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Old 18 January 2005, 08:39   #21
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Swifty
The traditional way to counter prop torque is to offset the engine by 1- 1½ inches. Anyway the ammount of torque from a 90 (its max rated) is not huge!

I find the torque pretty significant on mine (5.4m with 90hp 2 stroke) even with 1.5 inches offset. Maybe I'm driving too fast with no hull in the water
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Old 18 January 2005, 08:49   #22
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: SMH Rib / War Shot
Make: Ribtec / Scorpion
Length: 4m +
Engine: 100hp Yam/150hp opt
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Console uncomfortable?

Originally Posted by Swifty

Good strong boats that can take the punishment. They are rated for a 38kn with a 90hp, though mine does a little under that.
The little tube on the front of the console is for a light mast, and there should be a small one on the transom, starboard side.

The console is uncomfortable on a long run, but great for thrashing around. If you can change it then do, otherwise its very functional. They were built with an offset for some reason or another, but probably to lay a body down on the deck!

As an aid, hide any records of expenditure. You will be horified how a few quid here and a there turn into a few grand!!

Good luck, & keep us informed.
Regarding the console Alan priddy has the standard console in his Searider and he beat us all to Weymouth (60 mile run) on the BIBOA cruise in September - maybe he's made of sterner stuff than the rest of us!

A previous Owner has fitted an Outhill 2 man console the same as Avon fit to their D560s. Fits nicely but was very expensive.

For speed - I can get a tad under 40 knots with 90hp - but have a Lazer II prop that helps. My builders plate states 115hp as the maximum - but my boat is probably from a time when horses were smaller!

I would agree whole heartedly that you must not keep any collated records of what the boat is actually costing you. It will make you cry.

Have fun
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Old 18 January 2005, 08:56   #23
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Ahh well there you go. I will bow to your esteemed wisdom and accept it.

As regards the cutting edge design, couldnt agree more. They are still excellent performers. Would like to have seen a slightly higher bow, as they can and do stuff.
When I visited SIBS year before last I was amazed at the number of new designs that float so high that the tubes are out of the water. This caused them to rock and slap even with 2 people onboard. I think it was ribeye, that I first noticed it. What other makes have you come accross that slap at rest.
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Old 18 January 2005, 09:01   #24
Country: UK - England
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Yo searider,
Met Alan last year, very very nice guy but has done a bit more of the extreme and probably kick starts his engines and spits 6" nails.

There is no builders plate on my boat, but I checked on Avons website for the data sheet. Maybe they did change the rating. Though a 90 engine was normally an untuned 115.
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Old 18 January 2005, 09:21   #25
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Originally Posted by Swifty
........ Would like to have seen a slightly higher bow..........
...............What other makes have you come accross that slap at rest.
The thing is with a Searider is that Avon spent a fortune developing and testing this boat and ended up with a design that has stood the test of time

These days, unless you have a government contract, you could not afford to spend a fraction of the money spent by Avon and so most boat designers stick to a know designs which results in everyone thinking that they are copying each other

Searider was designed to be a very stable at rest hence the flooding hull and the tubes on the water design, a lot of ribs these days are design for speed so are less fussed about 'at rest' stability.

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Old 19 January 2005, 16:10   #26
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Seems that my offset console means 2 things, firstly that it counters prop torque, second that it allows me to lay a casualty down next to it.

Doesn't look like anybody can be sure which is the reason, and which is the happy by product, but either way it looks beneficial for both!

Smack bang in the middle of exams right now, but I hope to pick the Rib up friday 28th Jan, and get moving on it!

I shall after careful consideration burn all receipts, although I will aim to do as much work as poss myself, and see what I can offer people in return for goods/services!
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Old 19 January 2005, 16:22   #27
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
Seems that my offset console means 2 things, firstly that it counters prop torque, second that it allows me to lay a casualty down next to it.
Give Avon a ring they will tell you that the original reasoning was to offset the torque

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Old 19 January 2005, 16:28   #28
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Sounds good to me!

Especially when I decide sod the insurance and fit a 200hp optimax to the back.... (aint gonna happen...)
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Old 24 February 2010, 22:22   #29
Country: UK - England
Boat name: SABRE
Make: Avon
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We have exactly the same model Searider.

