15 March 2013, 23:12
Country: UK - England
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Pulled by the police whilst towing the RIB home.....
Was towing the boat home quite late one night last week when I was pulled by the police. Obviously I was thinking do I have a light out, was I speeding, they want to check I had +E on my license etc.
Anyways, the officer comes to the door of the car and asks me for some photo ID to show I was the owner of the car, they had already run the plates to acertain the plates wern't false.
Then they asked for anything I had to prove it was my boat before sending me on my way.
Turns out they had pulled me just because it was late and they wondered if the boat had been nicked.
1st time I've ever been happy to have been pulled over. Good to see there is some proactive thinking from the police sometimes.
15 March 2013, 23:14
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That's really good to hear-where were you stopped?
The officer didn't say he owned a Searider did he?
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15 March 2013, 23:35
Country: UK - England
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I was just coming out of Penryn on my way back from Mylor. He said it was policy to pull over any boats they see being towed at what could be regarded as an odd time/place etc.
I was really chuffed to be honest
15 March 2013, 23:37
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Aye fair play .. they wernt looking for Mollers by any chance ? I notice hes been keeping a low profile
15 March 2013, 23:42
Country: UK - England
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Make: Humber Destroyer 5.5
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Posts: 386
They turn a blind eye to Mollers. From what I hear on the streets he has the Penryn law enforcers running scared.
16 March 2013, 07:54
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Originally Posted by Markyboyo
1st time I've ever been happy to have been pulled over. Good to see there is some proactive thinking from the police sometimes.
So you were towing a boat that had not been reported stolen in a car that was legal and had plates that matched the boat and they pulled you over "in case" you had nicked the boat. That would just wind me up. How can everyone innocent being pulled over for no obvious reason be a good thing?
16 March 2013, 08:02
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Aye fair play .. they wernt looking for Mollers by any chance ?
I'd be going the other way, Mylor to Pen.
16 March 2013, 08:25
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Just out of interest, how did you prove you owned the boat
16 March 2013, 08:43
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce
So you were towing a boat that had not been reported stolen in a car that was legal and had plates that matched the boat and they pulled you over "in case" you had nicked the boat. That would just wind me up. How can everyone innocent being pulled over for no obvious reason be a good thing?
The poor cops can't win. If it was stollen and towed past them at an odd time of day they'd get "why did they not think it suspicous?"
Provided they don't keep you for hours and aren't all over your car with a micrometer trying to find something thats not quite the right specification and it really is genuinely can we just stop you for two minutes to check you are who you say you are it doesn't sound hugely inconvenient and if you are a robbin swine and know that may happen its presumably a bit of a detterent.
While they prefer photo ID if you can produce a credit card with a name that matches the named owner and the named owner has a suitable licence on the PNC you'd expect it to be a quick couple of questions.
** BUT ** keep it calm and cool and be greatful they stopped you, otherwise they'll make your life hell while they crawl all over everything...
16 March 2013, 08:57
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
The poor cops can't win. If it was stollen and towed past them at an odd time of day they'd get "why did they not think it suspicous?"
Provided they don't keep you for hours and aren't all over your car with a micrometer trying to find something thats not quite the right specification and it really is genuinely can we just stop you for two minutes to check you are who you say you are it doesn't sound hugely inconvenient and if you are a robbin swine and know that may happen its presumably a bit of a detterent.
While they prefer photo ID if you can produce a credit card with a name that matches the named owner and the named owner has a suitable licence on the PNC you'd expect it to be a quick couple of questions.
** BUT ** keep it calm and cool and be greatful they stopped you, otherwise they'll make your life hell while they crawl all over everything...
I Agee!!! I'd be delighted to be stopped! I have nothing to hide, and am totally legal.
One very good way to stop the thief's is by denying them easy access to move stuff around. That's easily worth 2/3 mins of my time.
Well done plod! Great job
16 March 2013, 09:05
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I agree its a good thing. I'd happily be pulled over for a quick stop check, even if its just in the car. No problems. Why should they need a reason ?
The last time I was pulled when towing was my own fault but good that they spotted it and checked. I was towing with the wrong number plate on the trailer board, having just bought the boat and using the sellers board, we forgot to remove his plate and fit mine.
The police obviously realised as they drove past me on the A38, as he slowed down and pulled me in right away, without the time to PNC the car/plates. When we stopped, he asked why and we explained, showed him the bill of sale etc and that was us on our way, still using the old plate. I said I'd swap it there and then but he said no just get home and sort it. This was at 10pm in the evening.
Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ www.BoatsandOutboards4Sale.co.uk ~ 07930 421007
16 March 2013, 09:07
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Originally Posted by Crusher
I Agee!!! I'd be delighted to be stopped! I have nothing to hide, and am totally legal.
One very good way to stop the thief's is by denying them easy access to move stuff around. That's easily worth 2/3 mins of my time.
