17 July 2010, 10:39
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 81
Proposed New Magazine
Practical Rib User.
A proposal for a new quarterly magazine dedicated the real work Rib user.
Hi guys and girls. I have been on the site for a while and have greatly benefited form the forum posts offering some very sound and concise advice and some very funny rants and opinions.
A post I was perusing yesterday cough my eye. The question of which mag is better, Rib International or Sport Boat and Rib. The general comments were that both were good in their own right but not really directed to market who actually had and used small boats. They are very glossy and shinny and full of some very expensive new boats that in the current economic market are frankly out of reach to most of us boaters. A lot of us and have boats, that in car terms would be classes as classics. We drive Seariders over twenty years old. We take on re-build projects on boats any normal person would confine to the funeral pyre in the corner of the boatyard. Some of use cant afford the prices of the most fantastic new equipment and shinny new toys. Improvised kit and repairing old and damaged items to some on here is the norm. The ethos on Rib.Net is about getting out and enjoying the water in a safe and practical manner. Its not all about one-up-man-ship and showing off your latest 38ft Sunseaker in the Marina.
With the input of those on this site and my own personal interest in boating I am proposing to fill the gap. It has been stated that its alright producing a mag that is geared to Ribers but most of the information is already on hand through sites such as this. I would counter this by suggesting that most of us don't have the internet on our boats, in our cars or that matter in the loo.... practical information and stories on hand whenever you want it without the need to be tied to the computer. I would. it's the same reason that we still buy PBO and Rib International. The internet is fine but will it ever truly replace printed words??.
So here goes, A magazine dedicated to Ribs and Ribing. Features and articles on all aspects of getting, owning and using a Rib. purchasing advice and accounts form those who have recently purchased or upgrading. Advice on repairing, from the puncture to the full re-build. Training and safety advice with input form those who conduct training and the RNLI and others who clear up the mess when it all goes wrong. Trailing and the best places to launch, with articles from people who have actually used the slips and marinas and can offer the practical advice will all need, like when can it really be used and the location of the nearest toilet. Rib outings and cruises, clubs and organisations. articles about actually getting the boat out on the water and using it. Picture diaries from cruises and holidays. Updates on best practice and legislation. advice from those who have gone on to be commercially qualified to either use or train, the process, the pit falls and the benefits. Accounts form different types of rib users, family fun use, dive use, exploring.
The list is endless.
The above is a quick feature into my mind as to what I would want in a proper Rib magazine and therefore the kind of thing that I would seek to put into this new publication.
It will be produced personally, it will be produced on a budget. It will not be full page and glossy, it will not be pretentious. It will be fun and very interesting.
If you guys and girls think there is a market for this type of publication, comment here. I would love for this to worthwhile and to be able to not only contribute but to allow for the wealth of advice and information available to be accessible in a magazine format for easy reading.
Ideas and Comments please.
17 July 2010, 11:06
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
Make: Avon SR4,Tremlett 23
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Posts: 5,217
I'd happily buy it if its more of a PBO type RIB mag.
17 July 2010, 11:12
Country: UK - England
Town: London/Oxford
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Me too
17 July 2010, 11:18
Country: UK - England
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me three, plenty of people on here to give valuable input...
17 July 2010, 11:27
Country: UK - England
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i'm in, i can add a huge amount of practical knowledge to your cause, talk to me, 07946 330001, info@customrib.com
17 July 2010, 11:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
Make: Avon SR4,Tremlett 23
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Engine: Yam 55, Volvo 200
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Posts: 5,217
Can Garf have his own little section too?
17 July 2010, 12:03
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by chewy
Can Garf have his own little section too?
 The Censor might have something to say about that...
17 July 2010, 12:09
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Glenn collins
Practical Rib User.
