Neil Holmes, builder of the Pantom Evolution RIBs and seven times world powerboat racing champion, is opening a Powerboat Training Centre with a difference. As well as the usual range of RYA course, Neil is offering specialist courses for rough water handling and racing.
Their web site isn't up yet, but the centre is based at Drivers Wharf in Southampton and the phone number is 023 8023 2365.
I have an invitation to the open day and launch party this Friday. Unfortunately I can't make it, but as the invitation just says "RIBnet" on it I thought I'd throw it open to the forums and see if someone else fancies representing RIBnet for the day and reporting back
So if you're free this Friday 29 October, you can get to Southampton, you've got some interest in racing, a digital camera and can string a sentence or two together, send me a PM and I'll pick a lucky winner out of a virtual RIBnet hat!