Strikes me that it would make more sense to have a magazine section here on
It already has a captive audience of likeminded people, keen to improve their chosen hobby or business. It could have contributions from the people already active on the site as well as new blood. It would help swell the sites visitor rating and would really only cost time and effort, rather than hard cash. It could be sensibly advertising driven that would help with the sites coffers, at affordable prices for the small businesses with maybe the adverts simply stating their business or latest news and a link to their home site. That way we wouldn't have to trawl through pages of advertising to read the article. Another advantage of advertising on here is, that if you offer a crap service, you will get very publicly shredded. This gives the potential customers confidence to use the advertisers that are left standing and deter the "rogue elements". Everybody wins.
If people wanted hard copies to study in the bog, I am sure a printers could sort out something, maybe a quarterly issue of all the web based magazine articles charged at a small profit over cost?
Another advantage of a web based magazine is that the articles can be as in depth and detailed as you want with lots of pictures, as you are not paying for expensive paper etc.
It would be interesting to read about what people are getting up to with their RIB/SIBs. I use mine as a safety boat for sailing events at HISC and spent the last fortnight helping with the Flying Fifteen Nationals and Worlds. Next week, my RIB is helping with the Extreme 40 catamarans at Cowes, unfortunately I wont be there

It would be good to get reports and pictures from different events that our boats are supporting or competing in.
That's my 2p's worth..