22 October 2009, 06:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
Pottering around at Milford Haven
We are hoping to get off to Dale for a few days next week (half term) - in two minds wether to take either the RIB or SIB - just wondered what the recommendations are - happy to launch at Dale - very easy even for us
Those of you that are familiar with the water - what are your recommendations and what do you suggest we avoid - if we take the RIB would love to get out to Skokholm and Skomer, in the SIB just pottering I suspect - anyone else likely to be that way??
Have to say it really is the most stunning place, the coastline is breathtaking in any weather- one day when I'm even older and greyer I hope to move back
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Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
22 October 2009, 06:54
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Knot Yet
... if we take the RIB would love to get out to Skokholm and Skomer.
Doesn't Thomas the Tank Engine live on one of these?
22 October 2009, 06:58
Country: UK - England
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This is something I really want to do next summer, so please let us know how you get on ! I used to go there with a dive club who had a couple of Zodiac inflatables that they would drag in off the beach, by getting about 10 students around them (it was a uni club so they didn't want to pay to launch).
I must be getting confused as I thought Dale was quite an awkward slip - very long and narrow, with a pub nearby for people to watch and laugh from ?
That's not particularly helpful advice I know, I'm sure one of the nice men with big grey boats will be along in a minute with something far more constructive.
Hope you have a fantastic time anyway, and look forward to seeing the pictures.
22 October 2009, 08:14
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Personally I'd go for the Rib....
Hiya , we regularly cruise out of Neyland , and if the weather is not kind to you , can cruise all around the Cleddau River . ( Watch out for the big rollers that can still make it up the river , well past Dale ).Needless to say it's a very busy stretch of water and you'll need to keep your eyes open at all times . Once you are out of the river , the waters around Skomer and Skokholm can get very lively , very quickly , which is why I suggest the Rib.
If the weather is really kind , you might consider going out to Grassholm when you are almost guaranteed to see some wildlife ( seals , gannets , shearwaters , possibly porpoise & dolphin ) . The Smalls lighthouse may be just a bit out of range unless conditions are really good . Regards Bern
22 October 2009, 08:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
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Posts: 868
Shaz - the slip is fairly narrow but they now have a very good floating jetty - so once launched we can easiliy get to the RIB and of course with the SIB we can just cheat and carry it!!!
Yep The Griffin still has plenty of people to laugh at you  - hence my cunning plan to practise in October out of season before all the crowds return
Will take some piccies even if we don't end up on the water.
Maybe we could organise a Ribnet trip there - I know a very cheap and cracking campsite we can use with easy access to Dale - would be something to look forward to over the winter
Bern - many thanks for the suggestions, from the school trips I use to be involved in on the Lord Hercum Ex RNLI from Dale Fort to the Islands it was always fun!! and that was just as a passenger- and I've never seen sea mist come in so fast as it can there, taught me some very valuable lessons on using a compass!!
Don't know the River at all so thank you for the pointers there - it does sound as if what ever the weather we could use either boat with care and planning
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
22 October 2009, 08:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
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Posts: 868
The new(ish) pontoon at Dale, with slip just to the right
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Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
22 October 2009, 10:56
Country: UK - Wales
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The pontoons at Dale, Hobbs Point (Pemb Dock), Llanstadwell & Burton are removed at the end of the summer - they were taken away a couple of weeks ago. 
The pontoons at Milford haven and Lawrenny remain throughout the year and you can also get ashore at Neyland Yacht Haven.
Some pics from last weekend:
I may be around next week, if you fancy a run out to the islands.
22 October 2009, 11:03
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
DHD - had no idea they removed the Dale one - thanks for the info
I noticed your thread - some cracking pictures - just made me very jealous!!
If we have the RIB a run out to the Islands with a companion RIB would be great - otherwise you might end up with some stowaways
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
22 October 2009, 11:30
Country: UK - Wales
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Posts: 6,299
Are you staying at Dale? If you are, then Dale slipway will be convenient for you and the water there is generally flat calm, so launching a SR5.4 should be a doddle.
