Putney to Calais
Putney to Calais (or Chatham) 14/15th July 2001
Fancy something different? Want to see the sights of London from the water on your own RIB and make an "easy" crossing of the channel?
We are planning a cruise to re-enact a classic powerboat race of the 1960's Putney to Calais. This is not a race however, it is a congenial cruise in company open to all sizes of RIBS and all levels of experience.
Our plan is to launch early on Saturday 14th July at Putney and cruise down the Thames, perhaps stopping on the way for refreshment. If the weather is being cooperative we will then head out of the Estuary and across the Channel to Calais, arriving early evening. Sunday will be an early start, returning to Ramsgate for Breakfast and then back up the Thames to recover boats early evening.
The alternative should the weather be against us or should there be a demand for a less ambitious trip, would be a cruise from Putney, down the Thames and up the Medway to Chatham, overnighting in the new marina.
We have arranged car parking at Putney in the playground of a local school. However we urgently need to know numbers to ensure that there is sufficient space and negotiate a favourable rate! Ribsters should note that it is imperative we recover boats and remove cars and trailers from the school Sunday evening.
Are you interested????????
This is a BIBOA organised cruise so if you want to come along then you need to join BIBOA (British Inflatable Boat Owners Association.) For more info contact Alan Winnett @ cruising.biboa.org.uk or post here.