Well done plod! Great job
Dust creation specialist
16 March 2013, 09:11
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I'm with Doug, I got stopped because I pulled back into my drive to let a rozza past and because I didn't pull out again straight away he turned round and stopped me as I was driving up the road - and said I must have been doing something wrong because I didn't pull out of my drive fast enough!!!! I get quizzed for not leaving my property when expected yet every day I see at least 20 or 30 people driving with a phone against their ear - now I've just read that burglars are only getting cautions when they're caught - WTF is going on?????
16 March 2013, 09:22
Country: UK - Scotland
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I went to pick up my new RIB with my 3 day old (to me) land rover, i took my number board encase i bought the boat. After buying the boat 150 miles away i phoned insurance etc, but noticed my old jeep number on the trailer board ? so i proceeded to cut one out of card and cover it up with my new number.
An hour later outside Glasgow on the motorway i was pulled over, the card had come off leaving selotape blowing in the wind, and my old jeep number showing.
I was fined £60 and told it didnt matter if it blew off or not, if it wasnt a proper shop bought legal number plate, then nothing, but nothing would be accepted, but good effort for my artwork. However without my name being on my vehicle registration docs (this was in the post as id just bought it) you can't have a number plate made up ???
No win, No win for me, but Hey, least they noticed what could of been another theft.
16 March 2013, 09:39
Country: UK - England
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Apparently the trailer plate does not need to match the vehicle as long as there is an offence it can be traced to the keeper.
16 March 2013, 10:20
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I'm not suggesting that anybody does anything illegal but it's cheap & easy to get numberplates on the internet
with no documentation whatsoever !! Makes a complete mockery of the legislation & it's fast...... 
Due to my Job I'm often out in my Landy in the early hours and am happy to get a 'pull' from the police. Rather that than let some robbing scumbag get clean away.
16 March 2013, 10:28
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I was pulled on a Sunday afternoon driving an Audi s3. Plod said that one like it was stolen and was o false plates. He knew it was mine, I knew it was mine but could I prove it. In the end I told him my name and he asked me to prove it so i showed him my email account in my iPhone and he happily toddled off.
If I'm honest I was pretty p£5,?d off at the time and I'm sure he was bored and after something to do or he was wondering if dad and son had been at the pub all afternoon.
16 March 2013, 10:42
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Originally Posted by harryesd
However without my name being on my vehicle registration docs (this was in the post as id just bought it) you can't have a number plate made up ???.
You can in Scotland - although some large chains may apply English rules north of the border. Never been asked for any ID when getting mine done.
Originally Posted by thomas
Apparently the trailer plate does not need to match the vehicle as long as there is an offence it can be traced to the keeper.
Emmmm.... not how I read http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2...0010561_en.pdf
Now if your vehicle plate is screwed (not glued) on then it may be better to move the vehicle plate to the trailer (but obviously make sure it can't fall off!)
Originally Posted by thomas
- now I've just read that burglars are only getting cautions when they're caught - WTF is going on?????
I'd guess you've been reading the Daily Mail. I suggest you stop that - it seems to turn people into grumpy ranting types who complain about things they've never experienced in real life. Hopefully its not too late for you! I'm sure at some point they'll run a story about the police seeing someone acting suspicious in a driveway but ignoring it to protect their human rights and thus letting the drug dealer, car thief, people trafficker go free!
Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards
I agree its a good thing. I'd happily be pulled over for a quick stop check, even if its just in the car. No problems. Why should they need a reason ?
I work with a few people from the continent and they are amazed that we don't have random police stop / check points routinely.
Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce
How can everyone innocent being pulled over for no obvious reason be a good thing?
The flipside would be - "How did they not think that a boat being towed at night in the middle of winter in an area with a likely boat theft issue was not suspicious? So long as they are polite and efficient with their checks I'm not sure its a problem"
Originally Posted by Zippy
Just out of interest, how did you prove you owned the boat
they aren't really looking for proof of ownership (just as well - as impossible to categorically prove, and likely to be difficult at the roadside). They are looking for you to reassure them that there is nothing suspicious. So answering questions like the name and address of the car's registered keeper; your name, DoB and address on your licence (both very easy for them to check) goes a long way to pointing to a legit 'normal' driver. If you give sensible answers to where you are going to / from and who owns the boat etc then they will probably be happy. I guess having the keys for the boat, sailing gear in your car, insurance paperwork for the boat etc would all be good pointers that this is a legit situation.
16 March 2013, 10:44
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Excellent initiative. Just hope my road tax is valid and all my tyres are within minimum tread... you know what they're like when they go 'walk about' after a routine stop!
Is that with or without VAT?
16 March 2013, 11:13
Country: UK - England
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We tow our boat overnight Midlands to Cornwall. I'd be very happy if Plod pulled me over just to check we were legit
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