So here goes, A magazine dedicated to Ribs and Ribing. Features and articles on all aspects of getting, owning and using a Rib. purchasing advice and accounts form those who have recently purchased or upgrading. Advice on repairing, from the puncture to the full re-build. Training and safety advice with input form those who conduct training and the RNLI and others who clear up the mess when it all goes wrong. Trailing and the best places to launch, with articles from people who have actually used the slips and marinas and can offer the practical advice will all need, like when can it really be used and the location of the nearest toilet. Rib outings and cruises, clubs and organisations. articles about actually getting the boat out on the water and using it. Picture diaries from cruises and holidays. Updates on best practice and legislation. advice from those who have gone on to be commercially qualified to either use or train, the process, the pit falls and the benefits. Accounts form different types of rib users, family fun use, dive use, exploring.
The list is endless.
I would jump at the chance to buy a mag that covered this. The 'net is an incredible thing but nothing beats sitting down, feet up with a beer and a glossy mag in your hands.
17 July 2010, 12:24
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Girvan & Tayvallich
Boat name: Breawatch
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Length: 5m +
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Posts: 6,203
Great idea and I think you will get plenty of support from all the ribnetters.

'Carpe Diem'
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
Member of SABS ( Scottish West Division)
17 July 2010, 12:30
Country: Other
Town: Stanley, Falkland Is
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Make: Osprey Vipermax 5.8
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Posts: 3,726
I'd buy it. Just don't make the overseas sub £118 a year like the other one
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
Sent from my Computer, using a keyboard and mouse
17 July 2010, 12:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Hythe
Boat name: BBQ
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yam 40
MMSI: 235080184
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 81
Mmm ok, we seen to gathered the same kind if momentum I did when I first whent skiing....
Later I will post a list of items I think should be in the first addition.
Please send your thoughts also and by all means vol to contribute.
Speak later.
17 July 2010, 13:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Hythe
Boat name: BBQ
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yam 40
MMSI: 235080184
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 81
Overseas subscriber already and I've not even thought of a name for it....
In practical terms to send overseas costs about three times the cost of domestic post as far as far as I can recall. Therefore how these companies can wareent charging £118 per year for a mag that over hear costs £20 is beyond belief.
No, I was thinking about £105 per year ;-)
17 July 2010, 13:13
Country: UK - England
Town: swanwick/hamble
Boat name: stormchaser
Make: custom rib
Length: 8m +
Engine: inboard/diesel
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 3,848
Originally Posted by Glenn collins
Mmm ok, we seen to gathered the same kind if momentum I did when I first whent skiing....
Later I will post a list of items I think should be in the first addition.
Please send your thoughts also and by all means vol to contribute.
Speak later.
fitting a cabin to an old shahey at the mo, have pics, got another one in with cracks around the knees on the transom, will be starting that one soon and can show how to do it properly, also have another one coming in with rear cone end tube work, the fitting of "teardrops" to releave the water pressure pulling the cones off is a good trick, let me know what your thoughts are and we'll put together an article
17 July 2010, 13:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Middlesex
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Posts: 37
Here's a link to a magazine produced by a specialist flying group I belong to. The magazine is produced entirely from articles submitted by members and is perhaps a good example of how a new magazine might be published on a cost effective basis.
You can access the older editions without being a member.
17 July 2010, 13:29
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
Originally Posted by Glenn collins
Overseas subscriber already and I've not even thought of a name for it....
In practical terms to send overseas costs about three times the cost of domestic post as far as far as I can recall. Therefore how these companies can wareent charging £118 per year for a mag that over hear costs £20 is beyond belief.
No, I was thinking about £105 per year ;-)
I run a small company (nothing to do with publishing or boats) that sends 30% of our products overseas - to send a magazine around 400g to 500g (say average of 460g packaged) to the EU via Royal Mail would be £3.60 and to 'rest of world' destinations it is £6.40 + around 20p for a Mail Lite envelope at bulk rate. If a lighter mag at 350g it would be £3 and £5.20. Business rates for high volumes (generally £12k+) are around 30% less than this.
17 July 2010, 14:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Hythe
Boat name: BBQ
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yam 40
MMSI: 235080184
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 81
My point exactly.
About £25 more for round the world postage over uk domestic for the year. How do they warrant charging through the roof. You would have thought they would be a little more greatful and loyal to thier readers.