We are well pleased with ours. We plan to use a Honda 50hp 4 stroke on ours.

Thought you would like to know there is another Searider AVB72269J889 working out there.

Please does anyone know the spec for weight and people carrying loads for this type of rib?

We looked for a transom plate with the normal grown adults/child and suitcase picture and weight number, but we could'nt find one.

The spec details, if known would be great.

It was good to see some photos of it.

I hope you have happy ribbing.

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Old 24 February 2010, 22:40   #30
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Only 5 years late

Welcome to Ribnet

Bearing in mind the 5.4 has a max load of 10 people according to the military plates on mine, it's probably better to tell us what you're expecting to use yours for.

50hp is somewhat underpowered unless you want to use it for local safety cover.
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Old 25 February 2010, 01:19   #31
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Thanks mate.

Only just seen that this thread is five years old.

We are going to use it for saftey boating, escourting other vessels up and down the tidal river thames and a bit of patroling.

Plus jolly's on the river in the summertime. I hope.

Upstream after Wandsworth bridge we have got to follow an 8 knot speed limit, so aint gonna be speeding along. Although it would be nice to do around 12 knots downstream to tower bridge.
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Old 25 February 2010, 01:29   #32
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I guess you can't keep a good Searider thread down
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 25 February 2010, 05:37   #33
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Originally Posted by riverkeeper View Post
We have exactly the same model Searider.
Riverkeeper, I suspect you in fact have exactly the same Searider, not just model. When the sailing club I was refitting it for decided to pull the plug on funding, it sat in a sort of transition period while we worked out what to do with it - Gravesend Sea Cadets looked at it, and eventually Ian Foreman (who is part of London MVS) took it over.

I hope it all goes well for you - I know Ian quite well, and if you are London MVS you may even have met me on the Radio courses I did for you a while ago.

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Old 25 February 2010, 21:27   #34
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Originally Posted by riverkeeper View Post
Thanks mate.

Only just seen that this thread is five years old.

We are going to use it for saftey boating, escourting other vessels up and down the tidal river thames and a bit of patroling.

Plus jolly's on the river in the summertime. I hope.

Upstream after Wandsworth bridge we have got to follow an 8 knot speed limit, so aint gonna be speeding along. Although it would be nice to do around 12 knots downstream to tower bridge.
It'll be fine with a 50 on then
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Old 26 February 2010, 00:54   #35
Country: UK - England
Boat name: SABRE
Make: Avon
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Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
Riverkeeper, I suspect you in fact have exactly the same Searider, not just model. When the sailing club I was refitting it for decided to pull the plug on funding, it sat in a sort of transition period while we worked out what to do with it - Gravesend Sea Cadets looked at it, and eventually Ian Foreman (who is part of London MVS) took it over.

I hope it all goes well for you - I know Ian quite well, and if you are London MVS you may even have met me on the Radio courses I did for you a while ago.

Thanks Jimbo,

Cor, how about that then, the same searider.

well the good news is that we have antifouled it last week, as it will be nine months a year on centre moorings.

We are fitting an A frame to the rib in the next couple of weeks, fixing on the nav lights and just using a hand held V.H.F radio for now..

Two fuel tanks in the stern and we should be fixing the steering cables and launching it around april 1st.

You are welcome to come to the launching party if you like, we will be doing spare ribs with barbeque sauce and other foods.

I know Ian, but may not have met you yet as i have only been with London M.V.S for 5 months.

We are well pleased with the rib and shall look after her. I had a feeling that it might of been the same rib, as the jockey seat has been changed to a flat type and seeing the damage on the origional one in the pictures,

but then thought, naw, what are the chances!

Well it's a small boating world.

Thanks for the information.

Cheers, Alex.
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Old 26 February 2010, 01:04   #36
Country: UK - England
Boat name: SABRE
Make: Avon
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Engine: Inboard/Petrol 50hp
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
It'll be fine with a 50 on then
Thanks Nos4r2,

Any guesses as to what she'll do with a 50 hp fourstroke with three people and a couple of fuel tanks on it?

I'd like to get a ninety for it but a 50 is all we have. Still it will save the pennys. Shame we cant get tax relief on our fuel.

Poor volunteers, us.
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