Hello my name is Bruno and I’m writing y guys from Portugal.
I’ve been looking at the forum from some time, but just did the registration today.
I discover the potential of Ribs this summer when i did a tour in the Sado River looking for some Dolphins...
I’ve been lookin at some Rib manufacturer and i would like your opinion in some of them
Portuguese constructor:
Barcoeste (
www.barcoeste.pt) they have a nice 6.20meter rib in a nice finish.
Valiant (
www.valiant-boats.com) the Vangart 570
Other makers:
Capeli seems really nice finish ( more expensive)
Bat 590 sl (
www.bat.it) seems really nice finish ( more expensive)
Nuova Jolly
www.nuovajolly.com seems really nice finish (more expensive)
In all of them a 90 to 115 HP seem to me ok.
Talking about a 4 strokes engines, are there big differences between a Japonese ( Suzuki/Honda/Yamaha) and a mariner?
My objective is to do some trips on the Portuguese costs and some water sport
Thank y in advance