Originally Posted by Nos4r2
That's really good to hear-where were you stopped?
The officer didn't say he owned a Searider did he? 
No it wasn't me. But I'm pleased my colleagues are getting the message.
Thank you for the majority support for our efforts to make an impact on what is a significant issue to us all.
To those who have a differing view. I respect it entirely and wish you no misfortune because of it. There are all sorts of reasons, some of them valid, why some may have a differing view.
But if you visit Cornwall towing a boat please expect to be checked. I make no apology for carrying out one of my primary functions which is the prevention and detection of crime.
If I happen to check you going about your lawful business and I cause you any inconvenience or delay you will have my unreserved apology. I'll not only have wasted your time but mine as well. Albeit always happy to spend time with like minded people.
It is my personal view though that any rancour ought to be directed towards those who make it necessary to carry out such checks i.e. those who would steal from us rather than those doing their best to prevent and detect it. Don't get me wrong dealing with those who have a chip on their shoulder goes with the territory, is water of a ducks back and also sometimes extremely entertaining and interesting.
If the fact that it becomes known that we will carry out such checks in Cornwall deters just one individual with nefarious intentions then I'll be glad.
Don't get too hung up on how you prove the boat is yours (its our job to prove it's not, your help in doing so is always welcome and speeds things up). Those of us who have done this for a day or two will soon draw a conclusion by talking with you and soaking up all the many clues.
How am I doing so far this year? Just the one stolen SIB and outboard recovered, two individuals of Eastern European origin charged to Court and two locals intercepted afloat in the dead of night in February and prevented from thieving on my patch in South East Cornwall. But then it's still early on in the year. I know that the victims were well made up and that's good enough for me and extremely satisfying.
Regards and take care of it.