14 July 2003, 21:23
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 43
Pro sport ribs advice
I am looking for a 7.5 RIB with 200-225hp 2 stroke outboard. My budget is £16000.00 give or take a little bit. Would dearly love something long pointy & fast. My last RIB was a BWM deep sea 18 with 135hp merc. This boat served me well at the time achieving just under 50mph fully trimmed. This is no longer enough.
We will use the boat for blasting about in fairly rough conditions.
Pro sport RIBs seem to be quite abit cheaper than others avaliable & fit my requirements. BUT I'm worried that the build quality may not be up to a good thrashing (Unlike my Girlfriend :-).
Any advice or information would be gratefully received.
14 July 2003, 23:20
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They are built ere in Guernsey and I have seen them take a pounding especially when you get wind over tide in the Little russel on a spring going past roustel.
Saw one of the PSR giving it full blast as I was down to 12knots trying to keep dry.
Well worth a go in my book. Not many for sale s/h tho as the cstomers seem to stick with them.
15 July 2003, 07:42
Country: UK - England
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Originally posted by DepSol
They are built ere in Guernsey
So do they conform to CE regs?
15 July 2003, 08:01
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Posts: 199
Dear Michael,
Are you talking about Midnight express?
I have never had any experience in a Pro-sport, I can only say what I have heard and understand. Their moulds came from anoither RIB company that went under. Pro-sport brought them off and started off. This is what I believe happened.
The poster 'Jason Norman' I believe runs Pro-sport. He is a very nice chap and very helpful.
Unfortunately I cannot really say no more as I have not yet been in one. I am looking to go in one of their 6.5 Desiels, and I had the chance to buy the advertised 7.5 with 225, but it didnt come with trailer although the owner would go halves on one.
But get a go in it and take it from there to make your own mind up. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that
18 July 2003, 11:52
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pro sport ribs
i have had my pro sport 6.5 m for nearly 2 years now, the only time it does not get a trashing is when the kids are in the boat, we have been all over the channel islands and the french coast in all types of weather and the rib is as good as the day i brought it
i have had 3 ribs before all different makes and build quality and value for money,pro sport has been the best. I live in guernsey so it is easy to pop into the pro sport workshop and look at the ribs being built at the moment the are building a 8.5m cabin rib
I have was going to order the pro sport 8.5m with a pair of 3oo merc's, but jason said during the winter they are building a 10m so i will wait for the 10m
Jason is very helpful so if you are unsure just give him a ring
19 July 2003, 10:49
Country: UK - England
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 43
AH, at last someone who owns an elusive Prosport. Info has been hard to come by on these RIB's. Thanks for taking the trouble to post Marc. Also Eddy who went to the trouble of a personal email (Twice) which was also very helpful & ofcourse everyone else. THANKS.
The more I learn about Prosports the more I like them. They seem to be GVFM. Jason Norman was helpful on phone & mentioned there was a boat in Lyme Regis I could view. Once I get the chaps address I'll go & check it out. Will also post my opinion on my return.
The other boat I fancy is the Phanton Evolution but at £10250.00 for the bare hull & tubes would probably be over my budget once engine, underfloor tank, steering, trailer etc is purchased. Still can't help looking at the sexy console & seats though. Have also had 2 Phantom speedboats in the past & found them to be good hulls for speed & strength. (16` with 140 yam & 18` with 175 merc, both a bit twitchy flat out probably due to slight overpowering, but did not break unlike the 2 rings before them). I believe the hulls are the same for the speedboats & RIB's, although I have heard there are some inferior hulls about nowadays for some reason?
Thanks again.
21 July 2003, 21:04
Country: UK - England
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 43
Phoned Jason Norman (Prosport) this morning to enquire about delivery times & he quoted 20 weeks (Thanks for being honest Jason). I'm now convinced his boats are simply good value, would love to have purchased one from him BUT...........