Otherwise,Dale is a bit of a drag to get to, so you may prefer to launch at Neyland or East Llanion (Pemb Dock). Both free, public slipways, as is Dale.
A Ribnet gathering next season would be cool.
22 October 2009, 11:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
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Posts: 868
Yep we have our caravan hiding in Dale
Will put a thread in the "crusing" section to see what people think
Thanks DHD
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
22 October 2009, 11:44
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The Monster in law lives by the harbour in porthgain, never taken the RIB out there though cos the father in law and brother in law would want to come out, Theyr'e the sort that are too F*%$£ng hard to wear life jackets or waterproofs
on second thoughts maybe i should take them out in an F8 
seriously does anyone here go out there? I get free accomodation and launching aparently!
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
22 October 2009, 11:57
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
I'm not so familiar with the coast in North Pembrokeshire but from vague recollections staying in Fishguard - still very pretty - I'm sure it would be good from a RIB
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Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
23 October 2009, 12:24
Country: UK - Wales
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Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
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Knot Yet: When are you arriving? There's talk of a run out tomorrow, despite the awful weather forecast..... 
Let me know if you fancy joining us (forum members 'Wild at Heart', 'woot' (maybe) and me).
24 October 2009, 19:50
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
The pontoons at Dale, Hobbs Point (Pemb Dock), Llanstadwell & Burton are removed at the end of the summer - they were taken away a couple of weeks ago. 
The pontoons at Milford haven and Lawrenny remain throughout the year and you can also get ashore at Neyland Yacht Haven. 
Unfortunately we towed in the pontoon at Milford Haven last week which leaves just the lock pontoon which isn't always accessible when there are locks happening
Took the no planing buoys in a few weeks ago too....
Was down at Dale Roads on the new pilot boat yesterday afternoon and despite there being very little wind, there seems to be quite a reasonable lazy swell rolling in at the mo. With a low parked off to the west this week, it could be quite an interesting trip out to the islands!!
24 October 2009, 19:57
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
Thanks Alex - that's really good information to know and we will stick to pottering around in the Roads or perhaps up the river unless the weather takes a complete change
Are you responsible for keeping the tankers in check?
Thanks again
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
24 October 2009, 22:49
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Milford Haven
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Posts: 792
Yeah, the company I work for looks after the haven - they own the Pembroke Port site (including the old naval depot at Pembroke), as well as Milford Docks too.
My office overlooks the waterway which is always handy, although I am boatless right now for a year or so, but getting out on the work boats isn't too much of an issue.
It's been really nice down this way recently - a couple of pics taken down at Dale the other week. And then, one lastnight on the way back up river in the rain before the wind arrived.
There was a blue rib buzzing around yesterday afternoon around 1700hrs - was that anyone on here?
25 October 2009, 07:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
Sounds an interesting job Alex - and a great place to live, I'm very envious
Is that Dale Fort in the second picture - that was home for me, on and off, for about three years and I've not been able to get Pembrokeshire out of the system since
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
25 October 2009, 22:47
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
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Originally Posted by Alex Brown
There was a blue rib buzzing around yesterday afternoon around 1700hrs - was that anyone on here?
Hiya Alex - hope you're well? 
The blue rib could well have been 'Wild at Heart'. The owner told me he was out on the haven Friday pm. I joined him & his brawd onboard yesterday pm for a spin. We ran out from Neyland to Milford Haven & back in a F6-8. - interesting conditions.
25 October 2009, 22:50
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
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Posts: 6,299
Originally Posted by Alex Brown
Took the no planing buoys in a few weeks ago too....
Good work
27 October 2009, 20:40
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Posts: 499
skomer / Skokholm by SIB?
Sorry to hijack the thread but while there are some Milford experts on.
when I had the RIB I had a few trips out to the islands to Dive in avrying conditions.
now only having the SIB I am wondering if that would still be possible - I usually Launch from Gellyswick, Sandy Haven or Dale.
i wont be considering it until into late spring / summer next year but would value your thoughts.
do I need to be looking for a RIB charter or is it do able in the SIB (conditions allowing)
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