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Old 01 May 2009, 15:12   #1
Country: UK - England
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Protocol Rib Buying

Hopefully next week I'll be going to buy my first rib a Zodiac Pro9 after owning several sib's.
The person I'm buying it from has apparently owned it from new 2005 and has all the receipts.
Now I know you don't get a log book as you do when you buy a car, but what should I be looking out for to make sure the person owns the boat and has the legal right to sell it.
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Old 01 May 2009, 15:24   #2
Country: UK - England
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Hi Brian,
I don't think there is any legal documents to show he's the true owner. If he's owned it from new ask him if he has any of the original receipts, same for the engine too.
Where are you going to use it BTW? Give me a shout if you ever want a cruise.
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Old 01 May 2009, 17:19   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Liverpool
Boat name: BENJ5
Make: Zodiac
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF90hp
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 124
Hi John
We launch from a campsite called Aberafon near to Trefor on the Llyn Penninsula, but I have spotted that you are from the Southport area. A friend of mine launches his sib off Ainsdale and catches some fantastic fish.

Moving up to a rib will be a big jump for me and I'm going to be on a steep learning curve for a while yet.

Would it be possible to launch a 4.7m off the beach ?

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Old 01 May 2009, 18:32   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Southport
Boat name: Qudos
Make: 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 115 V4
MMSI: 235068784
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Originally Posted by br1anuk View Post
Hi John
We launch from a campsite called Aberafon near to Trefor on the Llyn Penninsula, but I have spotted that you are from the Southport area. A friend of mine launches his sib off Ainsdale and catches some fantastic fish.

Moving up to a rib will be a big jump for me and I'm going to be on a steep learning curve for a while yet.

Would it be possible to launch a 4.7m off the beach ?

Non of the beaches around here mate with out a tractor. Ainsdale boat club launch off the beach with tractors, I think it's about £100 a year to join.

There's a club at the end of John Lennon Airport that has a slip, I'll find the details if you want. I think that's about £110 a year.
You do need a slipway to launch a RIB mate, (around this coast line anyway). That's why I'd like a SIB as well. Was going to get one instead of but couldn't let the RIB go.
I'm putting my boat on a mooring at Douglas marine on the river douglas/River ribble.
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Old 01 May 2009, 19:23   #5
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It's a good idea to get the original receipt to show VAT paid on it-if you sell it and the new owner wants to take it abroad (or you do) then you'll probably need it.
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Old 01 May 2009, 19:49   #6
Country: UK - England
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What I've done each time I've bought/sold a boat is ensure that a bill of sale is filled out by you and the other party. Even if the vendor doesn't have one you can always go along with a blank one in hand and fill it out there and then.

You can download an outline bill of sale from the MCA and I've included a link below. Just make sure you take two copies (one for you and one for the other party)

HTH and welcome to the world of ribbing

Also a member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
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