This guy seems to be snorkelling in an unsuitable area though!
The only marker he uses is his bold head, he doesn't even have a snorkel tube showing, just a mask and he goes under the water at times and takes no notice of boaters. Poole Harbour people and RNLI are aware of him and have had words in past. He will be hit im sure at some point. Some people you just cant change their ways.
15 September 2015, 20:47
Country: UK - England
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Shall bear his stupidity in mind, am a regular there.
15 September 2015, 20:55
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by boristhebold
The only marker he uses is his bold head.
Think of him as a Bold Buoy....
15 September 2015, 21:10
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Tim in Yorkshire
Does he use any form of Surface Marker Buoy (SMB)? - When I'm spear fishing..
I gave up on mine. I reckoned that the SMB was more likely to kill me than a boat. The last thing that you need when swimming up a rocky gully on only a lung full, is a trail of string going to the surface.  Trying to de-spear and bag a 3lb bass is tricky enough without those things in the way.
I keep tight to the rocks and have a good look If I hear the fizz of a prop in the vicinity.
Bollox to snorkeling anywhere near heavily trafficked boating areas.
19 September 2015, 13:23
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 106
Next time you see him see if you can quietly glue an AIS beacon onto his head, that way at least he'll appear on the plotter as you approach.
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