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Old 25 April 2005, 08:06   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Saltash, Cornwall
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 693
Portland Coastguard VHF channel change

FYI I was forwarded this from a friend at the RYA ; I failed to get the poster to up load, though it would be usefull to the forum

Please excuse the extended address list, but I would like to get the message across to as many people as possible so that recent changes at Portland Coastguard can be properly promulgated, to the benefit of all.

Portland Coastguard have changed the VHF Channels we use for broadcasting the Maritime Safety Information broadcast, to bring us in to line with other Coastguard stations, and to leave VHF Channel 73 clear for small craft safety and casualty working.

I would be grateful if you could forward the contents of the attached poster in the most appropriate and effective manner you can manage. If the changes could be included in any mailings or on the web site, that would be very much appreciated.

If you have any questions on this, or any other matter, please do not hesitate to call me on 07957 293898 or the duty Watch Manager at Portland Coastguard 01305 760439.

Kind regards

Bruce Lack

Watch Manager

Portland Coastguard
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Old 25 April 2005, 08:07   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Saltash, Cornwall
Make: Rib less:-(
Length: no boat
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 693
Portland Coastguard
Maritime Safety Information Broadcast

H.M. Coastguard are pleased to announce that, following an upgrade of the computerised radio equipment at the Rescue Co-ordination Centre at Weymouth, the promulgation of Maritime Safety Information has been improved and will enhance our role in the co-ordination of Search and Rescue.

The M.S.I. Broadcast, which includes vital weather forecasts and navigation warnings, is recorded in advance of the transmission, and then broadcast at the appropriate times, despite the pressures of casualty-working.

Portland Coastguard transmit their M.S.I. Broadcast at the following UTC times:
02.20 - 06.20 - 10.20 - 14.20 - 18.20 - 22.20 hours UTC.

On the following channels:
Ch 84 from the transmitter at Grove, on Portland Bill.
Ch 23 from the transmitter at Bincleaves, Weymouth.
Ch 86 from the transmitter at Beer Head, Lyme Bay.
Ch 23 from the transmitter at Hengistbury Head, Christchurch.

We would encourage all mariners to listen for our announcement on VHF Ch 16, which will direct you to the appropriate (clearest) VHF Channel.

The rest of our service and response is unchanged.

We would remind mariners that we do not keep a listening watch on Ch 67 or Ch 73, but will continue to monitor VHF Ch16 for Distress and Urgency calls.

Routine Calls on VHF Ch 16 will be directed to an alternative working Channel.

If your vessel is fitted with a VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) radio you can call us direct on MMSI 002320012, which you should programme into your radio’s memory.

If you have any questions, please contact the staff at Portland Coastguard on 01305 760439 or if someone is in Distress, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard
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