17 July 2010, 14:14
RIBnet admin team
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You should do a search on the forum - this topic comes up almost annually.
Firstly, let me say I'll buy it, at least for the first issue or two until such time as someone posts a new thread here suggesting that all the RIB magazines on the market are crap. I'm a fairly regular RI, and SB&R reader and have contributed to SB&R in the past. I completely agree with most of the common criticisms of both magazines, but I also accept that they have to keep both subscribers and advertisers happy.
Whilst I appreciate that you don't think it demands a fancy glossy mag - I‘d suggest it does - and with some competent graphic design too, if it is to get a readership beyond those who already frequent this site. Good quality photography is almost essential to a quality boating mag, and that demands good quality printing.
However, the biggest challenge I think you will face is maintaining momentum. Doing it for nothing more than the love of it and yet still sticking to production deadlines so that it comes out on-time regularly when the job that pays your mortgage is making other demands on your time (and finding time to get afloat yourself) is not trivial.
There's a lot more to consistently pulling together a magazine with quality content on a regular basis than most of us probably realise. Its probably a full time job, that means you need serious advertising content to fund that. Advertisers will expect a quality publication with a wider readership.
17 July 2010, 14:18
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Originally Posted by Glenn collins
Practical Rib User.
So here goes, A magazine dedicated to Ribs and Ribing. Features and articles on all aspects of getting, owning and using a Rib. purchasing advice and accounts form those who have recently purchased or upgrading. Advice on repairing, from the puncture to the full re-build. Training and safety advice with input form those who conduct training and the RNLI and others who clear up the mess when it all goes wrong. Trailing and the best places to launch, with articles from people who have actually used the slips and marinas and can offer the practical advice will all need, like when can it really be used and the location of the nearest toilet. Rib outings and cruises, clubs and organisations. articles about actually getting the boat out on the water and using it. Picture diaries from cruises and holidays. Updates on best practice and legislation. advice from those who have gone on to be commercially qualified to either use or train, the process, the pit falls and the benefits. Accounts form different types of rib users, family fun use, dive use, exploring.
The list is endless.
Sounds very interesting, especially if you are willing to send issues overseas at a reasonable cost.
Please be inclusive of the higher end SIBS as well as RIBs.
Please have some allowance for international scope, if the magazine is not overwhelming focused on things that are exclusively specific to UK users (the highlighted part, for example), I would be very interested. I think an emphasis on non-model-specific things such as how-tos & trip reports with high quality large photos would be fantastic.
Any product reviews on boats, motors and accessories should be brutally honest and focused on function & durability (rather than blathering about whether the colour coding of the deck cushions clashes with the sponsons & other such tripe). One UK based RIB magazine that I have seen (& have a few copies of) comes across more like a manufacturers advetorial showcase for the jetset.
Product reviews should not only cover features and performance, but long term durability & reliablity following very heavy, rugged use, and ease of serviceability.
I want to see lots of pictures old battered boats with multiiple patches that are still seeing regular heavy useage and fewer pictures of sundecks.
More scars & less shiny, please.
17 July 2010, 14:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Hythe
Boat name: BBQ
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yam 40
MMSI: 235080184
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 81
From small acorns mighty trees do grow.
While I agree entirly with everything said. Without the financial backing of a major publishing house there is absoloutly no prospect of the first issues being full production heat bount full blead glossy mags. If the mag is more about content than selling the latest high cost fancy shinny thing and advertising / sponcership is about supporting article content with commercial suppliers etc. Then certainly initially I am sure we would have some success. As a professional photographer myself I know the importance if good print quality and will have to balance this need with the financial input from circlulation.
I thought quarterly to allow more time for production and publication.
If it runs and fails, we tried. If we dint try we will never know.
17 July 2010, 15:05
Country: UK - Wales
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My two penneth Glenn....
I used to be an avid reader of Land Rover Owner magazine when it had real world project write ups and reader submitted pieces etc (before it too became too 'ad' driven).
As a template I think it was a really good 'owners' magazine along the lines you suggest in your OP....something similar for RIBs would be great....I too would def buy /contribute if appropriate.
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