I've found a Revenger 29 with a Merc 225 Opti on it for £25,000. Just can't wait 20 weeks. Its over my budget but its definately going to shoot my rocket (Will have to get an Andrex holder fitted on the consol :-). The boat is 4 years old & the engine 2 years both obviously very well cared for..........just can't help myself.
Any comments on the Outfit would be appreciated. The boat IMHO seems to be very well built & looks as if it will go well, tapered tubes make it look sexy but I wonder what would happen if I stuff it front first.
Anyway thanks for the advice so far & anyone looking to buy a new RIB should definately ring Jason first.
21 July 2003, 21:21
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
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What's the seat layout on that Revenger, Michael? Sound like a good buy - a lot of RIB for your money... as long as it's fitted out the way you want it.
21 July 2003, 21:48
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 43
The steering consul has two built in seats at the front, two bucket seats behind followed by three seater jockey seats side by side (Each jockey has loads of watertight storage underneath as does the front seat). There is also a bow locker and underdeck storage hatches.
GPS, VHF, Compass, Foot Throttle, Bilge and Transom Pumps, Bow Tank, Trim Tabs, Summer and Winter Covers, 60 Gallon Underfloor Fuel Tank & above all looks like sex on a stick.
21 July 2003, 22:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
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Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
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Posts: 5,015
Sounds very smart. I've never sat in bucket seats, so can't comment. Never used a foot throttle on a boat either!
If i were "in your shoes" I'd want a very thorough sea trial to make sure it's what I want.
Good luck!
21 July 2003, 23:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
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Posts: 5,015
Hey, Lee, what's this in your profile about Midnight Express... Do you have some piccies to show???
22 July 2003, 07:24
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 43
Why might it not be what I want? Its only the lenght that was a bit of a shock at first.
Do you know something I don't or got any pointers. The longest boat I've owned before was a 25`4" cruiser with twin 146hp petrols, so I'm used to large fuel consumption must admit the windage when docking was a bit stressful (Didn't actually hit anything though).
22 July 2003, 07:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,015
No, sorry I was being a bit vague... What I meant was that it's obviously been set up to someone's liking, with a "race style" foot throttle and bucket seats. As long as this setup is what you want (which I guess it must be as you sound very keen) then good stuff. To be honest, it wouldn't be my choice, but then I'm not the buyer, and I'm only biassed as I've never even been in a similarly set up RIB to that!
I've been in a 9m Revenger briefly and it seemed like a well made boat.
22 July 2003, 10:23
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Posts: 199
Originally posted by Richard B
Hey, Lee, what's this in your profile about Midnight Express... Do you have some piccies to show???
he even knows my name!!!
Yeah, I am currently in the process of buying "Midnight Express" a 7.5 Prosport with an Evinrude FITCH 225  It's a lot of RIB, but it's only money, well thats what my finance mamnger says
I will post pictures as soon as I get home.
Not bad considering all I did was go to Guernsey to get a new steering system fitted. Turns out to be the most expensive weekend ever! Last time I go there in a hurry
24 September 2017, 17:46
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If your still around on here - could you please Inform me info and any images of the BWM deep sea 18 rib as I have got one for a project and looking for info and images to look at
13 November 2020, 19:25
Country: Spain
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Hola Michael, perdona molestarle.
Veo que tienes informacion de la RIB PROSPORT, queria informacion sobre ella si me podrias ayudar.
tengo una rib prosport y necesito contactar con la fabrica si fuera posible o veo que ahora la lleva Jason Norman.
Un saludo atentamente Jose Luis -
14 November 2020, 12:12
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by Joseluis199
Hola Michael, perdona molestarle.
Veo que tienes informacion de la RIB PROSPORT, queria informacion sobre ella si me podrias ayudar.
tengo una rib prosport y necesito contactar con la fabrica si fuera posible o veo que ahora la lleva Jason Norman.
Un saludo atentamente Jose Luis -
Hola Jose Luis...Que yo sepa Prosport Ribs cerró hace años.
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