15 January 2005, 14:32
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Project - My new Searider!
I currently feel like one of the luckiest guys around!
I have just been permanantly loaned what is either a 4.7 or a 5.4m Avon Searider! (Didn't have a tape measure with me when I viewed it this morning) Somebody here may be able to tell me more about it, the only number/plate/anything found on it was this: AVB72269J889.
It is in a bit of a shabby state, and will need a fair amount of work doing to it, which is one of the reasons I am posting here, to discuss what I do. The Rib was stolen, and had various things done to it, and has since been left standing.
As you will see from the attached pics, the tubes are down, and the starboard one has a couple of slashes in it. My options here are to get the tubes professionally repaired (I don't have the knowledge to do this), try out the inner tube method mentioned somewhere here, or have the boat retubed. I am trying to cost this up; what are peoples thoughts on my options for that?
The seat on the centre console has been burnt through, and I once again have several options. The people giving me the Rib say that they may have another console around, and I'll have to investigate this. My mother has kindly volunteered to fabricate a new cushion if needs be, or if the worst comes to the worst, I could buy a new console.
The existing console needs some small fibreglass repairs, but is generall sound. It also has a strange wooden frame on it, which has rotted, so I will need to construct a new one of them.
The hull itself is in remarkeable condition, and having just made a post about how good I thought the SR4's are, I am dead chuffed to have a 5.4 searider to play with! The pictures show this, but it is a very dirty boat having been stored outside, and having done a close inspection, a lot of the work will simply be cleaning.
I have also been donated a 70hp Johnson (unknown vintage, probably 80's-90's) 2 stroke to go with it, apparently it is having problems idling, but is fine at full throttle (suits me then!), so I may be posting some engine related comments as the refurb goes on!
The planned use of the boat is as a Sailing Club coaching/safety/training boat.
Watch this space for further news on my new project!
15 January 2005, 15:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Dartmouth
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Well done jimbo, the hull looks like it's in great condition, i would be happy to quote you for new tubes if you decide to go down that route.
It might be worth changing the console altogether IMHO the console on there gets pretty uncomfortable after a while!
15 January 2005, 15:20
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Apparently the group I got it from have some other console somewhere, so I'll look at that, post pics, and see what people say about it! Obviously I could replace the console, but once again it's all money...
It looks like the console is set closer to starboard than port, anyone know of any reason for this?
I would love a quote for new tubes, as the commodore of my Sailing club seems to think this may be the best route. I have e-mailed you already on this though!
15 January 2005, 16:24
Country: UK - England
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It definately looks like a 5.45 metre searider, either commercial or military edition. It is allmost identicle to mine, although mine has a grey hull and reinforcing straps over the tubes.
Good strong boats that can take the punishment. They are rated for a 38kn with a 90hp, though mine does a little under that.
The little tube on the front of the console is for a light mast, and there should be a small one on the transom, starboard side.
The console is uncomfortable on a long run, but great for thrashing around. If you can change it then do, otherwise its very functional. They were built with an offset for some reason or another, but probably to lay a body down on the deck!
As an aid, hide any records of expenditure. You will be horified how a few quid here and a there turn into a few grand!!
Good luck, & keep us informed.
Searider - The Best 5.4 x Far
15 January 2005, 16:38
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You are correct, it does have the 2 mounting things for light masts. Suspect I will replace them with a single A-frame though, as
a) they look nicer
b) It's easier to mount more stuff on them (Radar reflecter, nav lights, GPS antenna, VHF Arial, Spotlight)
C) Suspect it will get in the way less than a post in the middle of the boat!
Have been poking around a bit, and I suspect it is a Navy Type SR540 ( here), owing to the toestraps, and the post fittings for nav lights.
Also attached plan of SR540.
I'm far far too excited about this, especially as Uni exams start monday, but I think a free Searider is enough to excite anybody!
15 January 2005, 19:20
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
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i AM ALMOST ENVIOUS! The hull looks in cracking condition and will clean up very easily a good days graft will sort it out.
It looks like an ex Mil boat and the console is offsett to allow you to lay a casualty down in the boat. SR standing for search and rescue.
You can get new seat foam and the vinyl from flew sails in Portchester
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
15 January 2005, 19:29
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Good for you! Looking forward to seeing pics of your progress and seeing it on the water!
