16 September 2013, 16:25
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Powerboat & Rib Magazine
Im in a grumpy mood today, why is it that I subscribed to this magazine in may this year on the premis that subsrcibing would be a good idea, thinking I would get early copy of mag etc and yet I still haven't got the latest through my door but I could buy one over the counter at a local newsagents or my local marina shop and the digital version is still not online. Bahh Humbug ... Mr Grump
16 September 2013, 16:28
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No you are right we been talking about the same thing this weekend
16 September 2013, 17:41
RIBnet admin team
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Don't judge, the guys that post them out have been busy on a jolly challenge around Ireland this month. Even the guy who won the race had major sponsorship from the likes of Mazda was a day late finishing… things will just be a bit slower this month, probably!
16 September 2013, 20:16
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Exactly why I didn't renew my subscription..
16 September 2013, 20:47
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Me too, and there was never a unbiased review in the magazine.
Completely appreciate that print media works by getting companies to advertise, but they never even make a decent review of kit or boats
16 September 2013, 21:46
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They've got David Marsh writing for them now which should be interesting. Of course the smart move would be to make him the editor but I can't see that happening any time soon!
16 September 2013, 22:55
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I assume the copy we're all waiting for will have a preview of Southampton Boat Show in it
17 September 2013, 08:41
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Originally Posted by NSS
I assume the copy we're all waiting for will have a preview of Southampton Boat Show in it 
LOL, I like it .... maybe what we need is a Ribnet magazine, with people from ribnet submitting articles etc, maybe quarterly, might be fun ?
Could include comeptitions, pics of the ugliest rib, the best project rib done up, top tips, etc etc
17 September 2013, 08:44
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Originally Posted by boristhebold
LOL, I like it .... maybe what we need is a Ribnet magazine, with people from ribnet submitting articles etc, maybe quarterly, might be fun ?
Could include comeptitions, pics of the ugliest rib, the best project rib done up, top tips, etc etc
Can I do the problem page, pleeeaaase
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17 September 2013, 11:46
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Me too. Regretting subscription and still waiting....
17 September 2013, 12:04
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Ribnet magazine... where do I subscribe!
17 September 2013, 13:10
RIBnet supporter
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Stopped our subscription 2 years ago............ still get the magazine! Also have a friend who sent away for a free issue a few years ago and has been on the sub list ever since!
17 September 2013, 13:43
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
Stopped our subscription 2 years ago............ still get the magazine! Also have a friend who sent away for a free issue a few years ago and has been on the sub list ever since! 
Keeps the circulation numbers up
17 September 2013, 14:35
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Guys, all pi$$taking aside, I think this idea has some merit.....
I subscribe to a few mags (not all top-shelf) and one of the best in terms of understanding of its readership and ability to deliver something every month that's informative, fun and bang up-to-date, without taking itself at all seriously, is the VW T4&5 magazine which was started just a couple of years ago by two serious 'camper dubbers' (in a market allegedly already catered for) following a canvassing of opinion amongst the membership of the T4 and T5 online forums, circa 40k members.
The Editor and Deputy Editor still have full-time jobs but they've partnered very successfully with a small, specialist, publishing house who deal with design, subscriptions, printing, ad sales, etc.
The administrators of this site will have the detailed figures regarding membership numbers, active members, etc, etc but as someone new to ribbing and thirsty for information, there appears ampple room in the market for a RIB/SIB magazine?
Whether the market's big enough is another question best answered by someone in the know....
17 September 2013, 15:10
RIBnet admin team
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Oh are we due for this topic again!
If people want to write articles and have them posted then by all means RIBnet is a good vehicle to do so. However the could it be a magazine / could we get a new magazine question has been discussed several times and never has resulted in real action. I don't think people realise the financial and time commitment / risk involved in starting something like that. Anyone doing so in the current economic climate for the printed press, in a sector that has see one RIB mag close, and another radically diversified is clearly either crazy or rich.
That said I quite like crazy people and would like to have rich friends - so if anyone does it - I will buy it!
17 September 2013, 16:26
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I would too! We could It "Rib Nobbur Times" and the contents would cover Quality articles on SR,s and Ribcrafts n stuff!
17 September 2013, 18:16
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2 issues I see...first and foremost all the articles will be bumming the sr4 and that's it no other ribs exist...
Secondly it does cost a whack and lots of time and effort, I am used to putting together a quarterly glossy magazine - it was hard work!
If someone did though, I would buy it! As still relatively new to the SIB / RIB scene I feel there is definitely a niche in the market for this type of publication.
Thirdly...I'd buy it if it was only bumming the sr4 as that's what I'm looking at buying pretty shortly!
17 September 2013, 18:51
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Originally Posted by SteveHall
Ribnet magazine... where do I subscribe!
P.M Sent
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18 September 2013, 09:25
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Originally Posted by SteveHall
Ribnet magazine... where do I subscribe!
You are reading it right now!
Who needs more paperwork when you get all the rib related fun you need here?
18 September 2013, 10:24
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I was considering subscribing, glad I came across this thread, shall do as I have done for a while and pick it up from local shop (when I remember)
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