15 January 2005, 19:38
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hi jimbo,
looks like she will be a good rib. i can do you a double jockie console at a cheap price if you are interested?? pic on me web site......
15 January 2005, 21:59
Country: UK - England
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Cheers guys, I'm glad you approve  . I've got a little while off in a couple of weeks, so will start the cleaning up then.
I suspect that owing to financial constraints my order of preference for the jockey seat is to use the spare that may or may not exist from the chaps that gave it to me, if not get mum to upholster a new one, failing that, I shall look to buy a new one. I shall certainly get in touch with Flew sails for the necessary parts if mum does it.
Thanks for all your envy/tips/referalls/opinions, they are greatly valued!
Leeway composites, may well be in touch if I need a new double jockey, cross that bridge when we come to it. Incidently, if you ever need a good value web designer, check out www.edgeoftheenvelope.net for what I can do!
Other thing I am likely to be after, again on a budget, would be some sort of A-Frame, preferably double, as I really don't like the look of those poles!
When I clean the hull (especially inboard) what is recommended? Washing up liquid warm water and elbow grease, or some sort of cleaning aid?
16 January 2005, 00:02
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
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Posts: 6,562
Are they abrasions or gouges on the Keel
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Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
16 January 2005, 13:44
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There is the odd minor mark on the hull, not sure what's caused it. Doesn't look like trailer damage (despite the fact the boat isn't properly on the trailer atm), so I suspect it's beaching marks.
None of them are deep, and there are very few of them.
I've seen Ribs in use that are in worse condition, so don't think they will need anything doing to them.
16 January 2005, 22:33
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
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Posts: 6,562
you should fill them to stave any possibility of Osmosis/delamination
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
16 January 2005, 23:44
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What should I fill them with? Fibreglass resin?
17 January 2005, 10:46
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
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Posts: 6,562
ye if they are not deep then you could get a little bit of resin or gell coat filler and pigment and just put it on with a spreader a couple of hours later give it some with the wet and dry and you'll be well please with the results.
As your hull doesn't have an engine youe could flip it over to do the work and really give the hull a going over!
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
17 January 2005, 12:20
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Consule to one side
You are right the console is positioned to one side. This is fairly standard on Seariders. Traditionally these have been workboats and safetyboats and at different times have been the RIB of choice for the RNLI, RN and CG.
The theory is that if you had a casualty you can lay them down one side of the console and have a bit more room for CPR or any other First Aid. (Should also mention at this point that hypothermic and shock victims should be laid head to stern to allow for the angle of the boat when on the plane).
Well done for your find and its an ideal choice for dinghy coaching and safety boating.
-The sponsons are lower than many RIBs making it easier to recover people and easier to come alongside and talk face to face with students.
-Due to the hollow hull that fills up with water when at rest the boat is a very comfortable platform to coach from
- No A frame makes dealing with capsized dinghies and towing windsurfers more straightforward.
Best of luck
17 January 2005, 14:11
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce
..... console is positioned to one side.....The theory is that if you had a casualty you can lay them down one side of the console and have a bit more room for CPR ...........
Are you sure  I know this is the effect of having the console to one side but the reason was to counter the prop toque. Des
17 January 2005, 23:57
Country: UK - England
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Console offset
Just been digging through some old books and web pages looking for a reference to the Searider console with no luck
You may well be right, if so I stand corrected
18 January 2005, 07:29
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
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MMSI: 42
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Posts: 6,562
Originally Posted by Scary Des
Are you sure  I know this is the effect of having the console to one side but the reason was to counter the prop toque. Des
It's a case of six and two threes isn't it. It performs both functions well
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
18 January 2005, 07:50
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 513
The traditional way to counter prop torque is to offset the engine by 1- 1½ inches. Anyway the ammount of torque from a 90 (its max rated) is not huge!
I would bet it was offset so a person can be laid down. The designers then decided it best to move the console to starboard as that would aid any prop torque. More coincidence than design.
Glad to hear any other thoughts on it.
Searider - The Best 5.4 x Far
18 January 2005, 08:27
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 1,400
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
It's a case of six and two threes isn't it. It performs both functions well
Not really, the console was originally offset to counter engine torque. I admit that it does give some space for a causality but this was not the design intention 
I know It’s a picky point on my part but I think it is significant because this boat in a lot of ways was a cutting edge design which established the reputation of RIBS. And yet some apparently sensible design features have not been seen on other boats, flooding hull and offset console to name two  .
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